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Jesus and Gender: Living as Sisters and Brothers in Christ
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Eric Schumacher
In Jesus and Gender, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher paint a new vision for gender—Christ’s gentle and lowly heart. The centrality of the gospel has been lost in gender debates. Our ultimate example is Jesus, our humble king, who used his power to serve others. So we must rethink our identities, roles, and relationships around him. Christ transformed enemies into family. Men and women are allies in God’s mission.
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Mobile Ed: NT156 The Significance of the Resurrection (2 hour course)
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Daniel M. Doriani; …
In this course learn the relationship between cultural elements present at the time of Jesus' death that indicated the timing of his burial, connect the New Testament resurrection account to elements within the Old Testament, and get a better understanding of the meaning of the resurrection—theologically and missiologically. This course features teachings from respected Christian theologians, including Elyse Fitzpatrick, Douglas J. Moo, Ben Witherington, Darrell L. Bock, and Michael W. Goheen.
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Biblical Counseling Collection (26 vols.)
Dennis D. Frey; Edward E. Hindson; Elizabeth George; …
This 27 volume collection of biblical counseling titles is an amazing compilation of Christian counseling resources, It includes works from 21 different authors, including Jay E. Adams, Steve Farrar, Elizabeth George, Jerry Bridges, and Lou Priolo.
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Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Everyone, Christians included, knows what it’s like to feel isolated and alone. We’ve all wondered if anyone really understands us or truly cares about our lives. The good news is that we aren’t alone, and the gospel tells us why: Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to be forever united with his people—to be one of us. In fact, he has so united himself with us that the Bible says we are literally “in” him. Far from being alone and lost, the Incarnation changes everything for the Christ
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Mobile Ed: PD101 Our Identity in Christ (2 hour course)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Logos Mobile Education
In this course, learn what the Bible says about our identity in Christ, including how we are chosen, justified, adopted, and delivered from darkness. Then examine the implications of our identity in Christ, including what we can believe about ourselves, how we can respond to others, and where we can place our hope.
Sale $79.99
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Venciendo el temor, la preocupación y la ansiedad
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Este es un libro de consejería que te capacitará para ayudar a mujeres que están luchando contra diferentes dificultades: conflictos con sus hijos, problemas en el lugar de trabajo o casa, mala salud, apuros económicos y más.
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Counsel from the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ
Dennis E. Johnson; Elyse Fitzpatrick
Many churches believe psychological and pharmacological strategies fail to address deep spiritual and mental health needs. These churches are reaffirming the sufficiency and power of the Scriptures to change lives. To aid churches in ministering to broken and hurting people, the authors of Counsel from the Cross present a counseling model based on Scripture and powered by the work of the wonderful counselor, Jesus Christ. Through careful exegesis and helpful case studies, they demonstrate how to provide consistently biblical, gospel-centered counseling and explain why it is important to do so. The authors’ combined backgrounds—one, a woman trained in biblical counseling and the other, a male professor of practical theology—bring balance to this work, making it relevant for those who counsel as part of pastoral ministry and for all involved in mentoring or discipleship.
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Mobile Ed: Elyse Fitzpatrick Bundle (3 courses)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Logos Mobile Education
Whether you’re the worship pastor or the Sunday school teacher, your ministry requires your unwavering identity in Christ. In these core Mobile Ed courses, Elyse Fitzpatrick lays the groundwork to growing this Christocentric identity. Under her direction, you’ll learn the importance of building Christ-centered identities in your leaders, your peers, and those whom God has entrusted to you—while at the same time, developing and growing your own. You’ll learn the basics of Christian counseling through the ministry of Jesus’ work on the cross, and discover the importance of God’s Word in relational ministry.
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Crossway Elyse Fitzpatrick Collection (3 vols.)
Dennis E. Johnson; Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jessica Thompson
Delve into the power of the gospel with these resources from Elyse Fitzpatrick. A biblical counselor for more than 25 years, Fitzpatrick’s ruminations on theological themes like adoption, justification, and idolatry are never disconnected from the complexities of everyday life.
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Mobile Ed: PD102 Idolatry and the Power of the Cross (2 hour course - audio)
Elyse Fitzpatrick
What is idolatry, and how do we identify it? Elyse Fitzpatrick—biblical counselor and author of over 15 books—demonstrates how idolatry can destroy ministries and teaches key steps for leaders to identify idolatry before it takes root. Focusing on God’s commands against idolatry in the Old and New Testaments, she illustrates how the worship of idols manifested in the lives of biblical characters. Fitzpatrick also covers how idolatry affects men and women in their unique callings and how Christ empowers us to overcome.
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Love to Eat, Hate to Eat
Elyse Fitzpatrick
God knows everything about you. . . where you've been and where you're going. Because He knows you so well, He can deeply transform you, giving you the contentment you long for.
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Love to Eat, Hate to Eat: Breaking the Bondage of Destructive Eating Habits
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Feel as Though You’ve Lost the Battle with Food? After years of dieting, you know there’s more to weight control than what you eat. Having discovered the power that food can have over our lives, Elyse Fitzpatrick helps you
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Mujeres aconsejando a mujeres
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Mujeres aconsejando a Mujeres es un libro escrita para las mujeres cristianas que desean compartir con otras mujeres de la comodidad, la esperanza y el aliento que la Biblia tiene que ofrecer en respuesta a los problemas de hoy.
Sale $26.99
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Mobile Ed: PD102 Idolatry and the Power of the Cross (2 hour course)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Logos Mobile Education
What is idolatry, and how do we identify it? Elyse Fitzpatrick—biblical counselor and author of over 15 books—demonstrates how idolatry can destroy ministries, then teaches key steps for leaders to identify idolatry before it takes root. Focusing on God's commands against idolatry in the Old and New Testaments, Fitzpatrick illustrates how idols manifest in the lives of biblical characters. Fitzpatrick also shows how idolatry reaches men and women in their unique callings and how Christ empowers us to overcome.
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Counting the Days, Lighting the Candles: A Christmas Advent Devotional
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jessica Thompson; Jami Nato
Of course we know that Christmas is about Jesus...So why is it that we miss seeing him in the midst of all the hustle and bustle? "Counting the Days, Lighting the Candles" is a Christmas Advent Devotional to help you and your family rejoice and rest in the holiday season. Beginning with December 1 and all through the month until Christmas, you'll find separate readings for both adults and children for each day. Also included are 4 activity suggestions with photographs that will enhance
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Ed. Móvil: NT156 Comprendiendo la Pascua: La importancia de la Resurrección
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Daniel M. Doriani; …
Este curso reúne a diez ponentes diferentes de Mobile Ed para discutir el acontecimiento central del NT y el más significativo de la historia cristiana: la muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. Este curso enriquecerá su comprensión de la Pascua al abarcar cuestiones culturales relacionadas con el juicio, la crucifixión, la sepultura y la resurrección de Jesús. Explora la teología bíblica de la historia, desde sus antecedentes en el AT hasta su significado escatológico. Finalmente, el curso examina cómo esa teología se aplica hoy en día en el asesoramiento y en nuestro propio discipulado cristiano.
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Mobile Ed: PD101 Our Identity in Christ (2 hour course - audio)
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Grow your identity in Christ further with this course from renowned author and biblical counselor Elyse Fitzpatrick. God has the power to transform lives through his love. In this course, learn what the Bible says about our identity in Christ, including how we are chosen, justified, adopted, and delivered from darkness. Then examine the implications of our identity in Christ, including what we can believe about ourselves, how we can respond to others, and where we can place our hope. Whether you’re a counselor, a pastor, or a new Christian, Elyse Fitzpatrick’s lessons will be foundational for helping you cultivate a Christ-centered identity.
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Finding the Love of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Turn Bible Reading from a Duty into a Delight Far too often, reading the Bible seems like just another obligation to check off your to-do list. But the Bible is so much more than a boring book of rules and regulations and stories of plagues and punishments. The entire Bible is a love story, and every chapter is a scene in the epic romance between God and humanity. In this sweeping overview of the Bible, Elyse Fitzpatrick reveals how each section--the Law, history, poetry, and epistles--points to…
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Mobile Ed: CO111 Gospel-Centered Counseling (7 hour course)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Logos Mobile Education
Learn theological and practical methods for focusing your counseling on Christ's redemptive work on the cross. With over 24 years of biblically based counseling experience, celebrated author Elyse Fitzpatrick shows how the gospel applies in everyday situations and emphasizes the power of God's Word to change lives.
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Serie Devocionales: 31 días con Dios (4 vols.)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jim Newheiser; Deepak Reju; …
En la serie Devocionales de 31 días con Dios, los consejeros bíblicos y maestros de la Biblia le guían a través de pasajes de las Escrituras que hablan de situaciones o luchas específicas, ayudándole a aplicar la Palabra de Dios a su vida de manera práctica día tras día.
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2025 Reformed Gold
The Reformed Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including ESV Expository Commentary Series Collection | ESVEC (11 vols.), Opening Up Commentary Series (47 vols.), Reformed Expository Bible Studies | REBS (15 vols.), alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
Sale $849.99
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Will Medicine Stop the Pain? Finding God's Healing for Depression, Anxiety, and other Troubling Emotions
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Nancy Leigh DeMoss; Mark Hendrickson
Twice as many women as men will experience depression sometime in their lifetime, and episodes for women are likely to start at earlier ages, last longer, and recur more frequently, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Many women are given medication to treat the disease, but medication alone does not always address the underlying emotions which trouble the mind and spirit. Counselor Elyse Fitzpatrick and Dr. Laura Hendrickson provide biblical guidance on how to balance…
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Crossway Women’s Ministry Collection (5 vols.)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jennings Ligon Duncan III; Jerram Barrs; …
This unique collection explores the range of perspectives on God and women from a conservative, complementarian position. With both female and male contributors, including Elyse Fitzpatrick, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger, and Wayne Grudem these volumes will encourage women to find their unique, God-given calling and to understand a biblical perspective on their role. Answering questions raised by feminism and offering original biblical exegesis, these books give readers a balanced coverage of the issues and encourage a respectful understanding of the conservative position. Gain understanding of the prominent women in the Bible, learn from the practical advice for life and ministry and hear from an alternative to feminist readings of the Bible.
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Spiritual Formation Cornerstone Study Bundle
Daniel M. Doriani; Elyse Fitzpatrick; Greg Ogden; …
Examine the implications of our identity in Christ, what it means to be a disciple, and how theology can inform social and personal life.
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31-Day Devotionals for Life (21 vols.)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jim Newheiser; Mike McKinley; …
In the 31-Day Devotionals for Life series, biblical counselors and Bible teachers guide you through specific situations or struggles, applying God’s Word to your life in practical ways day after day.
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Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus (audio)
Elyse Fitzpatrick; Jessica Thompson
How are parents to raise children so they don’t become Pharisees (legalists) or prodigals (rebels)? It’s all about grace-filled, gospel-driven parenting, says the mother/daughter team of Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. In Give Them Grace, parents will learn how to connect the benefits of the cross—especially regeneration, adoption, and justification—to their children’s daily lives.
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2025 Reformed Platinum
The Reformed Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Reformed Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 1100 resources, the Reformed Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Reformed Expository Commentary Series | REC (38 vols.), Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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Pastoral Care & Counseling: Advanced Study Bundle
Beverly Hislop; C. Gary Barnes; Dan Zink; …
In the Pastoral Care & Counseling: Advanced Study Bundle you’ll comprehensively study pastoral care and counseling. You’ll learn how to practice pastoral care from a worldview approach and through integrated counseling. You’ll also learn how to counsel women affected by sexual abuse, and you’ll study pastoral ethics through the lens of the Ten Commandments. These courses will guide you through an extensive study of pastoral care and equip you toward greater understanding of how to effectively counsel others.
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Mobile Ed: Jesus and the Resurrection Bundle (3 courses)
Ben Witherington III; Craig A. Evans; Daniel M. Doriani; …
This three-course bundle focuses on the history of Jesus and the resurrection. Join distinguished professor Craig A. Evans on a journey to some of the most significant New Testament archaeological sites as he offers insight into first-century socioeconomic life and helps you grasp the historical and biblical context of Jesus’ ministry. Study the historical Jesus with Dr. Mark L. Strauss, exploring Jesus’ miracles, the intention of his ministry, and the historical evidence for his death and resurrection. Finally, discover new perspectives on the relevance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, guided by an assortment of acclaimed scholars.
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Helper by Design: God's Perfect Plan for Women in Marriage
Elyse Fitzpatrick
There are few more contentious and heart-rending topics among women in the church than submission and what it means to be man's helper. Elyse Fitzpatrick believes that understanding this topic can bring about great freedom and a more meaningful relationship with Christ and your husband. In Helper By Design, she takes an in-depth theological look at what it means to be made in God's image to be a helper. No matter what your perspective, this book will set in motion great heart changes as you grow…
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