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Islamic Studies Collection (34 vols.)
George Bush; Henry Preserved Smith; Thomas Hughes; …
With over 1.5 billion followers worldwide, Islam is the second-largest and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. As an aid for comparative religion studies, the Islamic Studies Collection brings together 34-volumes that provide an extensive background on the Islamic faith, its founder and prophet Muhhamad, and its relation to the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Christianity.
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Apologetics and World Religions Library Expansion, L
Engage some of history’s greatest theological questions regarding creation, science, the problem of evil, natural law, and more. From defending your faith to exploring some of the greatest philosophical problems in history, this bundle offers the answers you need for today’s skeptical world.
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The Apology of Al Kindy, Written at the Court of Al Mâmûn, (A.H. 215; A.D. 830) in Defence of Christianity against Islam
William Muir
William Muir provides an English translation of Al Kindy’s Christian apology, purportedly written around 830 A. D. Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, known as Al-Kindi, was an Arab born from a noble family in the plains of Chaldea. Written in dialogue form between a Christian and a Muslim, the apology brings attention to perceived flaws in the Islamic faith and argues in favor of Christianity.
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The Corân: Its Composition and Teaching; and the Testimony It Bears to the Holy Scriptures
William Muir
This volume by William Muir provides a comprehensive yet accessible study of the Qur’an. Divided into two parts, the first explores the contents and teachings of the Qur’an; the second part focuses on the Qur’an’s connection to and impact on the Bible. Muir has brought together 131 passages, giving the Arabic and the English translation of the same, to show the testimony the Qur’an offers to the authority of the Holy Scriptures.
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The Life of Mahomet, Volume IV
William Muir
This unabridged, four-volume classic biography of Muhammad is still widely cited for its acute scholarship and historical depth. Volume four contains chapters 18–37: • Sixth Year of the Hegira • Pilgrimage to Al Hodeibia • Embassies to Various Sovereigns and Princes • The Conquest of Kheibar, 628 A. D. • Pilgrimage to Mecca • Battle of Muta, and Other Events in the First Eight Months of 629 A. D. • The Conquest of Mecca—Ramadhan, 630 A. D. • The Battle of Honein and Siege...
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The Life of Mahomet, Volume I
William Muir
This unabridged, four-volume classic biography of Muhammad is still widely cited for its acute scholarship and historical depth. Volume one contains a 270-page introduction in which Muir provides a history of Pre-Islamite Arabia, setting up the context for the origin of Islam and the birth of its prophet. Then, chapter one covers the birth and childhood of Muhammad.
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The Life of Mahomet, Volume II
William Muir
This unabridged, four-volume classic biography of Muhammad is still widely cited for its acute scholarship and historical depth. Volume two contains chapters 2–7: • From the Youth of Mahomet to His Fortieth Year • The Belief of Muhammad in His Own Inspiration • Extension of Islam and Early Converts • Progress of Islam from the Fifth to the Tenth Year of the Mission of Mahomet • From the Tenth Year of the Mission of Mahomet to the Hegira, from the fiftieth to the Fifty-third Y...
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The Life of Mahomet, Volume III
William Muir
This unabridged, four-volume classic biography of Muhammad is still widely cited for its acute scholarship and historical depth. Volume three contains chapters 8–17: • Arrival at Medina—Building of the Mosque—From June 622 A. D. to January 623 A. D. • State of Parties at Medina—First Two Years After Mahomet’s Arrival • Religious Institutions and Miscellaneous Events during the First and Second Years of the Hegira • Hostilities between Medina and Mecca • The Battle of Badr—Ram...
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The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline, and Fall
William Muir
The Caliphate was the first system of government established in Islam, ruled by constitutional and religious law. Established by Muhammad in Medina, it was continued after his death by his followers. The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline, and Fall traces the history of the early Caliphate after the death of Muhammad, from 632 A. D. to 1258 A. D.
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Our grand old Bible : being the story of the Authorized version of the English Bible told for the tercentenary celebration
William Muir
These scanned pages offer the ability to explore content outside our normal Logos editions.
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