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All Thy Lights Combine: Figural Reading in the Anglican Tradition
Ephraim Radner; David Ney
Edited by David Ney and Ephraim Radner, the essays in All Thy Lights Combine explore how the Anglican tradition has employed figural interpretation to theological, Christological, and pastoral ends. The prayer book is central; it immerses Christians in the words of Scripture and orders them by the word. With guided prayers for morning and evening, this book invites readers to be re-formed by God’s word. Become immersed in the riches of the Anglican interpretive tradition.
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Leviticus (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)
Ephraim Radner
In this commentary, Radner offers an interesting perspective on Leviticus. Though on the surface Leviticus is a book of laws concerning sacrifices, worship, the priesthood, and many other subjects, at the heart of the book is the underlying message that God is holy and requires his children to be holy. In our quest for holiness, we know that we will constantly fall short of God’s requirements. There is hope, as God reorients his people to himself in a fallen world.
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Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible Series Collection | BTC (30 vols.)
Christopher R. Seitz; Daniel J. Treier; David L. Jeffrey; …
Pastors and leaders of the classical church—such as Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley—interpreted the Bible theologically, believing Scripture as a whole witnessed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Modern interpreters of the Bible questioned this premise. But in recent decades, a critical mass of theologians and biblical scholars has begun to reassert the priority of a theological reading of Scripture. The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret Scripture for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other Orthodox Christians did for their times and places. The commentaries are designed to serve the church—through aid in preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth—and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.
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Bible Reference Bundle 2.0
Examining key questions in hermeneutics, biblical studies, preaching, history, contemporary culture, philosophy, and theology this bundle adds dexterity to your study, enabling you to engage contemporary issues more thoughtfully and scholarly discussion more knowledgably. Packed with the quality scholarship, this bundle includes the work of today’s premier Bible scholars, theologians, philosophers, and church historians. Spanning 222 volumes, this bundle adds an expansive block of resources all of these books to your library all at one—massively discounted—price.
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Time and the Word: Figural Reading of the Christian Scriptures
Ephraim Radner
This book by Ephraim Radner constitutes the first significant theological account of the foundations and methods of the figural reading of Scripture. Radner’s reintroduces contemporary scholars to a traditional approach to biblical interpretation that dates back to Jewish practice from before the time of Jesus. Figural interpretation continued in prominence through the early church, the Middle Ages, and into the early modern period before it was forcefully rejected with the rise of historical criticism. Embracing “spiritual” and “allegorical” ways of understanding the Bible, figural reading once offered a broad approach to reading Scripture—an approach that Radner here engages through a foundational theological lens. Radner first uncovers the theological presuppositions of figural reading, historically and philosophically, focusing especially on the Christian understanding of time and the divine. He then moves from the theoretical to the concrete, looking at examples of how...
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Eerdmans Theology & Biblical Studies Collection (40 vols.)
Anthony Thiselton; Barbara E. Reid; Bruce L. McCormack; …
The Eerdmans Theology & Biblical Studies Collection brings together forty volumes examining a wide variety of topics, theological, biblical, and historical. Ranging from commentaries to studies of recent theologians and from ethics to biblical hermeneutics, each volume includes thoughtful and compelling discussion. Gain new insights into biblical theology, evangelism, or church history. Understand better how John the Apostle presented the life of Jesus the Messiah in his Gospel. All together, these volumes represent some of the best of the William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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Lexham Press Master Collection (602 vols.)
The Master Collection is the complete library to-date from Lexham Press, including 602 resources built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of Logos Bible Software. Lexham Press is devoted to advancing scholarship and equipping the church. Our goal is to help you interact with Scripture by engaging with incredible resources. Interconnected resources. Multimedia assets. Feature integration. All woven into biblically grounded content for your research, sermon prep, and personal devotions.
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Ephraim Radner
This is an introduction to thinking theologically about the Christian church--what is known as ecclesiology. The book covers background questions of conception, history, differences among separated Christian churches, and several modern approaches to the study of the church. It also introduces readers to a specific scriptural way of thinking about the church centered on mission, that takes into account problems associated with past approaches, and sensitive to contemporary concerns with the…
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Eerdmans Anglican Faith, Life, and Church Collection (12 vols.)
Christopher J. H. Wright; David L. Jeffrey; Ephraim Radner; …
This collection offers insight into Anglican theology and church life in contemporary society, gathering 13 volumes by a diverse body of scholars, writers, and theologians. Examine the first in-depth study of the foreign missions of the Church of England. Discover three of Robert Farrar Capon’s early works. Peruse articles from distinguished church historians, literary historians, and ecumenists written in honor of the Reverend Canon J. Robert Wright. Explore the Protestant background and history of Anglican Christianity. Learn how to use prayer beads and the basic prayer structure they provide to pray through each day.
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Baker Political Theology Collection (5 vols.)
Ephraim Radner; Herman Bavinck; Miroslav Volf; …
Together, these books provide a comprehensive panorama of political theology, examining the intricate connections between religious principles, political action, and the pursuit of a common good. Political theology is explored through a diverse lens in the following five influential books.
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Mortal Goods: Reimagining Christian Political Duty
Ephraim Radner
One of today's leading theologians examines how Christians might more faithfully and realistically imagine their political vocation. This book by one of today's leading theologians examines how Christians might more faithfully and realistically imagine their political vocation. Ephraim Radner explains that our Christian calling is to limit our political concerns to the boundaries of our created lives: our birth, parents, siblings, families, brief persistence in life, raising of children, relations, decline, and death. He shows that a Christian approach to politics is aimed at tending and protecting these "mortal goods" and argues for a more constrained view of our mortal life and our political duty than is common in both progressive and conservative Christian perspectives.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Lexham Press 2022 Collection (53 vols.)
This collection contains the entire catalog of resources from Lexham Press released in 2022. From commentaries and theological studies to ministry resources and devotionals, this collection provides readers with content on a wide array of topics.
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2025 Anglican Portfolio
The Anglican Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Portfolio Library takes everything in the Anglican Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Anglican Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (148 vols.), Reformation Commentary on Scripture Collection | RCS (20 vols.), Conversations with Scripture Series (12 vols.), and many more. The Anglican Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Eerdmans Ultimate Collection (1,419 Resources)
The Eerdmans Ultimate Collection includes resources for study in Bible, theology, history and more. These resources come from well-received series such as Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), New International Commentary (NIC), Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC), Forms of Old Testament Literature (FOTL), New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC), among others as well as outstanding stand-alone volumes. Your studies will be enriched with titles from scholars such as D.A. Carson, Douglas Moo, Leon Morris, Joel B. Green, J. Gordon McConville, and more.
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2025 Anglican Gold
The Anglican Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries | WBBC: Old and New Testament (22 vols.), The Eerdmans Michael Green Collection (10 vols.), John Stott Sermon Archive, alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
Sale $849.99
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2025 Anglican Platinum
The Anglican Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 675 resources, the Anglican Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.), Popular Patristics Series Collection (58 vols.), Oxford Handbook Religion Collection (31 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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The Breath of God: An Essay on the Holy Spirit in the Trinity
Ephraim Radner; Etienne Veto
The Holy Spirit is in a way the most mysterious of the three "names" of God. For many it is the "unknown God" (Acts 17:23). How can a "Spirit" be love? How can it be a person? What role can a "Spirit" have in the trinitarian relations? In The Breath of God, Veto argues that a more exact comprehension of the third divine person can be reached by considering the way it acts in the economy of salvation and how it reveals itself in its scriptural names: Ruah and Pneuma, breath or wind. Just as, in…
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Chasing the Shadow—the World and Its Times: An Introduction to Christian Natural Theology, Volume 2
Ephraim Radner
Christian natural theology is founded on the proper coordination of Scripture and the created world, what was once called "The Two Books" of God. Carrying forward the work he began in The World in the Shadow of God, Radner here reflects on the way that Scripture's creative relationship with temporal experience--ordering history rather than being ordered by history--opens up the natural world to its essential Scriptural meaning. Like the earlier volume, poetic description is offered as a primary…
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Church, Society, and the Christian Common Good: Essays in Conversation with Philip Turner
Ephraim Radner; Stanley Hauerwas; Philip Turner
Philip Turner's contributions as a leader and thinker in Christian missions and social ethics are here engaged by an array of friends and colleagues. Turner's scholarly and clerical career spans a key era of transition in American and world Christianity, and his thinking and teaching about the intersection between ecclesial and civil life have encouraged several generations of Christian theologians and ministers. The essays in this collection touch on key topics in which Turner has been…
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The World in the Shadow of God: An Introduction to Christian Natural Theology
Ephraim Radner
In The World in the Shadow of God, Ephraim Radner argues for a vigorous Christian natural theology and insists that such a theology must, of necessity, be performed poetically. The peculiar character of such a theology is found in its disclosing of the natural limits that indicate indirectly the impinging and more fundamental reality of the divine life. Natural theology represents the encounter between created reality and the "shadow" of God's creative and revelatory grace. However, the…
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Lexham Press Historical Theology Bundle (50 vols.)
Abraham Kuyper; Andrew David Naselli; Christine Helmer; …
The Lexham Press Historical Theology Bundle includes 50 volumes that offer a glimpse into the life and works of select theological giants, ranging from the early church to recent times. You’ll learn from the Apostolic Fathers, Martin Luther, Geerhardus Vos, Abraham Kuyper, and much more! This bundle is perfect for pastors, students, and anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of historical theology.
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Baker Ultimate Collection 2022 (1,487 Resources)
This far reaching collection includes many of the premiere resources available for biblical study, theology, ministry, history, and more. These resources from Baker Publishing Group feature stand alone volumes as well as dedicated series, with contributions from leading scholars such as Douglas Moo, D.A. Carson, Darrell Bock, Peter Leithart, Thomas Schreiner, and many more. With these resources from trusted guides you will discover new and challenging insights as you dig even deeper in your studies.
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2025 Anglican Diamond
The Anglican Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Diamond Library takes everything in the Anglican Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), Spectrum Multiview Book Series (27 vols.), Ancient Christian Doctrine Series (5 vols.), and Churchman Journal (99 vols.) (1886–2012). With over 1700 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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Reclaiming Faith: Essays on Orthodoxy in the Episcopal Church and the Baltimore Declaration
Ephraim Radner; George Sumner
These essays, contributed by a scholarly group of “postliberal” theologians, commend the usefulness of traditional Christian language and doctrine for articulating the gospel today, and are pertinent to many mainline Protestant denominations and to the Roman Catholic Church—indeed to all churches struggling with current revisionary challenges to traditional doctrine.
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The Fate of Communion: The Agony of Anglicanism and the Future of a Global Church
Ephraim Radner; Philip Turner
Current debates over a host of issues, particularly those relating to homosexuality, have left the 70-million-member Anglican Communion straining to understand what it means to be a communion—and even wondering whether life as a communion is possible. In this timely book two priest-scholars, Ephraim Radner and Philip Turner, examine the future of the concept of “communion” as a viable church structure, tracing its historical development as a self-conscious Anglican third way between Protestant ...
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Pro Communione: Theological Essays on the Anglican Covenant
Ephraim Radner; Benjamin Guyer
The proposed Anglican Covenant impinges not only upon the future of the Anglican Communion but upon global Christianity as well. Pro Communione: Theological Essays on the Anglican Covenant is the first volume that considers the completed text of the Covenant and its congruity with the Anglican tradition. Contributors across the Anglo-American world appraise the Covenant within a holistic framework defined by liturgical, historical, and ecumenical perspectives. These essays transcend current…
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Human Difference: Reflections on a Life in Proximity to Disability
Ephraim Radner; Andrew Barron
Living in proximity to human disability, with a son who has Down Syndrome, Andrew Barron has come to understand that not only do we live in a world of human difference, but that God wants us to live in this kind of world, for our own flourishing. Human Difference is an extended meditation on that experience and a reflection on the nature of human care and hospitality. Barron seeks to understand and embrace the uncertainty that comes with living in proximity to difference and disability and…
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