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ESV Expository Commentary Series Collection | ESVEC (11 vols.)
Alistair I. Wilson; Allan M. Harman; Andrew David Naselli; …
Designed to strengthen the global Church with a widely accessible, theologically sound, and pastorally wise resource for understanding and applying the overarching storyline of the Bible, the ESV Expository Commentary Series features crisp and theologically rich exposition and application. Editors Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton, and Jay A. Sklar have gathered a team of experienced pastor-theologians to provide a new generation of pastors and other teachers of the Bible around the world with a globally minded commentary series rich in biblical theology and broadly Reformed doctrine, making the message of redemption found in all of Scripture clear and available to all.
Sale $435.99
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The Bible Speaks Today | BST (55 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Bruce Milne; …
The Bible Speaks Today (BST) commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
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The Bible Speaks Today | BST: Old Testament (33 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Christopher J. H. Wright; …
The Bible Speaks Today commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
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Teaching the Bible Series (12 vols.)
Robert Fyall; Christopher Ash; David Caleb Cook; …
There are commentaries and there are books on preaching—but very few books that combine elements of both to enable the preacher or Bible teacher to prepare a series on specific sections of Scripture. This series gives the Bible teacher suitable tools to understand the context of biblical books, doctrinal themes, methods of interpretation, key interpretation points, and how to communicate that message clearly. While very useful for preachers, this collection is also aimed at equipping small group study leaders, youth workers, and other Bible teachers. The books are purposefully practical.
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Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job (New Studies in Biblical Theology, vol. 12 | NSBT)
Robert Fyall
“Now my eyes have seen you” (Job 42:5). Few biblical texts are more daunting, and yet more fascinating, than the book of Job—and few have been the subject of such diverse interpretation. For Robert Fyall, the mystery of God’s ways and the appalling evil and suffering in the world are at the heart of Job’s significant contribution to the canon of Scripture. He offers a holistic reading of Job, with particular reference to its depiction of creation and evil, and finds significant clues to its meaning in the striking imagery it uses. He takes seriously the literary and artistic integrity of the book of Job, as well as its theological profundity. He concludes that it is not so much about suffering per se as about creation, providence, and knowing God, and how—in the crucible of suffering—these are to be understood. He encourages us to listen to this remarkable literature, to be moved by it, and to see its progress from shrieking protest to repentance and vision.
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Isaiah–Ezekiel (ESV Expository Commentary, Vol. 6 | ESVEC)
Robert Fyall; Iain M. Duguid; Jonathan Gibson; …
Designed to strengthen the global church with a widely accessible, theologically sound, and pastorally wise resource for understanding and applying the overarching storyline of the Bible, the ESV Expository Commentary features the full text of the ESV Bible passage by passage, with crisp and theologically rich exposition and application. Editors Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton Jr., and Jay Sklar have gathered a team of experienced pastor-theologians to provide a new generation of pastors and other teachers of the Bible around the world with a globally minded commentary rich in biblical theology and broadly Reformed doctrine, making the message of redemption found in all of Scripture clear and available to all.
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Teaching the Bible Series (36 vols.)
Robert Fyall; Christopher Ash; David Caleb Cook; …
This series is designed to help the pastor/preacher, a small group leader or a youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application. There are also books that look at teaching key Biblical themes such the Holy Spirit and Eschatology. They are all geared to teach you the truth of Scripture. This series is published in conjunction with PT Resources whose aim is to encourage ministry that seeks above all to expound the Bible as God’s Word for today.
Sale $288.99
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The Message of Ezra and Haggai (The Bible Speaks Today | BST)
Robert Fyall
With its emphasis on the Torah, the story of Ezra is linked with the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their identity as the people of God. While Ezra prays for changed hearts and the forgiveness of sin, he looks forward to the Messiah and the fulfillment of all God’s promises. Haggai is pressed into service to offer a prophetic voice to the crisis detailed in Ezra. To those Israelites who returned from exile to Jerusalem and faced an external opposition to the rebuilding of the temple, he encourages a relucatant people to give to an ailing fabric fund while reminding them of the Mosaic legacy and the Messianic promise. Robert Fyall highlights the contemporary parallels of the challenges Israel faced to those of today’s church, and demonstrates the relevance of the books of Ezra and Haggai for God’s people in all times. While Ezra is rarely, if ever, preached on and Haggai gets an even shorter consideration, the message of these books—the need for obedience to...
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Logos 6 Reformed Silver Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including advanced reference works and original language materials.
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Teaching Amos: Unlocking the Prophecy of Amos for the Bible Teacher (Teaching the Bible)
Robert Fyall
Having first outlined a number of possible approaches to constructing a series of sermons or talks on Amos, Fyall unlocks the text based on a suggested structure of nine sermons or talks. Individual chapters are specifically geared towards working from text to sermon, combining rigorous ex...
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Daniel: Tale of Two Cities
Robert Fyall
For each section of the Bible, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries summarize the passage of Scripture, including the intentions of the authors, the historical and cultural environment, and the questions and issues raised by a particular passage. But most importantly, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries brings you into the heart of the Bible, by explaining Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living.
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Biblical Theology Collection (187 Resources)
The Biblical Theology Collection gives you everything you need for diving deep into the Bible most important theological topics. Taking a text-centric approach rather than working with broad theological systems, these volumes give contextualized insight into the contemporary significance of the Biblical text. With a wide variety of experts in theology and biblical studies, you will be able to jump start the effectiveness of your Factbook, Passage Guide, and Theology Guide with these 187 resources.
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Focus on the Bible Series Collection | FB (46 vols.)
Allan M. Harman; B. Dale Ellenburg; Robert Fyall; …
This collection includes the current editions from the Focus on the Bible series and are packed with contributions by top evangelical scholars and pastors, and are designed to be readable for ordinary Christians, reliable for in-depth study of the Bible, and relevant for daily Christian life.
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Christian Focus Commentaries and Guides (31 vols.)
Allan M. Harman; Robert Fyall; Charles Price; …
The Focus on the Bible Commentary series is practical and insightful with contributions by top evangelical scholars and pastors, and are designed to be readable for ordinary Christians, reliable for in-depth study of the Bible, and relevant for daily Christian life. Discover not only what the music of the Psalms, the plight of Job, the story of Jesus, and the spread of the New Testament church meant then, but what these stories—and the whole of Scripture—means today!
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New Studies in Biblical Theology Series Collection | NSBT (53 vols.)
Learn about the individual and often challenging themes interwoven across the Bible through biblical theology. The New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT) series helps you carefully and sensitively address key issues in a clear biblical theology approach. By simultaneously instructing and edifying, interacting with current scholarship, the NSBT points the way forward. Drawing from well-respected biblical scholars such as D.A. Carson, Craig L. Blomberg, and G.K. Beale, this series represents the elite in biblical theology.
Sale $846.99
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Teaching Daniel: From Text to Message (Teaching the Bible)
Robert Fyall; Robin Sydserff
This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing Teaching the Bible Series, is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you’re a leader of a small group, preacher or a youth worker, it will help you to communicate the message of Daniel.
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Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Upgrade (9 vols.)
Robert Fyall; Christopher Ash; Adrian Reynolds; …
The Teaching the Bible Series from Christian Focus Publishing is designed to help the pastor, preacher, small group leader, or youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application. They are all geared to teach you the truth of Scripture.
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IVP聖經信息系列 (53本) IVP The Bible Speaks Today (53 Vols.)
「IVP聖經信息系列(The Bible Speaks Today | BST)」是當代英美福音派名家對於聖經每一卷書的通俗闡釋,來幫助牧者和信徒精確掌握書卷信息重點。本系列為新舊約中文版全集,共53冊。 本系列特色有三:正確解釋經文、應用於當代處境及易讀易懂。重點放在經文的重點歸納,以及這些重點對於時代的意義。本系列仍然是逐節注釋,精簡技術細節,來突出書卷對於當代的信息,也就是解經式講道法(Expository Preaching)裡所說的 「應用」部分。 本系列英文版由IVP出版,推出以來銷售過百萬冊。中文版由校園書房出版,Logos 版本則專爲聖經研究和講道目的所製作。
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Teaching 1 Kings: From Text to Message (Teaching the Bible)
Robert Fyall
1 Kings begins with the last days of David, continues with the glorious days of Solomon’s reign but then disobedience and decline resulting in a divided kingdom and idolatry. Elijah and Elisha confront the evil perpetrated by the kings and they point people to the one true God. This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing Teaching the Bible Series, is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you’re a leade...
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Christian Focus Bible Introductions (8 vols.)
Robert Fyall; Christopher Ash; David Caleb Cook; …
The Christian Focus A Book for Today series provides convenient and accessible resources for pastors, and lay leaders for bible study and teaching. Designed to accompany the Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Series, these introductions provide essential information about the bible books for anyone to get started in bible study.
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2025 Reformed Gold
The Reformed Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including ESV Expository Commentary Series Collection | ESVEC (11 vols.), Opening Up Commentary Series (47 vols.), Reformed Expository Bible Studies | REBS (15 vols.), alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
Sale $849.99
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ESV Expository Commentary | ESVEC: Old Testament (6 vols.)
Allan M. Harman; August Konkel; Robert Fyall; …
Designed to strengthen the global church with a widely accessible, theologically sound, and pastorally wise resource for understanding and applying the overarching storyline of the Bible, the ESV Expository Commentary features crisp and theologically rich exposition and application. This collection covers six of the seven planned Old Testament volumes.
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2025 Reformed Platinum
The Reformed Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 1100 resources, the Reformed Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Reformed Expository Commentary Series | REC (38 vols.), Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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Teaching Jeremiah: From Text to Message (Teaching the Text)
Robert Fyall
Jeremiah was called as a prophet to warn Israel that their rebellious hearts and rejection of God and his ways would lead to judgement. His prophecies of Babylonian exile and the destruction of the temple come to pass, but in among the bad news, he also brings the promise of hope – that God’s people will return to the land, that God will send his Messiah, and that all nations will one day acknowledge Israel’s God. Bob Fyall’s valuable addition to the Teaching series will help preachers and Bible study leaders to work through this Major Prophet and see the faithfulness of God in the face of the faithlessness of his people.
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Bible Speaks Today: Commentaries and Themes (76 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Bruce Milne; …
This collection brings together the resources from the Bible Speaks Today series: Commentaries covering the whole of the Old and New Testaments Topical companion volumes covering major biblical themes The Bible Speaks Today (BST) commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Scripture, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications. The Bible Speaks Today Themes series is intended to serve as companions to the Bible Speaks Today commentaries, highlighting the message of key biblical texts in support of various facets of Christian belief. Rooted in Christian heritage and conversant with contemporary culture, this series provides a rich resource for preaching, teaching and spiritual growth. This is a growing series and not yet...
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Biblical Theology Collection (137 resources)
The Biblical Theology Collection gives you a wide selection diving deep into the Bible most important theological topics. Taking a text-centric approach rather than working with broad theological systems, these volumes give contextualized insight into the contemporary significance of the Biblical text. With a wide variety of experts in theology and biblical studies, you will be able to jump start the effectiveness of your Passage Guide with these 137 resources.
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Logos 6 Reformed Gold Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Reformed Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library commentaries, theological dictionaries, and other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
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2025 Reformed Portfolio
The Reformed Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Portfolio Library takes everything in the Reformed Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Reformed Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (47 vols.), Barth’s Church Dogmatics (31 vols.), The Works of Jonathan Edwards (41 vols.), Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC (17 vols.), and many more. The Reformed Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Teaching 2 Kings: From Text to Message (Teaching the Bible)
Robert Fyall
2 Kings begins with the succession of Elijah by Elisha and flows largely downward right up to the exile of Judah in Babylon. Amidst the numerous kings and serious failings there are always the vital signs that the true God is still on the throne and working out his purposes in his people and beyond. Like many other books containing Old Testament narrative, 1 and 2 Kings are both well–known and obscure. Certain stories are very familiar, others seldom preached or taught. It is our hope that this book will greatly help many people dig deeply into this epic narrative and serve people well by teaching it faithfully, relevantly and thoroughly.
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IVP UK Ultimate Bundle (220 vols.)
For over 80 years, IVP UK has published valuable resources for Bible study at both the popular and academic level. This impressive bundle brings together some of its most-respected series, including The Bible Speaks Today Commentary series and N.T. Wright’s For Everyone series, and the Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentaries. Get scholarly practical guidance on biblical theology with the New Studies in Biblical Theology series, as well, as insights from some of the leading preachers and bible scholars of the English-speaking world, such as John Stott, Greg. K. Beale, Derek Kidner, Tremper Longman III, and D.A. Carson.
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