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The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction and Commentary
J. Alec Motyer
Drawing on a lifetime of study and teaching the book, J. Alec Motyer presents a landmark, single-volume commentary on the prophecy of Isaiah. He emphasizes the grammatical, historical, structural, literary, and theological dimensions of the text, and pays particular attention to three central and re...
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The New Bible Commentary (NBC)
D. A. Carson; Gordon J. Wenham; J. Alec Motyer; …
In recent years there have been many new developments in biblical scholarship, some challenging and some affirming scriptural accounts. This authoritative reference work brings together many of the finest scholars of our day to meet the needs of the church well into the twenty-first century. This re...
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The Bible Speaks Today | BST: New Testament (22 vols.)
Bruce Milne; Christopher Green; David Jackman; …
If you preach or teach from Scripture, the Bible Speaks Today series will help you apply the timeless biblical message to the everyday experiences of your listeners. And if you study the Bible on your own, these volumes will be a helpful resource focusing on the significance of God's Word for your own life and work.
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The Message of Exodus: The Days of Our Pilgrimage (BST)
J. Alec Motyer
When the Lord promised the land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants (Genesis 15:7), every part of it was already occupied by other peoples. The long journey to possession of the Promised Land was prepared by God, yet it led through a path of adversity. We, the readers of the Old Testament, are left to wonder why. J. Alec Motyer explores the character of God through His covenant promises and persistent faithfulness to the people of Israel. Through the story of Israel, we are exposed to an unquenchable fire: God the Savior, the Companion and the Indweller, who will not fail those who so often fail Him.
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Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation
J. Alec Motyer
Alec Motyer was a man who loved the Word of God and was passionate about the Old Testament. These daily devotionals from Isaiah were born of a lifetime of study. For him daily devotion was not a duty but came from a real desire to be transformed by the challenging word of God as given to the prophet Isaiah. These devotionals reassure us that the Lord can restore what sin has robbed us of. Day by day you will read freshly translated passages from Isaiah and have an opportunity to explore the pass...
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Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 8 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 8. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC)
J. Alec Motyer
The book of Isaiah is perhaps the most compelling of all Old Testament prophecy. No other prophet rivals Isaiah's brilliance of style, powerful imagery and clear vision of the messianic hope. Unlike many commentators who divide Isaiah between chapters 1 - 39 and 40 - 66, J. Alec Motyer instead identifies three messianic portraits: the King (1 - 37), the Servant (38 - 55), and the Anointed Conqueror (56 - 66). These three portraits are expounded in Motyer's lucid, insightful and probing commentary.
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Pack Clé-Premier
Le Pack Clé-Premier inclut des Bibles, des commentaires, dictionnaires, manuels, outils d’étude et des livres sur l’histoire, la théologie et l’édification chrétienne. La diversité des ressources fait de ce pack l’outil idéal pour l’étude de la Bible et de son message. Le nombre et la qualité des documents de ce pack en font une solide bibliothèque pour démarrer des études de la Bible. Cette collection unique en français est une ressource précieuse pour les étudiants, pasteurs/prêtres, catéchistes, enseignants et plus généralement toute personne qui désire approfondir son étude personnelle de la Bible.
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The Bible Speaks Today | BST (55 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Bruce Milne; …
The Bible Speaks Today (BST) commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
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The Bible Speaks Today | BST: Old Testament (33 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Christopher J. H. Wright; …
The Bible Speaks Today commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
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6 Ways the Old Testament Speaks Today: An Interactive Guide
J. Alec Motyer
What does the Old Testament have to do with us today? To many of us, the Old Testament can seem distant, foreign, and confusing, with difficult language and events disconnected from our present-day lives. But with a little guidance, it is quickly evident that the Old Testament still speaks today. In this engaging book, late pastor-theologian Alec Motyer leads us to discover the everyday significance of six key themes that resonate throughout the Old Testament: history, religion, worship, prophecy, wisdom, and theology. Each chapter focuses on one theme, featuring a week’s worth of Scripture readings paired with accessible commentary on the biblical text. Clear, accessible, and warmly pastoral, this book will help you see what this collection of ancient texts from the past has to do with our day-to-day lives in the present.
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The Message of James (The Bible Speaks Today | BST)
J. Alec Motyer
This rich exposition brings James's letter to life for today's reader. Alec Motyer is himself gripped by James's energy and concern for practical Christianity. The letter shows how a genuine faith is a tested faith, how encounter with difficulties is an essential part of the growth to Christian maturity this book powerfully brings out James's memorable themes—the link between enduring trials and maturity; the question of perfection; the good gifts of God; faith, works and Christian concern in a world of human need; the implications of careless and evil words; the meaning of war; the church and healing; confession of sin; and the need for active purity in life.
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The Message of Philippians (BST)
J. Alec Motyer
In this volume of the Bible Speaks Today series, Alec Motyer identifies three major themes that filled Paul's heart and mind as he wrote: the unity of the church, the person of Jesus and what he has achieved, and the call to live a life worthy of the gospel.
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The Message of Amos: The Day of the Lion (The Bible Speaks Today | BST)
J. Alec Motyer
Amos observes the society in which he lived and worked. Affluence, exploitation, and profit motive were the most notable features everywhere. Standards were being compromised. People were despising authority and the rule of law. National leadership, while reeling in publicity and dignity of position, seemed to be contributing to the complete breakdown of law and order. J. Alec Motyer exposes and explains the astonishingly relevant—but never popular—message of the prophet Amos.
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Psalms by the Day: A New Devotional Translation
J. Alec Motyer
Following on from the successful and much acclaimed Isaiah by the Day, Alec Motyer leads us through the Psalms in this new devotional translation. Day by day you will read freshly translated passages from the Psalms and have an opportunity to explore the passage further through the author’s notes and devotional comments.
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Psalms and Isaiah by the Day (2 vols.)
J. Alec Motyer
Alec Motyer was a man who loved the Word of God and was passionate about the Old Testament. These daily devotionals from Psalms and Isaiah were born of a lifetime of study. For him daily devotion was not a duty but came from a real desire to be transformed by the challenging word of God as given to the prophet Isaiah. These devotionals reassure us that the Lord can restore what sin has robbed us of. Day by day you will read freshly translated passages from Psalms and Isaiah and have an opportunity to explore the passage further through the author’s notes and devotional comments. Take time to acquaint yourself with these passages from God’s Word and treasure them in your heart and life.
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Covenant Foundations: Understanding the Promise–Keeping God of the Bible
J. Alec Motyer
Esteemed scholar, Alec Motyer, presents a salvation pledge on display in this introduction to Old Testament covenant theology. Signs, laws, sacrifices, kings, priests: How do they all fit together? Alec Motyer answers with five lectures that intricately trace God’s covenant from its origins in the narrative of Noah and Abraham, through the establishment of the law, towards its climax in Christ. From the beginning of time, God has been making his ways and nature known to his people. Unpack the purpose of signs, make sense of Passover and look beyond the insufficient sacrifices and failing monarchy. Through approaching the Old Testament with a fresh appreciation of the covenant meta–narrative, the lines of covenant theology are seen to converge with salvation as their ultimate focal point.
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¡Sencillamente predica!
J. Alec Motyer
Como muchas cosas en la vida, la habilidad de una buena predicación es 95% de trabajo y transpiración y 5% de inspiración. J. Alec Motyer ofrece a los predicadores nuevos y experimentados una perspectiva práctica y completa sobre la predicación, aportando nuevas ideas y hábitos que pueden revitalizar la predicación. Con la edición Logos de este recurso, todos los pasajes de las Escrituras están etiquetados y aparecen al pasar el mouse por encima. Este recurso se integra a la perfección en su biblioteca digital. Motyer presenta la predicación como un privilegio, y su intención en este libro es ayudar a de la manera más concreta pero efectiva a aprovechar al máximo los dones que Dios le ha dado para la predicación.
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Roots: Let the Old Testament Speak
J. Alec Motyer
A comprehensive survey of the Old Testament organised around its authors and major characters, the theme of this book is that the Holy Spirit chose, fashioned and equipped the biblical authors to convey distinctive truths through each of them.
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Food for the Journey: 30-Day Devotionals (12 vols.)
Alistair Begg; Charles Price; Christopher J. H. Wright; …
For over 140 years, the Convention in the English Lake District has welcomed gifted expositors from all over the world. Our archive is a treasure trove of sermons preached on every book of the Bible. This series is an invitation to mine that treasure. It takes talks from the Bible Reading series given by well-loved Keswick speakers, past and present, and reformats them into daily devotionals. Where necessary the language has been updated but, on the whole, it is the message you would have heard had you been listening in the tent on Skiddaw Street. Each day of the devotional ends with a fresh section of application designed to help you apply God’s Word to your own life and situation.
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A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving the Old Testament: One Book, One God, One Story
J. Alec Motyer
Many of us know and love the stories and characters of the Old Testament such as Joseph, Moses and Jonah. But how do we view its importance in relation to New Testament teaching and our 21st century experiences? This accessible yet powerful addition to the Pocket Guide series draw together the threads of Scripture to help us understand the power of God’s word when viewed in its completeness.
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Challies Recommends: Best Commentaries (75 vols.)
This collection brings together some of the best commentaries recommended by Tim Challies. This selection of Old and New Testament commentaries pulls together some of the premiere scholarly Evangelical works into a single collection. Covering the entire Bible, this collection provides verse-by-verse explanations of the text as well as information on background, authorship, date, purpose, structure and theology. Many of the volumes will engage with the Greek text at some level whilst remaining accessible to the informed lay reader, and detailed enough for pastors and students.
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Look to the Rock: Old Testament Background to Our Understanding of Christ
J. Alec Motyer
In this stimulating book on the Old Testament background to Christ, Alec Motyer shows how Jesus is the king expected, who brings in the kingdom looked for in the Old Testament; is both the image and the Word of God; conquers sin and death, and brings the disordered creation to its prefect consummation.
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IVP UK Reference Collection (9 vols.)
Brian S. Rosner; D. A. Carson; D. R. W. Wood; …
The IVP UK Reference Collection makes available some of the most useful reference works in Bible and theology. With a world class reputation, IVP’s dictionaries and single volume commentaries have set a high standard for blending rigorous scholarship with practical and pastoral accessibility. Providing nearly eight thousand pages of reference material, you will be able to dig into fascinating and important topics in biblical theology, geography, cultural, and exegesis.
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IVP聖經信息系列 (53本) IVP The Bible Speaks Today (53 Vols.)
「IVP聖經信息系列(The Bible Speaks Today | BST)」是當代英美福音派名家對於聖經每一卷書的通俗闡釋,來幫助牧者和信徒精確掌握書卷信息重點。本系列為新舊約中文版全集,共53冊。 本系列特色有三:正確解釋經文、應用於當代處境及易讀易懂。重點放在經文的重點歸納,以及這些重點對於時代的意義。本系列仍然是逐節注釋,精簡技術細節,來突出書卷對於當代的信息,也就是解經式講道法(Expository Preaching)裡所說的 「應用」部分。 本系列英文版由IVP出版,推出以來銷售過百萬冊。中文版由校園書房出版,Logos 版本則專爲聖經研究和講道目的所製作。
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Challies Recommends: Best Old Testament Commentaries (55 vols.)
Recommended by Tim Challies, this selection of Old Testament commentaries is hand-picked from some of the premiere scholarly Evangelical works. Covering the entire Old Testament, this collection includes volumes from respected series such as New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT), New American Commentaries (NAC), International Critical Commentaries (ICC) and Reformed Expository Commentary (REC). These commentaries give verse-by-verse explanations of the text as well as information on background, authorship, date, purpose, structure and theology. Most of the volumes will engage with the Greek text at some level whilst remaining accessible to the informed lay reader, and detailed enough for pastors and students. With this collection, you will be engaging with key Evangelical authors including Daniel Block, Derek Kidner, Bruce K. Waltke, Gordon Wenham, and many more.
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The New Bible Set (2 vols.)
D. A. Carson; D. R. W. Wood; Gordon J. Wenham; …
For over forty years, the New Bible Commentary and the New Bible Dictionary have set the standard for works of their kind. Now bundled together are the most updated editions, with the finest scholars of our day bringing us sixty-six detailed commentaries and over 2,000 definitions from Genesis to Revelation, covering background information on the history, geography, and customs of Israel and the Middle East.
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1 Thessalonians (Food for the Journey: 30-Day Devotionals)
J. Alec Motyer; Elizabeth McQuoid
As we spend 30 days in 1 Thessalonians with Alec Motyer, we hear the timeless encouragement to “keep on keeping on”, surely a message as relevant today as when it was first written. Paul visited Thessalonica on his second mission trip, along with his companions Silas and Timothy. Unfortunately, his time there was cut short after only four or five weeks when Paul was hounded out of the city. But amazingly, by this time, a fledgling church had already formed! Paul writes to the new believers in ...
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2025 Anglican Bronze
Anglican Bronze makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. Anglican Bronze builds on everything included in Anglican Starter, adding even more Bible study tools and additional reference works, including practical sets like For Everyone Bible Study Guides (19 vols.), Psalms for You: How to Pray, How to Feel and How to Sing, and more.
Sale $89.99
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Bible Speaks Today: Commentaries and Themes (76 vols.)
Barry G. Webb; Robert Fyall; Bruce Milne; …
This collection brings together the resources from the Bible Speaks Today series: Commentaries covering the whole of the Old and New Testaments Topical companion volumes covering major biblical themes The Bible Speaks Today (BST) commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Scripture, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications. The Bible Speaks Today Themes series is intended to serve as companions to the Bible Speaks Today commentaries, highlighting the message of key biblical texts in support of various facets of Christian belief. Rooted in Christian heritage and conversant with contemporary culture, this series provides a rich resource for preaching, teaching and spiritual growth. This is a growing series and not yet...
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