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SPCK Introductions (6 vols.)
D. Densil Morgan; Karen Kilby; Keith Clements; …
Philosophy is too often considered abstract and out of reach for the average person. Worse yet, some believe it to be dangerous or a stumbling block to the Christian religion. But the development of human thought, particularly as it applies to understanding faith and making daily decisions, is important for every person to consider. In an intelligent but accessible way, this series aims to introduce thinkers who have made significant contributions to Christian thought. Some are notable in religious history, and others are best known for their critical perspectives. Rahner, Weil, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Bonhoeffer, and Barth: none delivers the same message, yet all are relevant.
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God, Evil and the Limits of Theology
Karen Kilby
Karen Kilby explores the doctrine of the Trinity and issues of evil, suffering and sin. She offers a critique of the lack of respect for mystery found in the most popular Trinitarian thinking of our time. Kilby gives an apophatic reading of Aquinas on the Trinity and offers a distinct next step in the sequence on the Trinity—the appeal of social doctrines of the Trinity lies principally in their ecclesial and political relevance. She engages with Miroslav Volf’s famous ‘The Trinity is our social program’ essay and addresses the question of what an alternative politics of an apophatic theology of the Trinity might look like.
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The SPCK Introduction to Karl Rahner
Karen Kilby
Karl Rahner, a German Jesuit, was a prominent and influential Catholic theologian of the twentieth century. In the 1950s he was on the margins, his orthodoxy questioned and his work censored. However, a decade later, he was a key theological adviser and shaping influence at the Second Vatican Council. Heavily influenced by Aquinas, his work sought to reconcile Christian faith with contemporary thought and the revelation of God in human experience. Here, Karen Kilby makes Rahner’s often dense and difficult thinking accessible to a wide audience. She sketches out a few of Rahner’s central themes, giving the reader a sense of the breadth of his work.
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Eerdmans' Interventions Series (7 vols.)
Johannes Hoff; Karen Kilby; Charles Taliaferro; …
Eerdmans’ Interventions series scrutinizes the popular and cultural lenses by which modern theological thought is (often unknowingly) studied. Featuring introductions as critical as they are timely, these pivotal studies analyze theologians and philosophical movements that have had a long-lasting impact on modern theology. Coming from the Centre of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, England, Interventions is a genuinely interdisciplinary series of mediations of crucial concepts and key figures in contemporary thought.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Eerdmans Catholic Collection (47 vols.)
Aidan Nichols; Bruno Forte; Carl Braaten; …
This high-powered collection of 47 Eerdmans titles features the best in Catholic theology and biblical studies and will super-charge your Verbum library, dramatically broadening and deepening your understanding of the Catholic faith and Tradition.
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Eerdmans Ultimate Collection (1,419 Resources)
The Eerdmans Ultimate Collection includes resources for study in Bible, theology, history and more. These resources come from well-received series such as Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), New International Commentary (NIC), Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC), Forms of Old Testament Literature (FOTL), New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC), among others as well as outstanding stand-alone volumes. Your studies will be enriched with titles from scholars such as D.A. Carson, Douglas Moo, Leon Morris, Joel B. Green, J. Gordon McConville, and more.
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Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction
Karen Kilby
The enormously prolific Swiss Roman Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) was marginalized during much of his life, but his reputation over time has only continued to grow. He was said to be the favorite theologian of John Paul II and is held in high esteem by Benedict XVI. It is not uncommon to hear him referred to as the great Catholic theologian of the twentieth century. In Balthasar: A (Very) Critical Introduction Karen Kilby argues that although the low regard in which Balthasar was held from the 1950s to 1960s was not justified, neither is the current tendency to lionize him. Instead, she advocates a more balanced approach, particularly in light of a fundamental problem in his writing, namely, his characteristic authorial voice—an over-reaching “God’s eye” point of view that contradicts the content of his theology.
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Logos 5 Anglican Diamond Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Anglican libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Eerdmans Catholic Theology Collection (26 vols.)
Aidan Nichols; Bruno Forte; David L. Schindler; …
The Eerdmans Catholic Theology Collection presents a wealth of insights, reflections, and challenges for Catholics, and indeed, all Christians. This is not a collection for soothing re-affirmation of the modern-day “it’s all good” mentality, but rather a powerful set of volumes that provoke you to re-think what it means to be Christian and a Catholic.
Sale $749.99
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Alasdair MacIntyre, George Lindbeck, and the Nature of Tradition
Karen Kilby; David Trenery
What should we believe, and why should we believe it? This book addresses these questions through a critical exposition of the work of the contemporary philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre and of the theologian George Lindbeck, the father of postliberal theology. The book argues that MacIntyre's philosophical development can be seen as a response to the question of how belief in a comprehensive metaphysical system can be justified. Such a system provides its believers with an account of the nature of…
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Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology in Honour of Fergus Kerr, OP
Thomas O'Loughlin; Karen Kilby; Simon Oliver
Fergus Kerr, OP is one of the foremost Catholic theologians of his generation. His works are widely read by specialists and students in the UK, North America and across the world. His 'Theology after Wittgenstein' is regarded as a seminal work in philosophical theology. His 'After Aquinas: Versions of Thomism' and 'Twentieth Century Catholic Theologians' are two of the finest student-focussed introductions to their topics currently available. The essays in this collection cover the two key areas…
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