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Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times
C. Marvin Pate; J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
The Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times is a comprehensive reference tool designed to assist everyday people in understanding biblical prophecy. Based on solid scholarship, the dictionary contains clear and readable entries on a broad sweep of topics relevant to biblical prophecy, providing insight to complicated subjects in a balanced fashion.
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Teach the Text Commentary Series | TTCS (21 vols.)
Andrew Schmutzer; C. Hassell Bullock; C. Marvin Pate; …
The Teach the Text Commentary series gives Bible teachers the best in biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from interpretation to communication of each book of Scripture. By keeping the discussion of each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes in this series allow pastors to quickly grasp the big idea and key themes of each passage of Scripture. The text and its meaning are made clear, and sections dedicated to effectively teaching and illustrating the text help pastors prepare to preach.
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Four Views on the Book of Revelation (Counterpoints)
C. Marvin Pate; Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.; Robert L. Thomas; …
Is the book of Revelation a blueprint for the future that needs decoding if we want to understand current events? Is it a book of powerful imagery, with warnings and promises for the church throughout the ages? Or is it essentially an imaginative depiction of historical events in the first century?
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Handbooks for Exegesis: Old Testament and New Testament | HOTE/HNTE (10 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; David L. Turner; Gary V. Smith; …
Providing students and pastors with a valuable reference tool, these exegetical handbooks will enhance your understanding of different biblical genres and strategies for interpretation. This collection brings together the volumes of the Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis (HOTE) and the Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis (HNTE). All books in the series are written by accomplished teacher-scholars at leading evangelical schools. They are essential resources for anyone teaching and preaching these foundational books.
Sale $194.99
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40 Questions about the Historical Jesus (40 Questions Series)
C. Marvin Pate
The conclusions of the quest for the historical Jesus, which casts the majority of Christ’s life as a myth, are a stark contrast to the orthodox view of Christ as presented in the Bible. Pate demonstrates that a critical analysis of the gospel text along with historical and cultural methods of investigation actually point toward an orthodox view of Christ. This work argues that the canonical Gospels are the most trustworthy information we have about the gospel writers as well as the life and mi...
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Romans (Teach the Text Commentary Series)
C. Marvin Pate
The Teach the Text Commentary Series gives pastors the best of biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from the meaning of the text to its effective communication. By keeping the discussion in each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes allow pastors to quickly grasp the most important information. Each unit of the commentary includes the big idea and key themes of the passage; sections dedicated to understanding, teaching, and illustrating the text; and full-color illustrations, maps, and photos. C. Marvin Pate’s volume on the book of Romans will inform and inspire pastors to make Paul’s vital message to the Christians in Rome both understandable in its context and applicable to our lives today.
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The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology
C. Marvin Pate; J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; …
The biblical story of Israel, in its election, sin, exile, and restoration, is a finely articulated drama—the universal story of the glory and the plight of humanity and creation. And the story of Jesus, who was born from the womb of Israel as its Messiah and as the true seed of Abraham, provides the redemptive solution to the plight of both Israel and the world. This book by C. Marvin Pate, J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays, Randolph E. Richards, W. Dennis Tucker Jr., and Preben Vang explores the unitive theme of the story of Israel from Genesis to Revelation. Probing each section of Scripture—from the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Prophets to the Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypse—the authors bring the contours of this story to light. From close-up examinations of key texts to panoramic shots of the biblical terrain, The Story of Israel unfolds an intriguing and compelling perspective on biblical theology. And with its features of recommended readings and study questions, it is a textbo...
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Mohr Siebeck Perspectives on Paul, Judaism, and the Law (15 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; James D. G. Dunn; Seyoon Kim; …
This collection of contemporary academic studies provides unique insights into Paul’s thought and theology. Important Pauline scholars like James D.G. Dunn, Heikki Räisänen, Seyoon Kim, and C. Marvin Pate deal in-depth with Paul’s key passages, influences, as well as his views on Judaism and the Law. The books in this collection are indispensable for serious research into Pauline literature.
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The Writings of John: A Survey of the Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse
C. Marvin Pate
The writings of John are some of the most foundational New Testament documents for today’s Christians. Most evangelical teaching about the life of Jesus begins with the Gospel of John, and Christian teaching on the end times relies heavily on the book of Revelation. Students, pastors, and lay learners need solid, up-to-date resources like this book to responsibly study and understand John’s writings.
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Zondervan Counterpoints Series (43 vols.)
Miracles, biblical inerrancy, hell, women in church leadership, creation, and the rapture—these are some key areas of concern for many in the church. With dozens of contributing authors from various theological backgrounds, the Zondervan Counterpoints series is an invaluable set of resources for Christians today, focusing on these topics and more. Each volume lays out multiple views on a particular theological matter, letting you draw your own conclusions on these contested issues. Respected biblical scholars and theologians present their views based on years of extensive research—so you know you’re hearing the strongest possible case for each perspective. Whether you are a student, pastor, teacher, youth worker, or layperson, these volumes are a fantastic tool for understanding contemporary Christian issues in the light of solid scriptural truth.
Sale $577.99
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Apostle of the Last Days: The Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul
C. Marvin Pate
Paul’s life, letters, and theology are unified by the theme of the overlapping of two ages—this age and the age to come. With the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the age to come (i.e., kingdom of God) broke into this present age but didn’t end it. Where other important doctrines such as justification by faith, reconciliation, and the cross of Christ were key players in Paul’s theology, Marvin Pate compellingly demonstrates that the overarching theme driving the Pauline corpus was indeed Paul’s inaugurated eschatology. In fact, Paul’s apocalyptic framework was only one of a number of other rival eschatologically focused religious perspectives of the day, such as the Imperial Cult, Hellenistic/syncretistic religion, and the merkabah Judaizers. Paul’s vigorous debates with the churches he served centered on the exclusivity of the gospel of Christ that he preached: the nonnegotiable apocalypse of Jesus the Messiah. Apostle of the Last Days will be welcomed in the...
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Interpreting Revelation and Other Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis | HNTE)
C. Marvin Pate
With historic events seeming to burgeon with signs of the last days, the study of apocalyptic literature--that which is concerned with the end of history as we know it and the coming kingdom of God--has become increasingly relevant. C. Marvin Pate provides a guide to the distinctive content, form, and function of apocalyptic books for those who are interested in exegesis of biblical apocalyptic materials and related literature outside of the Bible. Pate considers the background of Old Testament...
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Zondervan Academic Research Library (50 vols.)
Get this amazing deal on Zondervan Academic titles covering a wide range of topics, from theology and biblical studies, to history and biblical interpretation, to ancient languages and practical theology.
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40 Questions About Series Collection (24 vols.)
Alan W. Gomes; Andrew David Naselli; Benjamin L. Merkle; …
The 40 Questions series is written to assist faithful Christians in making God-honoring decisions in the life of the church, biblical studies, theology, and other areas. Authors write from a wealth of practical experience and assist readers in avoiding common ministry mistakes.
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Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis | HNTE (4 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; David L. Turner; Herbert Bateman; …
A valuable reference tool for students and pastors, the Handbook for New Testament Exegesis series provides readers with an enhanced understanding of different New Testament genres and strategies for interpretation, following in the footsteps of the well-received Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series. All books in the series are written by accomplished teacher-scholars at leading evangelical schools. They are essential resources for anyone teaching and preaching these foundational books.
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Zondervan Reference Collection (30 vols.)
Alvin J. Schmidt; C. Marvin Pate; Earle E. Cairns; …
The Zondervan Reference Collection contains some of today's premiere Bible reference works—vital preaching resources, an abundance of images and illustrations, and a wealth of insight into the historical, chronological, archaeological, geographical, social, theological, and biographical aspects of the Bible. Many of these books represent groundbreaking studies in their fields, and all are regularly consulted by pastors and professors around the world. Valuable for the serious Bible scholar, the seminary student, or the church leader, these titles tackle important subjects such as biblical interpretation, major world religions, theology, and much more.
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The Reverse of the Curse: Paul, Wisdom, and the Law
C. Marvin Pate
C. Marvin Pate examines the undisputed Pauline writings and demonstrates that wherever Paul employs the theme of wisdom, he does so to reverse the Deuteronomic curses and blessings. The covenantal blessings rest on those whose faith is in Christ, the wisdom of God, while the covenantal curses abide on those who attempt to obey the Torah. All of this results from Paul’s separation of Christ, God’s wisdom, from the law of Moses. In addition, the author deals with two secondary themes. First of all, he calls the ‘new perspective’ on Paul into question. Secondly, a revised form of the ‘Tübingen theory’ is put forth. Both of these points call scholarship back to a more Lutheran reading of the subject of Pauline theology, emphasizing the importance of law and gospel therein.
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40 Questions Series (28 vols.)
Alan W. Gomes; Andrew David Naselli; Benjamin L. Merkle; …
The 40 Questions series is written to assist faithful Christians in making God-honoring decisions in the life of the church, biblical studies, theology, and other areas. Authors write from a wealth of practical experience and assist readers in avoiding common ministry mistakes.
Ships May 2025
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Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; John C. Lennox; John Oswalt; …
In today’s culture, many Christians are so consumed about making the Bible fit their theology that imperative topics are overlooked when they read Scripture. The Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection brings together eight volumes that provide a strong focus to the importance of reading and studying the Bible in reference to clearly understanding the historical background, cultural setting, theological context, and interpretive issues of each book. This collection challenges readers to rethink their approach to reading and interpreting Scripture. It studies various books of the Bible including Revelation, the writings of John, Hebrews, and the General Epistles, as well as much-debated topics surrounding the Bible’s veracity, the Creation story, and the life of Jesus.
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Zondervan Academic New Testament Collections: Gospels and Acts
Ajith Fernando; Andreas J. Köstenberger; C. Marvin Pate; …
If you are studying each of the Gospels and the Book of Acts, the Logos editions included in the Zondervan Academic New Testament Collections: Gospels and Acts cover Bible backgrounds, biblical commentary, theology, and more. Enhanced in Logos to serve the needs of scholars, pastors, and students, these resources will assist you for research, teaching, preaching, and learning.
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IVP Biblical Theology Collection (7 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; I. Howard Marshall; J. Daniel Hays; …
The IVP Biblical Theology Collection has been assembled to help scholars, students, and pastors navigate the waters of biblical theology. These volumes comprise some of the sharpest scholarship in the discipline and are fine examples of experienced scholarship.
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IVP Biblical Theology Collection (14 vols.)
C. Marvin Pate; Christopher J. H. Wright; Craig G. Bartholomew; …
With the IVP Biblical Theology Collection (14 vols.) you will learn to see the theological vision of the Bible like never before. More than just introductory texts, these volumes attempt to uncover the movement, power, and mission of God throughout Scripture. Each author addresses the difficult questions posed by the biblical texts and provides a thoughtful, contemporary analysis of God's interaction with humanity. This collection has been assembled to help scholars, lay people, students, and pastors navigate the waters of biblical theology. These volumes comprise some of the sharpest scholarship in the discipline and are fine examples of experienced scholarship.
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2025 Baptist Portfolio
The Baptist Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Baptist Portfolio Library takes everything in the Baptist Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Baptist Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary | AYBD (6 vols.), Oxford Handbook Religion Collection (31 vols.), Ashland Theological Journal (45 vols.), The Jack Andrews Expository Studies (28 vols.), and many more. The Baptist Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Zondervan Biblical Studies Collection (40 vols.)
Andrew E. Hill; C. John Collins; C. Marvin Pate; …
This collection provides anyone studying the Bible the tools to clearly understand the historical background, cultural setting, theological context, and interpretive issues one encounters in the Bible. The contributions from D.A. Carson, Doug Moo, John Walton, Walter Kaiser, Jr., Lynn Cohick, Gordan Fee, Moises Silva, Kevin Vanhoozer, Tremper Longman, III, Gary Burge, Karen Jobes, Gordon Wenham, among others will enable students, laypeople, pastors, and scholars to explore the depths of the Bible. Included in this collection are resources that will provide guidance through the interpretive and hermeneutical process, introducing biblical texts, exploring backgrounds surrounding biblical people, cultures, and events, and in-depth analysis of the Scriptures.
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Zondervan Biblical Studies Bundle (34 vols.)
Andreas J. Köstenberger; Bruce A. Demarest; C. Marvin Pate; …
The Zondervan Biblical Studies Bundle provides both beginning and advanced theology students with an excellent selection of contemporary Old Testament and New Testament resources. The texts in this collection introduce theological perspectives, processes, traditions, and practices to help prepare the reader for more advanced studies. Moving through a variety of topics, this collection includes volumes that examine historical background, theological and cultural contexts, interpretive issues of different books of the Bible, and much more.
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2025 Baptist Diamond
The Baptist Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Baptist Diamond Library takes everything in the Baptist Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Preaching the Word Commentary Series Collection | PtW (42 vols.), The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon (7 vols.), The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series | NIGTC (13 vols.), and Treasures from the Scriptures Complete Collection (65 vols.). With over 2000 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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2025 Messianic Jewish Portfolio
The Messianic Jewish Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio Library takes everything in the Messianic Jewish Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.), Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC (94 vols.), IVP Pocket Reference Series (15 vols.), and many more. The Messianic Jewish Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Theology Collection (506 resources)
This collection of theology resources is curated to cover the wide spectrum of theological studies, including Biblical, Doctrinal, and Systematic Theology. Bringing together hundreds of theology resources from a wide array of views, this collection will enhance your results in the Factbook, Passage Guide, Theology Guide, and more.
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Zondervan Ultimate Collection (1,010 Resources)
Containing some of the best Zondervan works, this is a comprehensive library of premier Evangelical Christian biblical research. Resources included in this collection provide readers with a wide array of content from Greek and Hebrew textbook to biblical interpretation, hermeneutics and bible study, from commentaries, biblical exegesis, theology, and church history, to pastoral ministry, life application, and devotional material. You will benefit from the scholarly and practical guidance from authors including Douglas Moo, D.A. Carson, John Walton, Tremper Longman, III, and Walter Kaiser, and some of its most-respected series, including Word Biblical Commentary, NIV Application Commentary, Expositor’s Bible Commentary, and the Counterpoints series. With this collection you will have an immense Bible reference library to engage with key scholars, doctrines, and events of the Christian faith.
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