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Great Books of the Western World (60 vols.)
The makers of Encyclopaedia Britannica bring you the Great Books of the Western World. Comprising 60 volumes containing 517 works written by 130 authors, these texts capture the major ideas, stories, and discoveries that shaped Western culture.
Sale $374.99
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The Harvard Classics and Fiction Collection (71 vols.)
Journey through Harvard University president Charles Eliot’s “five-foot shelf” of classics. This collection, first published in the early 1900s, remains one of the most comprehensive and well-researched anthologies of all time. Making good on earlier claims that he could fit the elements of a liberal education on a five-foot shelf, Eliot gathered this collection of key works, together with English professor William Neilson—who selected editions and wrote introductions. The massive collection covers major literary figures, philosophers, theologians, folklore, and historical subjects through the end of the nineteenth century. Originally published as a 51-volume collection of classics, the rise of modernism prompted Dr. Eliot to create an additional 20-volume collection of fiction—“The Shelf of Fiction”—to supplement his first collection. These two collections come together to create The Harvard Classics and Fiction Collection (71 vols.). Among...
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Stoics of the Roman Era Collection (18 vols.)
Marcus Aurelius; Epictetus; Seneca
The Stoics of the Roman Era Collection contains essays and other writings of several prominent philosophers from the time of Nero’s reign until the rule of Marcus Aurelius. In the first couple centuries following the birth of Christ, numerous philosophers wrestled with the philosophies of human morality, ethics, happy life, forgiveness, and emotional and spiritual trials. Seneca’s collection of essays (Ad Lucillium Epistulae Morales vol. 1–3 and Moral Essays, vol. 1-3) discusses the philosophical approach to happiness and satisfaction, exploring specific topics such as wealth, anger, leisure, and tranquility.
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Greek Classics Research Library (110 vols. plus Perseus Greek Classics)
Enhance your scholarship of the classical Greek tradition with over 100 volumes of Logos’ intelligent texts, plus Perseus Greek Classics. Ancient texts, translations, grammars, and more—Logos’ Greek Classics Research Library enriches your study.
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Library of Early English History (25,368 docs.)
Enrich your study of early English history with over 25,000 historical documents and literary works. Spanning from the first works mass produced in English to the end of the seventeenth century, this collection provides insight into sixteenth and seventeenth century English literature, politics, and culture.
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The Harvard Classics, vol. 2: Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius
Charles William Eliot; Marcus Aurelius; Plato; …
Journey through the classics on “Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf.” This massive collection, designed to provide the elements of a liberal education, was compiled by distinguished Harvard University president Charles Eliot in the early 1900s. Packed with the essential works of the Western classical tradition, the Harvard Classics collection remains one of the most comprehensive and well-researched anthologies of all time—a must-have library for students and lovers of the classics. In the second volume of the Harvard Classics you’ll find works of Greek philosophers Plato and Epictetus, and of the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius.
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The Way Things Are; The Discourses Of; The Meditations Of; The Six Enneads
Lucretius; Marcus Aurelius; Epictetus; …
The makers of Encyclopædia Britannica bring you one of the Great Books of the Western World. This text captures major ideas, stories, and discoveries that helped shape Western culture.
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Homeschool Starter Bundle
Teach and train the next generation with this library of resources devoted to helping young people become better grounded in Scripture and the classics. Build on the foundation laid by those who came before using digital tools that enhance the great deposit of the past.
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Perseus Classics Collection (1,114 vols.)
The Perseus Classics Collection (1,114 vols.) contains works from classical Greek and Roman authors. This massive collection includes important Greek and Latin classics in their original languages; some works have an English translation. Greek and Latin grammars and commentaries are also included.
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The Discourses as Reported by Arrian, Books I–IV: Greek Text
This resource contains the original Greek text of Epictetus’ Discourses.
The Discourses as Reported by Arrian, Books I–IV: English Text
This resource contains W. A. Oldfather’s Englilsh translation of Epictetus’ Discourses.