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Faith That Matters: 365 Devotions from Classic Christian Leaders
A. W. Tozer; Brennan Manning; Dallas Willard; …
Together for the first time in one devotional, experience daily readings from such bestselling and respected voices as Frederick Buechner, Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen, Eugene Peterson, James Bryan Smith, A. W. Tozer, Dallas Willard, and N. T. Wright. Faith That Matters was designed to help you confidently walk in faith every day of the year.
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All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir
Brennan Manning; John Blase
It has been over twenty years since the publication of The Ragamuffin Gospel, a book many claim as the shattering of God’s grace into their lives. Since that time, Brennan Manning has been dazzingly faithful in preaching and writing variations on that singular theme – “Yes, Abba is very fond of you!” But today the crowds are gone and the lights are dim, the patches on his knees have faded. If he ever was a ragamuffin, truly it is now. In this his final book, Brennan roves back his past, honoring…
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A Fragile Stone: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter
Brennan Manning; Michael Card
Winner of a Chicago Book Clinic Design Award
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The Furious Longing of God
Brennan Manning
Imagine a stormy day at sea, your ship yielding to a relentless wind, pummeled by crashing waves, subject to the awesome force of nature. A force that is both fierce and majestic. A power that is nothing short of furious.
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Ragamuffin Gospel (audio)
Brennan Manning
Many believers feel stunted in their Christian growth. We beat ourselves up over our failures and, in the process, pull away from God because we subconsciously believe He tallies our defects and hangs his head in disappointment.
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Verbum 10 Platina (Português)
Pesquisa acadêmica teológica e estudos bíblicos aprofundados resumem o objetivo da construção do Pacote Verbum 10 Platina. Se você é um professor ou pesquisador acadêmico da teologia, esse pacote foi desenhado para você! Com os recursos que ele contém, é possível preparar aulas, comunicações científicas, dissertação de mestrado e, até mesmo, tese de doutorado. No Verbum 10 Platina estão presentes todas as funcionalidades e mais de 600 livros de altíssimo nível acadêmico para pesquisas teológicas mais avançadas. Neste pacote, você encontra diversos clássicos da Box - 50 anos de teologias da libertação, The Catholic Encyclopedia (16 vols.), Catecismo de la Suma Teológica, A Catholic Dictionary e muito mais.
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Patched Together: A Story of My Story
Brennan Manning
"Patched Together is a very special story to me. It is, in many ways, my story..." These words begin this rich story from Brennan Manning, the beloved author of The Ragamuffin Gospel. Follow the character Willie Juan, a lonely boy who finds belonging in the eyes of the mysterious Man of Sorrows, through three distinct seasons of his life: morning, noon, and night. Each season is filled with memorable characters, significant wounds, and lingering questions. More than a charming tale, Patched…
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Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging
Brennan Manning; Jon Foreman
Are you struggling to accept God’s love? We’ve bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. But when life begins to fall through the cracks and things become less-than-perfect, we scramble to present a good front to the world―and to God. God longs for us to deeply believe and know that He loves us and accepts us as we are. He calls for us to remove our masks and establish honest, deep, and trusting relationships with Him. When we are our true selves,…
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The Rabbi's Heartbeat
Brennan Manning
As Abba’s children, we need only to define ourselves through His Son, just as the apostle John did—as one beloved by God. Through this timeless devotional, author and speaker Brennan Manning brings you from a lukewarm, distant faith to being close enough to lean against Jesus—the Great Rabbi—and listen to His heartbeat. Adapted from the best-seller Abba’s Child, this daily reminder of the Father’s relentless love will help you accept your identity as a child of God as you grow in spiritual for
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The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus
Brennan Manning; Larry Crabb
Is God a wrathful judge? A gentle healer? A father? Brother? Friend? In The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, Brennan Manning brings you to a deeper understanding of the true nature of God. Through poignant and unforgettable stories and challenging observations, Manning helps you stretch your mind and reject simplistic explanations of who God really is. With rich insights you'll see how God can at once be a roaring lion, pacing the globe and seeking you out; and simultaneously a tender lamb, there…
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Audiobook Christian Living and Spirituality Collection (11 vols.)
Andy Stanley; Beth Moore; Brennan Manning; …
Discover hours of audio resources for enriching your Christian walk with the Christian Living and Spirituality Audiobook Collection. Trusted Christian counselors such as Jerry Bridges, Beth Moore, and Charles Stanley apply the timeless wisdom of Scripture to issues of suffering, apathy, and living a life abandoned to God’s purpose in the twenty-first century. Featuring contemporary authors who have impacted millions of Christians around the globe, these audiobooks add spiritual significance to your commute, time at the gym, and work around the house. Audiobooks add a new dimension to your digital library. When you listen in Logos, your audiobooks sync across devices—pause a book anytime on your home computer, then pick up where you left off in your car or on your laptop. Listen on your lunch breaks, as a family, or as part of your personal devotional time. Tap into the power of Logos Bible Software in a whole new way.
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Verbum 10 Prata (Português)
Você costuma pregar a Palavra de Deus em grupos de oração, celebrações da Palavra ou Missas? O Verbum 10 Prata foi especialmente criado para você que quer conhecer mais a Palavra de Deus, ter acesso rápido e profundo a temas, lugares, História da Igreja, materiais sobre as línguas originais, livros escolhidos para aqueles que são pregadores da Palavra mesmo que você não tenha feito um curso de teologia. E se o seu foco não é a Pregação, mas, o ensino, esse pacote também foi pensado em você! Sempre que estamos estudando, pesquisando e/ou preparando uma pregação ou homilia, lembramos de alguma citação de outros autores e então temos que ficar pesquisando de quem é a frase. Agora é possível pesquisar isso diretamente no Construtor de Homilia, com um clique a aba de pesquisa fica disponível e aí ao encontrar é só clicar e arrastar para dentro do seu estudo ou homilia. Fácil, rápido e ágil!
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Breaking the Rules: Trading Performance for Intimacy with God
Brennan Manning; Fil Anderson
After years of living with a set of religious demands that he could never live up to, Fil Anderson found himself spiritually bankrupt and emotionally drained. Following a crash-and-burn in professional ministry, he experienced relief in learning to be with God rather than doing for God. Instead of desperation, he found healing, and a rich new life with God.In Breaking the Rules, Fil invites us to explore what happens when good religion turns bad. At such times we are weighed down with expectations of what it takes to be "right with God"--whether it is the expectations of others, holding up under pressure, fixing what's wrong or accomplishing big things for God.When we set aside this false agenda, we find the courage to confess our fears and insecurities. We taste the depths of God's love for us. Here is an opportunity to quit trusting in your own ability to live for God, and simply trust in God instead.
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Posers, Fakers, and Wannabes: Unmasking the Real You
Brennan Manning; James Hancock
Be who God made you to be. Adapted for teens and students from Brennan Manning’s best-seller Abba’s Child, this book will help you see how God’s grace sets us free to be who we really are. No more games, no acts, no masks. Discover your identity in Christ and be set free.
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The Prodigal: A Ragamuffin Story
Brennan Manning; Greg Garrett
From the inspirational author of The Ragamuffin Gospel comes a powerful contemporary retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
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Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging (audio)
Brennan Manning
Many Christians have bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. If our families are happy or our jobs are meaningful, life is a success. Yet when life begins to fall apart and embarrassing sins threaten to reveal our less-than-perfect identity, we scramble to keep up a good front to present to the world—and to God. We cower and hide until we can rearrange the mask of perfection and look good again. Sadly, it is then that we wonder why we lack intimate relationships and a passionate faith.
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Verbum 10 Ouro (Português)
Valor dos recursos incluídos, são mais de US$8.900 (Oito mil e novecentos dólares) A Biblioteca do Verbum 10 Ouro possui mais de 400 livros como Comentarios a la nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (20 vols.), Introdução à sintaxe do hebraico bíblico, Nestle-Aland 28th Edition Greek New Testament (NA28), Dicionário Teológico do Novo Testamento e muito mais. O Conjunto de Funcionalidades do Verbum 10 Ouro é completo, são mais de 500 funcionalidades! Todas as funcionalidades em português estão disponíveis neste pacote, e entre as novidades temos: Abordagens Literárias da Bíblia, Ontologia Gramática Hebraica, Abordagens Sociais e Históricas da Bíblia, Léxico Analítico para o Novo Testamento Grego da Lexham e Guia de Tópicos Teológicos, além de todos os destaques já mencionados anteriormente como, Construtor e Gerenciador de Sermão, Ferramenta de Catalogação de Biblioteca Impressa, Tradução Automática (Desktop, Web e App), Abordagens sociais e históricas da Bíblia, Importação de Sermões...
Smack Dab in the Middle of God's Love
Brennan Manning; John D Blasé
Willie Juan said, “Little friends, what is one thing you think Abba will ask you someday when you are in heaven?”
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All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir (audio)
Brennan Manning; John Blase
It has been over twenty years since the publication of The Ragamuffin Gospel, a book many claim as the shattering of God’s grace into their lives. Since that time, Brennan Manning has been dazzingly faithful in preaching and writing variations on that singular theme, “Yes, Abba is very fond of you!” But today the crowds are gone and the lights are dim, the patches on his knees have faded. If he ever was a ragamuffin, truly it is now.
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Verbum 10 Essencial (Português)
Se você ama estudar a Escritura, muito possivelmente, faz anotações, rabiscando em algum canto da Bíblia para não perder aquele insight; ou, às vezes, leva aquele caderninho para escrever tudo o que é importante durante uma pregação, estudo bíblico ou reunião com o pequeno grupo. Com o Verbum 10 Essencial, você pode fazer suas anotações diretamente em sua Bíblia, e tê-las disponíveis em qualquer hora e lugar, porque o Verbum pode ser usado em celulares, tablets e desktops e, também, na versão online. Assim, tudo fica organizado por temas e datas; podendo até usar cores para visualizar de maneira mais rápida tudo o que anotou. Nós sabemos que todo amante das Escrituras gostaria de saber mais sobre as línguas originais. Com o Verbum 10 Essencial, você tem essa possibilidade com a Bíblia Interlinear Reversa! Quer estudar aquela passagem e saber como ela foi escrita no hebraico, aramaico ou grego e pesquisar sobre cada palavra individualmente? Tudo isso é possível com o Verbum...
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Verbum 10 Bronze (Português)
Você quer saber mais sobre uma passagem bíblica? Você quer ter a possibilidade de responder perguntas como: qual é o contexto da época em que ela foi escrita? Quem a escreveu? Se sim, saiba: o Pacote do Verbum 10 Bronze foi pensado para você! Somos curiosos por natureza, por isso queremos aprofundar nossos estudos bíblicos e, pensando nisso, temos uma nova funcionalidade no Verbum 10: Hoje na História da Igreja. Mas o que você pode pesquisar com ela? O que essa ferramenta te revelará? Ela vai te mostrar, numa linha do tempo, os principais acontecimentos da História da Igreja, de forma fácil para aprofundar seus estudos e até criar perguntas e respostas para aquela aula ou catequese.
The Ragamuffin Gospel (audio)
Brennan Manning
Many believers feel stunted in their Christian growth. We beat ourselves up over our failures and, in the process, pull away from God because we subconsciously believe He tallies our defects and hangs His head in disappointment. In this newly repackaged edition-now with full appendix, study questions, and the author’s own epilogue, “Ragamuffin Ten Years Later,” Brennan Manning reminds us that nothing could be further from the truth. The Father beckons us to Himself with a “furious love” that bur...
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O anseio furioso de Deus
Brennan Manning
O anseio de Deus por você é maior e mais forte que qualquer elemento impulsionador da pior catástrofe que consiga imaginar. Ele não descansa enquanto não o encontra, esteja onde e como estiver, ele o traz de volta, para o seu afável cuidado. Você é o que o Pai tem de mais precioso. Aprender a viver nesse amor e confiar em Deus é o convite que Brennan Manning nos faz, com seu toque peculiar, em O anseio furioso de Deus. Uma obra inspiradora que fala sobre um relacionamento profundo com o Criador, alicerçado no amor com o qual ele ama o homem e que o fez entregar seu único filho – Jesus Cristo – para a morte na cruz. Conhecê-lo verdadeiramente nos leva a um novo patamar de confiança, regozijo e paz em nossa jornada espiritual.
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Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging (audio)
Brennan Manning
Many Christians have bought into the lie that we are worthy of God’s love only when our lives are going well. If our families are happy or our jobs are meaningful, life is a success. // Yet when life begins to fall apart and embarrassing sins threaten to reveal our less-than-perfect identity, we scramble to keep up a good front to present to the world-and to God. We cower and hide until we can rearrange the mask of perfection and look good again. Sadly, it is then that we wonder why we lack inti...
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The Importance of Being Foolish: How To Think Like Jesus
Brennan Manning
In the eyes of the world, Jesus was a fool. He did not abide by the rules of his day; the people he associated with were shunned by society; his Sermon on the Mount reads likea primer on being left behind, stepped on, and ignored. In order for us to truly be the people Jesus wants us to be, we too must learn to become "foolish."
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A Glimpse of Jesus: The Stranger to Self-Hatred
Brennan Manning
Beloved Christian writer Brennan Manning has long been illuminating the transforming power of God's constant love for us in his bestselling books. Now he identifies self–hatred as the reason that so many of us seem unable to accept this incredible, unchanging love. By clearly examining and understanding Jesus' life, we can put self–hatred behind us forever and truly be transformed in the ways God intended.
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Souvenirs of Solitude: Finding Rest in Abba’s Embrace (audio)
Brennan Manning
Beloved author and ragamuffin Brennan Manning writes: “These souvenirs of solitude are the love story of my walk with God. Revisiting the lost silences of the past, I remember and record the intimate moments when I allowed the Lord to lure me into the wilderness and speak to my heart.” This book is a series of remembrances that Brennan recorded in the late 1970s. But as with all good remembrances, they have a timeless quality and a value for readers today. Many of the themes that God has made th...
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Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven
Brennan Manning; James Bryan Smith
Experience Rich Mullins's Legacy of Joy and Real Compassion
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Rich Mullins (25th Anniversary Edition): An Arrow Pointing to Heaven (audio)
Brennan Manning; James Bryan Smith
Beloved contemporary Christian musician Rich Mullins lived his life with abandon for God, leaving the spotlight to teach music among a Navajo community. An accident cut his life short in 1997, but his songs and ragamuffin spirit continue to teach many. In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Rich’s homegoing, this edition of Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven delivers an intimate look at the experiences that sparked praise hits and the values behind his Christ-like candor. Experience...
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The Wisdom of Tenderness: What Happens When God's Firece Mercy Transforms Our Lies
Brennan Manning
A vision of how the wisdom gleaned from the essential tenderness of God’s spirit can teach us to love and trust ourselves, and thereby others.
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