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Messianic Jewish Publishers Collection (22 vols.)
Barry Rubin; Dan Cohn-Sherbok; Daniel C. Juster; …
This collection offers an extensive assortment of resources for anyone interested in this extraordinary movement. These 22 volumes canvas a wide spectrum of issues related to the Messianic Jewish movement—everything from the practical aspects of the Messianic Jew’s daily walk, to historical analysis, to more general theological concerns.
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Creation to Completion: A Guide to Life's Journey from the Five Books of Moses
Russell Resnik
Have you ever wondered if the Pentateuch­ - the Five Books of Moses - ­is relevant to your life? Do you think the Law, the Torah, has been relegated to a relic from another era? How do the commandments, given to the Jewish people, contribute to society today? In Creation to Completion, Russell Resnik answers these questions, offering insight into the Torah. He shows that the Creator still desires his creatures to participate in bringing the Creation to completion. After each commentary, he presents a challenging thought "For the Journey."
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Messianic Jewish Publishers Library Expansion Bundle (31 vols.)
Barbara D. Malda; Barney Kasdan; Barry Rubin; …
Explore the history, faith and worldview of Messianic Jews. Journey through the Hebrew calendar and biblical feasts as they are put in their rightful context, and experience the fight of overseas Messianic Jews to return to the Jewish homeland. Study topics including the Jewish background of baptism, redemption and early worship services, as well as the historical background, modern-day customs, and the deep meaning of Hanukkah for all of God’s people.
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Besorah: The Resurrection of Jerusalem and the Healing of a Fractured Gospel
Russell Resnik; Mark S. Kinzer
The gospel of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth has healed countless lives over the centuries, but the gospel itself has been wounded through neglect of one of its main components. The books of Luke and Acts reveal that the death and resurrection of Jesus are linked inextricably to the destruction and promised restoration of Jerusalem, the city that personifies the Jewish people as a whole. To highlight this expanded understanding of the gospel, Mark Kinzer and Russ Resnik…
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2025 Messianic Jewish Silver
The Messianic Jewish Silver Library makes Bible study simple and fast by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. It comes with over 150 books, with advanced reference works for understanding the biblical context of Ariel’s Bible Commentary (3 vols.).
Sale $349.99
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Gateways to Torah: Joining the Ancient Conversation on the Weekly Portion
Russell Resnik
From before the days of Messiah until today, Jewish people have read from and discussed a prescribed portion of the Pentateuch each week. Now, Russ Resnik, a Messianic Jewish rabbi, has added his voice to the ancient conversation about the Torah. With reference to and respect for the rabbis who have already contributed to this conversation, he brings another perspective on the Torah, that of a Messianic Jew, a Jew who follows Messiah Yeshua.
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2025 Messianic Jewish Gold
The Messianic Jewish Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Messianic Jewish Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), International Critical Commentary | ICC (68 vols.), Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash (3 vols.), alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
Sale $849.99
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2025 Messianic Jewish Portfolio
The Messianic Jewish Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio Library takes everything in the Messianic Jewish Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.), Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC (94 vols.), IVP Pocket Reference Series (15 vols.), and many more. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Messianic Jewish Publishers Collection (66 vols.)
Barbara D. Malda; Barney Kasdan; Barry Rubin; …
This collection offers an extensive assortment of resources for anyone interested in this extraordinary movement. These 66 volumes canvas a wide spectrum of issues related to the Messianic Jewish movement—everything from the practical aspects of the Messianic Jew’s daily walk and spiritual formation, to biblical commentaries and historical analysis, to more general theological concerns.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Divine Reversal: The Transforming Ethics of Jesus
Russell Resnik
In the Old Testament, God often reversed the plans of man. Yeshua’s ethics continue this theme. Following his path transforms your life from within, revealing the source of true happiness, forgiveness, reconciliation, fidelity and love.
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2025 Messianic Jewish Platinum
The Messianic Jewish Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Messianic Jewish Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 880 resources, the Messianic Jewish Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as Dictionary of Classical Hebrew | DCH (9 vols.), The Preacher's Commentary Series | TPC (35 vols.), The Preacher's Commentary Series | TPC (35 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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2025 Messianic Jewish Diamond
The Messianic Jewish Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Lutheran Diamond Library takes everything in the Lutheran Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), Popular Patristics Series Collection (58 vols.), The Preacher's Commentary Series | TPC (35 vols.), and Spectrum Multiview Book Series (27 vols.). With over 1675 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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