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Goodly Heritage Library, Shelves 1–3 (42 vols.)
Amos Russel Wells; Andrew Murray; Benjamin Franklin; …
We are pleased to announce the availability of the Goodly Heritage Library - Shelf One, Two and Three from one of our publishing partners, Galaxie Software. The desire of the Goodly Heritage Library Series is to provide a wide collection of books, some of which may be unfamiliar, but will bless the hearts of the user. The wide range includes history books, reference books, literature, as well as books on Bible Study, Commentaries, and Devotionals.
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Serious Christian, vols. 1–20
Christopher Knapp; F. W. Grant; Hamilton Smith; …
The Serious Christian Volumes 1–20 is a collection of 62 classic books (thousands and thousands of pages) by the founders and noteworthies of the Plymouth Brethren and Dispensational movements.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Job Upgrade (17 vols.)
Andrew B. Davidson; Arthur Peake; Ethelbert W. Bullinger; …
This collection features some of the best commentaries, studies, sermons, and lectures on Job from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It includes over 4,500 pages of interpretation, outlines, historical context, and practical application—perfect for your sermon preparation, personal Bible study, or academic work. Countless biblical scholars have labored to capture the vivid metaphors and sophisticated poetry of the original Hebrew. This collection includes original translations, some of which are set to rhyme and meter. The many versions and copious textual notes provide the tools you need to get a better sense of any passage’s meaning. Plus, this collection includes authors utilizing a variety of methods from across the theological spectrum, making your study thorough and well-rounded.
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Gleanings from Ruth
Samuel Ridout
These pages are but “gleanings” in a field whose golden grain is offered to us with a largeness of heart and a freedom of which that of Boaz was but a type. That they may stir to fresh zeal in the searching of Scripture which will be most richly rewarded, is the prayer of the writer.
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How to Study the Bible
Samuel Ridout
How to Study the Bible.
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Goodly Heritage Library: Shelf One
Alice Mary Hodgkin; Benjamin Franklin; Billy Sunday; …
The desire of the Goodly Heritage Library Series is to provide a wide collection of books, some of which may be unfamiliar, but will bless the hearts of the user. The wide range includes history books, reference books, literature, as well as books on Bible Study, Commentaries, and Devotionals.
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King Saul: The Man After the Flesh
Samuel Ridout
Author Samuel Ridout looks expounds on 1 Samuel and King Saul's fall from greatness. (294 pages)
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The Bible: The True University
Samuel Ridout
The Bible - The True University.
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Complete Classic Commentary Collection
With thousands of scholarly commentaries covering every book of the Bible, the Complete Classic Commentaries Collection is a timeless trove of more than 1,600 expositions, analyses, and illustrations. This massive bundle is comprised of classic commentaries Logos has released separately in the past. Build your library or complement the resources you already own with these classic works in Logos’ advanced digital format.
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The Book of Job
Samuel Ridout
Christians find great spiritual refreshment in the pages of the New Testament, but Samuel Ridout says the same rejuvenating streams flow from the book of Job—we just have to know how to find them. In this commentary, he maps out the tributaries of grace that course through the book, guiding Christians to discover how Job’s thirst for justice was only quenched by the mercy of God.
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