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Henry Ward Beecher Collection (35 vols.)
Lyman Abbott; Henry Ward Beecher; Eunice White Beecher; …
Henry Ward Beecher was both the William Wilberforce and the Billy Graham of his day. Famed as America’s most powerful public speaker during his time and often noted for his uncompromising stance on the issues of his day, Beecher achieved social reform, led a dedicated Christ-serving congregation, and brokered international peace—all from behind the pulpit. Now you can have his sermons, speeches, and writings accessible in your favorite Bible-study and research program. This collection contains several biographies of Henry Ward Beecher, Beecher’s famous biography of Jesus, and hundreds of his sermons, speeches, and orations—including his famous address at Fort Sumter and his eulogy for Abraham Lincoln.
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Two Thousand and Ten Choice Quotations
Thomas W. Handford
This is a book especially for the thoughtful. Its compilation has been the pleasant work of many years. The arrangement of these quotations in daily portions a page for every day in the year suggests that this book is eminently suitable for daily use by those who love to nurture heart and mind with great and noble thoughts. The body needs its daily food, and in this volume a daily mental repast is offered to the reader. Ten minutes each morning spent in the perusal of the page for the day will s...
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