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Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching | INT (43 vols.)
Beverly Roberts Gaventa; Carol M. Bechtel; Charles B. Cousar; …
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching offers a full interpretation of the biblical text, combining historical scholarship and theological purpose. It brings an understanding of what the text says into dialogue with the critical questions and problems of contemporary life and faith. Interpretation revives the neglected art of expository writing that explains the books of the Bible as the Holy Scripture of a church active at worship and work. Teachers, preachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find here an interpretation that takes serious hermeneutical responsibility for the contemporary meaning and significance of the biblical text.
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Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching Numbers
Dennis T. Olson
The book of Numbers is the story of the people of Israel in the wilderness as they departed from slavery in Egypt to the freedom of the promised land of Canaan. It contains a variety of materials relating to this transition from the old generation of Israel to the new, including stories and laws, census lists, instructions for worship, reports of military battles, and accounts of legal disputes.
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Pentateuch, 5 vols. (Interpretation |INT)
Dennis T. Olson; Patrick D. Miller; Terence E. Fretheim; …
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching offers a full interpretation of the biblical text, combining historical scholarship and theological purpose. This five volume collection includes the resources covering the Pentateuch and brings an understanding of what each text says into dialogue with the critical questions and problems of contemporary life and faith. Interpretation revives the neglected art of expository writing that explains the books of the Bible as the Holy Scripture of a church active at worship and work. Teachers, preachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find here an interpretation that takes serious hermeneutical responsibility for the contemporary meaning and significance of the biblical text.The commentaries deal with whole portions or sections of text that are used in teaching and preaching rather than with individual verses and words. Exegetical study and hermeneutical reflection are integrated into one readable expository...
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2025 Wesleyan Platinum
The Wesleyan Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Wesleyan Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 900 resources, the Wesleyan Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), UBS Handbooks Series: Old Testament, New Testament, and Deuterocanonical Books (66 vols.), Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Best Numbers Commentaries (7 vols.)
Dennis T. Olson; Gordon J. Wenham; Jacob Milgrom; …
When you’re getting ready to do a deep dive into a book of the Bible, you could spend hours searching for commentaries—or you could get all you need in one convenient collection. The Best Numbers Commentaries (7 vols.) is a collection of high-rated Bible commentaries curated to match the type of study you’re doing. With this Exegete collection, you’ll get trusted resources perfect for exegesis, research, and original languages work. And with these bundled sets, you’ll get unique savings compared to buying the same commentaries individually.
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2025 Wesleyan Portfolio
The Wesleyan Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Wesleyan Portfolio Library takes everything in the Wesleyan Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Wesleyan Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC (94 vols.), The Encyclopedia of Christianity (5 vols.), International Critical Commentary | ICC (68 vols.), Literary and Rhetorical Commentaries on the New Testament (30 vols.), and many more. The Wesleyan Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit, L
Charles Bingham; Charles Simeon; Clyde M. Woods; …
The Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit (L) helps you plan an expositional sermon series with a trifecta of core resources in each of the Expository Preaching Kits: commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and sermon outlines. Each kit includes commentaries from Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS) and the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB), as well as reference resources like Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies, and Carta's New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible . This kit includes everything in Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit (M) plus additional resources like Leviticus and Numbers, 2nd ed. from the New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT), Leviticus (Apollos Old Testament Commentary | AOT), Numbers (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary | TOTC), and more.
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2025 Wesleyan Diamond
The Wesleyan Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Wesleyan Diamond Library takes everything in the Wesleyan Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary | AYBD (6 vols.), Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series Collection | SRC (10 vols.), Christian History Magazine, Issues 1-140, and Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible | HERM (55 vols.). With over 2200 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit, M
Charles Bingham; Charles Simeon; Clyde M. Woods; …
The Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit (M) helps you plan an expositional sermon series with a trifecta of core resources in each of the Expository Preaching Kits: commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and sermon outlines. Each kit includes commentaries from Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS) and the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB), as well as reference resources like Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies, and Carta's New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible . This kit includes everything in Leviticus-Numbers Expository Preaching Kit (S) plus resources like the New American Commentary (NAC) volumes Leviticus and Numbers, Leviticus (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary | TOTC), Sealed with an Oath: Covenant in God’s Unfolding Purpose (New Studies in Biblical Theology, vol. 23 | NSBT), and more.
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Numbers Commentaries: Apply (5 vols.)
Dennis T. Olson; John D. Currid; Richard Boyce; …
When you’re getting ready to do a deep dive into a book of the Bible, you could spend hours searching for commentaries—or you could get all you need in one convenient collection. The Numbers Commentaries: Apply (5 vols.) is a collection of high-rated Bible commentaries curated to match the type of study you’re doing. With this Apply collection, you’ll get resources to help you apply the text of the Bible in the context of the modern world. And with these bundled sets, you’ll get unique savings compared to buying the same commentaries individually.
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