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Approaches to Biblical Studies Collection (6 vols.)
Clive Marsh; Gilbert Desrosiers; Mary Mills; …
These volumes have been primarily developed for those interested in theological or ministerial education, and are designed to introduce the reader to the various approaches to the study of the bible. The series is ecumenical, and all the writers are professionally engaged in the teaching of biblical studies. This set also concentrates on current issues and themes that face today’s Christian, covering such topics as the sacraments, form criticisms of the psalms and gospels, retrieving women’s voices in the Bible, and postmodernism resistance.
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Revelation Expository Preaching Kit, L
Planning for an expositional sermon series on a book of the Bible typically involves hours of reading and studying the Bible and other resources before fleshing everything out. Often, preachers amass a small library for each book of the Bible they preach on. The Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (L) does this for you. It curates the best Bible study materials (commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and expositional books) on the book of Revelation along with the Bible study tools you need to streamline your sermon prep and presentation—all at an affordable price. The Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (L) includes everything in Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (S) and Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (M), plus resources like The Oxford Handbook of Johannine Studies; Exalting Jesus in Revelation (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary | CCE); Greek Commentaries on Revelation; and more.
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Logos 6 Collector's Edition Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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An Introduction to Revelation: A Pathway to Interpretation
Gilbert Desrosiers
The interpretation of the book of Revelation has always aroused controversy, and its use (and abuse) during periods of rapid historical change has often been a cause for great concern. This volume of biblical studies attempts a responsible reading of Revelation. The author presents the reader with both the tools and the information required to understand the many approaches that may be taken to interpreting the book, and leads the reader toward a sound interpretation.
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Revelation Expository Preaching Kit, S
Craig A. Evans; Croft M. Pentz; Douglas F. Kelly; …
Planning for an expositional sermon series on a book of the Bible typically involves hours of reading and studying the Bible and other resources before fleshing everything out. Often, preachers amass a small library for each book of the Bible they preach on. The Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (S) does this for you. It curates the best Bible study materials (commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and expositional books) on the book of Revelation along with the Bible study tools you need to streamline your sermon prep and presentation—all at an affordable price. The Hebrews Expository Preaching Kit (S) includes resources like Carta's New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible; Expository Sermon Preparation Workflow; The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible: Revelation; Revelation: A Mentor Expository Commentary; Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary (TNTC); and more.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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2025 Charismatic Portfolio
The Charasmatic Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library takes everything in the Charasmatic Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Charasmatic Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament | TDOT (17 vols.), The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (5 vols.), Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible | HERM (55 vols.), and many more. The Charasmatic Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Revelation Expository Preaching Kit, M
Craig A. Evans; Craig Koester; Croft M. Pentz; …
Planning for an expositional sermon series on a book of the Bible typically involves hours of reading and studying the Bible and other resources before fleshing everything out. Often, preachers amass a small library for each book of the Bible they preach on. The Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (M) does this for you. It curates the best Bible study materials (commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and expositional books) on the book of Revelation along with the Bible study tools you need to streamline your sermon prep and presentation—all at an affordable price. The Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (M) includes everything in Revelation Expository Preaching Kit (S), plus resources like Revelation and the End of All Things, 2nd ed.; Revelation: A Shorter Commentary; Revelation (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC); and more.
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