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Exodus (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)
Thomas Joseph White
Exodus recounts the origins of ancient Israel, but it is also a book of religious symbols. How should it be interpreted, especially in light of modern historical-critical study? In this addition to an acclaimed series, a respected scholar offers a theological reading of Exodus that highlights Aquinas’s interpretations of the text. As with other volumes in the series, this commentary is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups. Pastors and leaders of the classical church—such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley—interpreted the Bible theologically, believing Scripture as a whole witnessed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Modern interpreters of the Bible questioned this premise. But in recent decades, a critical mass of theologians and biblical scholars has begun to reassert the priority of a theological reading of Scripture. The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to...
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The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology (Thomistic Ressourcement Series)
Thomas Joseph White
In recent years, Thomistic thought has seen a noteworthy revival, especially in the domain of systematic and historical theology. This resurgence of interest in Aquinas' thought is beginning to significantly affect the shape of academic theology as well as ecumenical theology. Yet there exists no serious study of Thomistic Christology, especially in dialogue with major themes in modern Christology. The Incarnate Lord, then, considers central themes in Christology from a metaphysical perspective. Particular attention is given to the hypostatic union, the two natures of Christ, the knowledge and obedience of Jesus, the passion and death of Christ, his descent into hell, and resurrection. A central concern of the book is to argue for the perennial importance of ontological principles of Christology inherited from patristic and scholastic authors. However, the book also seeks to advance an interpretation of Thomistic Christology in a modern context. The teaching Aquinas, then, is...
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Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible Series Collection | BTC (30 vols.)
Christopher R. Seitz; Daniel J. Treier; David L. Jeffrey; …
Pastors and leaders of the classical church—such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley—interpreted the Bible theologically, believing Scripture as a whole witnessed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Modern interpreters of the Bible questioned this premise. But in recent decades, a critical mass of theologians and biblical scholars has begun to reassert the priority of a theological reading of Scripture. The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other Orthodox Christians did for their times and places. The commentaries are designed to serve the church—through aid in preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth—and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.
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Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Protestant-Catholic Dialogue
Bruce L. McCormack; Thomas Joseph White
Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth, though separated by hundreds of years, are often taken as two of Christianity’s greatest theologians. This collection of essays undertakes a systematic comparison of them through the lens of five key topics: (1) the being of God, (2) Trinity, (3) Christology, (4) grace and justification, and (5) covenant and law. Under each of these headings, a Catholic portrait of Aquinas is presented in comparison with a Protestant portrait of Barth, with the theological places of convergence and contrast highlighted. This volume combines a deep commitment to systematic theology with an equally profound commitment to mutual engagement. Understood rightly and well, Aquinas and Barth contribute powerfully to the future of theology and to an ecumenism that takes doctrinal confession seriously while at the same time seeking unity among Christians.
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Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum
Bruce L. McCormack; Matthew Levering; Thomas Joseph White
The conversation of this book is structured around five major documents from the Second Vatican Council, each of which Barth commented upon in his short but penetrating response to the Council, published as Ad Limina Apostolorum. In the two opening essays, Thomas Joseph White reflects upon the contribution that this book seeks to make to contemporary ecumenism rooted in awareness of the value of dogmatic theology; and Matthew Levering explores the way in which Barth’s Ad Limina Apostolorum flows from his preconciliar dialogues with Catholic representatives of the nouvelle théologie and remain relevant to the issues facing Catholic theology today. The next two essays turn to Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; here Katherine Sonderegger (Protestant) reflects on scripture and Lewis Ayres (Catholic) reflects on tradition. The next two essays address the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, which touches upon central differences of Catholic and...
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Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering
Thomas Joseph White; James Keating
Does God suffer? If not, or if so, how does the mystery of God relate to the mystery of human suffering? Renowned contemporary Christian theologians ― Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox ― here discuss and debate the controversial question of God’s impassibility.
Ships 4/16/2025
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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The Life, Thought, and Works of Karl Barth (81 vols.)
Bruce L. McCormack; Christopher Green; Cornelius Van Til; …
Perhaps the twentieth century’s most influential theologian, Karl Barth cannot be overlooked. This updated collection will prove an invaluable resource for scholars examining his theological development and the perfect access point for newcomers to Barth. Examine Barth’s works on an array of subjects—from the church in wartime, to ethics, to Mozart. These shorter works offer compelling new insights for Barth enthusiasts as well as a springboard for studying the formidable Church Dogmatics which is also included with this collection.
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The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God (Thomistic Ressourcement Series)
Thomas Joseph White
The Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. What can we say about the divine nature, and what does it mean to say that God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three persons who are one in being? In this book, best selling author Thomas Joseph White, OP, examines the development of early Christian reflection on the Trinity, arguing that essential contributions of Patristic theology are preserved and expanded in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. By focusing on Aquinas’ theology of the divine nature as well as his treatment of divine personhood, White explores in depth the mystery of Trinitarian monotheism. The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God also engages with influential proposals of modern theologians on major topics such as Trinitarian creation, Incarnation and crucifixion, and presents creative engagements with these topics.
Ships 4/9/2025
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Eerdmans Theological Studies Collection (19 vols.)
Bruce L. McCormack; Hans Schwarz; James R. Edwards; …
This collection gathers bold and insightful voices in theological studies, both new and familiar. It features a robust array of resources from experts exploring topics such as the tradition of liberal theology, the reinvention liberal Christianity in the twenty-first century, theological anthropology, stewardship, and much more. With this collection, you can deepen your knowledge of central historical theologians, as these volumes dive into the thought and works of Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Karl Barth, and Søren Kierkegaard. Discover how their theology intersects and how it is interpreted by theologians today. You’ll also be able to gain theological insights into important contemporary issues such as postcolonialism; health, medicine, and disease; and the evangelical mission.
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The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas Joseph White
This introduction to Catholicism “combines scholarly depth with an engaging style to present the what and why of Catholic belief with exceptional clarity” (Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia). In The Light of Christ, Fr. Thomas Joseph White provides an accessible presentation of Catholic doctrine that is both grounded in traditional theology and engaged with contemporary concerns. Inspired by the theologies of Irenaeus, Thomas Aquinas, and John Henry Newman, Father White…
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Thomistic Ressourcement Series (18 vols.)
Matthew Levering; Reinhard Hütter; Thomas Joseph White; …
In the mid-twentieth century, a group of leading Catholic theologians—including Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Yves Congar—began a theological ressourcement, that is a “return to the sources.” Their aim was simple: to foster a spiritual renewal of the church through a return to the sources of scripture, the Early Church Fathers, and the medieval scholastics such as St. Thomas Aquinas. The Thomistic Ressourcement Series from Catholic University of America Press boldly carries this tradition into the twenty-first century. Written by some of today’s leading Thomistic scholars from around the world, these volumes tackle a wide variety of philosophical, dogmatic, and scriptural topics rooted in the writings and thought of one of the towering theological intellects of Christian history. Together, these texts provide accessible introductions on key Christian beliefs for scholars and the general reader alike.
Sale $454.99
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Thomas Aquinas Studies Collection (53 vols.)
Aidan Nichols; Aristotle; Bruce L. McCormack; …
One of the most important theologians in the history of Christianity was Thomas Aquinas. He influenced Western Christian thought and wrote prolifically on the relationship between faith and reason, the human person, and provided a brilliant synthesis of the Christian tradition through the lens of Aristotelian philosophy. He also contributed key theological and philosophical insights that defined the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
Sale $1,149.99
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Eerdmans Ultimate Collection (1,419 Resources)
The Eerdmans Ultimate Collection includes resources for study in Bible, theology, history and more. These resources come from well-received series such as Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), New International Commentary (NIC), Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC), Forms of Old Testament Literature (FOTL), New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC), among others as well as outstanding stand-alone volumes. Your studies will be enriched with titles from scholars such as D.A. Carson, Douglas Moo, Leon Morris, Joel B. Green, J. Gordon McConville, and more.
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Catholic Ecumenical Studies Collection (33 vols.)
Aidan Nichols; Bruce L. McCormack; Carl Braaten; …
The Catholic Ecumenical Studies Collection presents a comprehensive offering of monographs and Church documents that pertain to the modern Catholic ecumenical movement. Key Church documents like the Documents of Vatican II and Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical letter Ut Unum Sint combine with a broad range of monographs from prominent contemporary theologians and historians. The collection primarily tells the story of the Ecumenical Movement from the Catholic point of view, but also included are works from prominent Protestant theologians such as Dom Gregory Dix, OSB, Stanley Hauerwas, and Peter Leithart. One also finds perspective on the Catholic view of and relationship with the Orthodox churches. This is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to better understand the Catholic Church's relationship with other Christian churches and how other Christian Churches view the Catholic Church.
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Verbum 10 Diamante Bilingüe (Español-English)
Verbum 10 facilita su estudio católico al conectar toda su biblioteca de libros a un sólido conjunto de herramientas digitales. Y Verbum 10 Diamante Bilingüe ofrece una completa biblioteca de estudios católicos con más de 2300 recursos. Platino Bilingüe no solo incluye todas las herramientas de estudio que hemos creado en inglés y español, sino que también viene con cientos de comentarios. Tendrá todos los recursos que necesita para un estudio serio de las Escrituras junto con obras teológicas como The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century (44 vols.), Thomistic Ressourcement Series (18 vols) y otros recursos ideales para la preparación de homilías o estudios más avanzados de las Escrituras. Verbum 10 makes your Catholic study easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of digital tools. And Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe provides a comprehensive Catholic study library with over 2300 resources. Not only does Platino Bilingüe include every...
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2025 Verbum Researcher Diamond
Expand your academic toolkit with the Verbum Researcher Diamond Library. This package builds on the Platinum Library, offering a broader range of essential resources. Access a diverse array of commentaries, theological encyclopedias, and specialized resources that cover various aspects of biblical scholarship and theological studies.
Sale $2,999.99
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Baker Ultimate Collection 2022 (1,487 Resources)
This far reaching collection includes many of the premiere resources available for biblical study, theology, ministry, history, and more. These resources from Baker Publishing Group feature stand alone volumes as well as dedicated series, with contributions from leading scholars such as Douglas Moo, D.A. Carson, Darrell Bock, Peter Leithart, Thomas Schreiner, and many more. With these resources from trusted guides you will discover new and challenging insights as you dig even deeper in your studies.
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Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe (Español-English)
Verbum 10 facilita su estudio católico al conectar toda su biblioteca de libros a un sólido conjunto de herramientas digitales. Y Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe ofrece una completa biblioteca de estudios católicos con más de 1400 recursos. Oro Bilingüe no solo incluye todas las herramientas de estudio que hemos creado en inglés y español, sino que también viene con cientos de comentarios. Tendrá todos los recursos que necesita para un estudio serio de las Escrituras junto con obras teológicas como Sacra Doctrina Collection (7 vols.), The Bible in Medieval Tradition Series Collection | BMT (5 vols.) y otros recursos ideales para la preparación de homilías o estudios más avanzados de las Escrituras. Verbum 10 makes your Catholic study easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of digital tools. And Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe provides a comprehensive Catholic study library with over 1400 resources...