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The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
Gary Habermas
Examining archaeological, textual, and extra-biblical evidence, Gary R. Habermas provides a strong foundation for the existence and deity of Jesus. He begins by surveying the past centuries of historical Jesus studies, highlighting key figures and offering an informed critique of their arguments.
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Risen Indeed: A Historical Investigation Into the Resurrection of Jesus
Gary Habermas
In Risen Indeed: A Historical Investigation Into the Resurrection of Jesus, readers will encounter Gary Habermas’ foundational research into the historicity of the resurrection. With a new, extensive, introductory essay on contemporary scholarship regarding the resurrection, Habermas shows how the questions surrounding the historicity of the resurrection and arguments raised by critics are perennially important for Christian faith.
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Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints)
Gary Habermas; John Frame; Kelly James Clark; …
'Five Views on Apologetics' examines the “how-to” of apologetics, putting five prominent views under the microscope: classical, evidential, presuppositional, Reformed epistemology, and cumulative case. Offering a forum for presentation, critique, and defense, this book allows the contributors for the different viewpoints to interact.
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College Press Resurrection Collection (2 vols.)
Gary Habermas
The College Press Resurrection Collection presents two volumes by world-renowned apologist Gary R. Habermas. Volume one illustrates how the resurrection is related to numerous New Testament doctrines and analyzes the resurrection’s implications for daily Christian living. Volume two emphasizes the resurrection’s importance for different aspects of Christian knowledge and faith. The volumes include application sections, additional reading recommendations, and discussion at the end of each chapter, making the College Press Resurrection Collection perfect for individual or group study.
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Evidences (On the Resurrection, vol. 1)
Gary Habermas
Gary Habermas’s On the Resurrection: vol. 1, Evidences commences his magnum opus. In this first volume, Habermas outlines his philosophical and historical methodology for demonstrating the probability of Jesus’s bodily resurrection. Building upon his Minimal Facts Argument, Habermas illustrates for the reader why we ought to trust the biblical and historical testimony of Scripture.
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College Press Church History Collection (2 vols.)
Gary Habermas; James North
Engage the entire history of Christianity with The College Press Church History Collection (2 Vols.)
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The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
Gary Habermas; Michael R. Licona
This is an accessible, comprehensive, and persuasive resource providing detailed evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. It also demonstrates how to share the material clearly, honestly, and definitively. Written for lay people but includes extensive footnotes that scholars will find valuable Includes charts, diagrams, and a detailed outline for quick reference
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Refutations (On the Resurrection, vol. 2)
Gary Habermas
While evidence for Christ’s resurrection abounds, there are still those who posit alternative explanations for the empty tomb. In On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations, Gary Habermas offers detailed analyses and rebuttals of the alternate theories surrounding Jesus’s resurrection.
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Select Works of Gary Habermas (2 vols.)
Gary Habermas; J. P. Moreland; Terry L. Miethe; …
In 1985, prominent atheist Antony Flew and Christian scholar Gary Habermas debated the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection in front of 3,000 people at Liberty University. Seven of the ten judges voted that Habermas won the debate. Including a presentation of that 1985 debate, this collection displays Habermas’ keen apologetic skills in this pair of books on two of the central issues of religious philosophy and Christianity: the afterlife, and Jesus’ resurrection. This collection adds valuable apologetic material to your library, discussing death and the one man who conquered it.
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Apologetics Collection (36 vols.)
Alister McGrath; C. Stephen Evans; Chad V. Meister; …
Get equipped to address some of the toughest questions facing Christianity with an array of robust cases for biblical faith. Fill in the gaps of your library with 36 volumes carefully curated to cover diverse issues and important debates in apologetics.
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EVIDENCE FOR THE HISTORICAL JESUS Is the Jesus of History the Christ of Faith
Gary Habermas
"The search for the historical Jesus is a hot topic in both popular and academic circles today and has drawn a lot of attention from national magazines, such as Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report. Further, the media has given an undue amount of attention to the Jesus Seminar's outlandish statements, a self-selected liberal group representing a tiny percentage of New Testament scholarship. Dr. Gary Habermas will address the questions surrounding the debate over the historical J
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Scholarly Perspectives (On the Resurrection, vol. 3)
Gary Habermas
Published in four volumes, On the Resurrection serves as Gary R. Habermas’s magnum opus—a comprehensive defense of the authenticity of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, built from Habermas’s lifetime of scholarly study. In the third volume, Habermas identifies and collects hundreds of scholarly treatments related to the resurrection. Spanning both believers and nonbelievers, the collection provides a strong overview of everything that has been written about the resurrection and its impacts.
Ships May 2025
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In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History
Gary Habermas; R. Douglas Geivett
Rumors of deception have surrounded claims of Jesus' resurrection ever since the soldiers appointed to guard his tomb made their report to the Jewish authorities. But no one has led the philosophic charge against miracles quite as influentially as David Hume with his 1748 essay "Of Miracles." Refined, revised, restated, his arguments still affect philosophic discussions of miracles today. During the twentieth century, strong arguments have been raised by Antony Flew, now professor emeritus at...
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Apologetics and World Religions Library Expansion, L
Engage some of history’s greatest theological questions regarding creation, science, the problem of evil, natural law, and more. From defending your faith to exploring some of the greatest philosophical problems in history, this bundle offers the answers you need for today’s skeptical world.
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Zondervan Counterpoints Series (43 vols.)
Miracles, biblical inerrancy, hell, women in church leadership, creation, and the rapture—these are some key areas of concern for many in the church. With dozens of contributing authors from various theological backgrounds, the Zondervan Counterpoints series is an invaluable set of resources for Christians today, focusing on these topics and more. Each volume lays out multiple views on a particular theological matter, letting you draw your own conclusions on these contested issues. Respected biblical scholars and theologians present their views based on years of extensive research—so you know you’re hearing the strongest possible case for each perspective. Whether you are a student, pastor, teacher, youth worker, or layperson, these volumes are a fantastic tool for understanding contemporary Christian issues in the light of solid scriptural truth.
Sale $577.99
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Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus--and Why It Matters Today
Gary Habermas; Jeremiah J. Johnston
He is risen indeed! Here are the best reasons why it's true! Culture is doing its best to convince the world there is nothing special about Jesus. And many Christians never get beyond a Sunday school understanding of their own faith. As a result, Christianity's most important historical fact--the resurrection--is often the most misunderstood, relegated to Easter and funeral services, creating a powerless Christianity. In Body of Proof, acclaimed apologist and scholar Dr. Jeremiah Johnston sets out to show why Jesus' victory over death is central to a believer's faith. Straightforward, accessible, and practical, this book ● examines the latest archaeological and textual findings ● presents seven tangible, fresh reasons to believe Jesus really rose from the dead ● explains why it matters today as the foundation of our hope in the face of suffering and grief When you fully understand the implications of the resurrection, you will begin to understand the power of Christ in you. This…
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Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality
Gary Habermas; J. P. Moreland
Death—and what lies beyond—is not something most consider every day. But the thought of it raises some intriguing questions about the afterlife, near death experiences, and heaven and hell. By sharing the very latest scientific, philosophical, anthropological, ethical, and theological research on death and the afterlife, noted Christian scholars Gary Habermas and J. P. Moreland present a strong case for immortality. They begin by taking up the question of whether life after death is real and wh...
Sale $28.99
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Passionate Conviction: Modern Discourses on Christian Apologetics
Francis J. Beckwith; Gary Habermas; Gregory Koukl; …
Is your heart on fire for God? Passionate Conviction brings together the most popular and heart-stirring presentations in defense of Christianity from the annual fall conference on apologetics held in association with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, the C. S. Lewis Institute, and the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University. Applicable to pastors, serious-minded lay people, and university and high school students, these twenty essays are grouped into six dynamic categories: (1) Why Apologetics? (2) God (3) Jesus (4) Comparative Religions (5) Postmodernism and Relativism (6) Practical Application. Among the greatly respected contributors are J. P. Moreland (“Has the American Church Lost Her Mind?), N. T. Wright (“The Resurrection of Jesus as an Event of History”), Francis J. Beckwith (“Is Morality Relative?”), Sean McDowell (“Apologetics for a New Generation”), and Gary Habermas (“Dealing with Doubt”).
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The Risen Jesus & Future Hope
Gary Habermas
Always be prepared,' wrote the apostle Peter, 'to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.' Reading and digesting this book will help. Gary R. Habermas begins his apologetic for Christianity by demonstrating the historicity of the resurrection of Christ. He then connects the resurrection to several key tenets of Christian theology, through paths not only historical, but also philosophical, counseling, and experiential. The resurrection, Habermas show...
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Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? The Resurrection Debate
Gary Habermas; Terry L. Miethe; Antony G. N. Flew
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? presents the 1985 debate between Gary Habermas and Antony Flew on the seminal event of Christianity. Touching on evidence from both science and philosophy, these eminent scholars passionately debate the question of whether the physical resurrection of Jesus should be accepted as historical fact. Representing diametrically opposed viewpoints, Habermas and Flew survey the documentary and physical evidence surrounding the events of the first Easter. They discuss how t...
Sale $14.99
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Jesus Before Constantine: The Church, Her Beliefs, and Her Apologetics
Gary Habermas; Doug E. Taylor
That's now, but what about then? There is much diversity in Christianity today in terms of what constitutes necessary core beliefs, but what can we know about the earliest Christianity? Until the major councils began in the fourth century, were all who claimed to be Christian considered part of the church, or was there more to it than just claiming a name? Is there evidence for how the church understood core and necessary beliefs prior to Constantine's arrival in history and the Council of Nicea…
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Lexham Press Christology Bundle (13 vols.)
Bruce G. Schuchard; Gary Habermas; Larry Hurtado; …
Understanding the life and ministry of Jesus is central to the Christian life. The Lexham Press Christology Bundle includes 13 essential resources focused on the person of Jesus and the doctrine of Christ.
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2025 Baptist Gold
The Baptist Gold Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Baptist Gold Library provides a comprehensive Bible study library. Contained are hundreds of resources including New Covenant Commentary Series | NCCS (17 vols.), Opening Up Commentary Series (47 vols.), Greater Than Gold Bible Study Series (88 vols.), alongside other resources ideal for sermon prep or more advanced Bible study.
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The Secret of the Talpiot Tomb: Unraveling the Mystery of the Jesus Family Tomb
Gary Habermas
In response to recent world news headlines, The Secret of the Talpiot Tomb is a full-color text and visual presentation of the most compelling evidence for Jesus’ victory over death. Written by research professor Gary Habermas, considered by many to be the world’s leading apologist for the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection, this case for Christ’s immortality is placed in the context of new claims made about the alleged bones of Jesus having been discovered in the so-called Talpiot tomb located…
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The Layman’s Manual on Christian Apologetics: Bridging the Essentials of Apologetics from the Ivory Tower to the Everyday Christian
Gary Habermas; Brian G. Chilton; Daniel Merritt
Modern Christians have been bombarded by objections launched against the Christian faith from popular secular authors, bloggers, and stars from the entertainment industry. The church is quickly beginning to acknowledge the need for apologetics due to the number of youth and adults alike leaving the faith. But how does one respond to these objections? For the laity of the church, this is especially difficult, as many are left without the proper training to know how to answer these objections. In…
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C. S. Lewis as Philosopher, 2nd Edition: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
Gary Habermas; Jerry L. Walls; David Baggett
Get inside the mind of C. S. Lewis, one of the twentieth century's greatest Christian philosophers. What did C. S. Lewis think about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty? The fifteen essays collected here explore these three major philosophical themes from the writings of Lewis. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of Lewis' philosophical thinking on arguments for Christianity, the character of God, theodicy, moral goodness, heaven and hell, a theory of literature, and the place of the imagination.
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The Resurrection, Volume I: Heart of New Testament Doctrine
Gary Habermas
What implications does Jesus’ resurrection have for our daily Christian lives? Think you know all you need to about the resurrection? Think again. Like a multifaceted diamond, the resurrection reflects many sides of the Christian faith: • The apologetic defense of our faith • The soul of the message of salvation • The reasons for many of our daily practices in Christian life What would Christianity be without the magnitude and certainty of the resurrection? Nothing but another relig...
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Veritas Books: Did the Resurrection Happen?: A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew
Gary Habermas; David Baggett; Antony G. N. Flew
In 2004 philosopher Antony Flew, one of the world's most prominent atheists, publicly acknowledged that he had become persuaded of the existence of God. Not long before that, in 2003, Flew and Christian philosopher Gary Habermas debated at a Veritas Forum at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Habermas, perhaps the world's leading expert on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, made the case for rational belief on the basis of the reliability of the evidence. Flew a...
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2025 Baptist Platinum
The Baptist Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Baptist Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 1000 resources, the Baptist Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.), The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible | POSB (45 vols.), Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary | SHBC (36 vols.), and many more.
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The Resurrection, Volume II: Heart of the Christian Life
Gary Habermas
The cross proves that God understands suffering and loves each of us enough to endure the pain. The resurrection proves that such an overcoming is ours too. Explore the resurrection in a whole new light. The resurrection offers: • The ultimate offer of proof for what we believe • The defining role in transforming lives • The best evangelism tool ever • Empowerment for daily living • The solution for overcoming doubt • Hope in our grief, suffering, and pain Because Jesus ...
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