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Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, 3rd ed.
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
Grasping God’s Word has proven itself in classrooms across the country as an invaluable help to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for themselves. The third edition, revised based on feedback from professors, will continue to serve college-level students and lay learners well in their quest to gain a firm grasp on the rock of God’s word. Old Testament scholar J. Daniel Hays and New Testament expert J. Scott Duvall provide practical, hands-on exercises to guide students through the interpretive process. To emphasize the Bible’s redemptive arc and encourage correlation across the canon, the authors have included a call to “cross into the rest of Scripture” as an additional step in the interpretive journey. This edition has also been rearranged for clarity and includes updated illustrations, appendices, bibliography, and assignments.
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Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
This volume is the revised and updated edition of Grasping God's Word, an indispensable approach to reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible that teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives.
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Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times
C. Marvin Pate; J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
The Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times is a comprehensive reference tool designed to assist everyday people in understanding biblical prophecy. Based on solid scholarship, the dictionary contains clear and readable entries on a broad sweep of topics relevant to biblical prophecy, providing insight to complicated subjects in a balanced fashion.
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Teach the Text Commentary Series | TTCS (21 vols.)
Andrew Schmutzer; C. Hassell Bullock; C. Marvin Pate; …
The Teach the Text Commentary series gives Bible teachers the best in biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from interpretation to communication of each book of Scripture. By keeping the discussion of each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes in this series allow pastors to quickly grasp the big idea and key themes of each passage of Scripture. The text and its meaning are made clear, and sections dedicated to effectively teaching and illustrating the text help pastors prepare to preach.
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The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
We are far removed from the time and culture of the biblical world, and this distance easily leads to misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Our understanding and appreciation of God’s Word increase exponentially when we know the historical and cultural context in which the biblical books were written. Richly illustrated with full-color photos throughout, The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary includes articles by leading Old and New Testament scholars.
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Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, 4th ed.
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
An indispensable approach to reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible that teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives.
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The Temple and the Tabernacle: A Study of God's Dwelling Places from Genesis to Revelation
J. Daniel Hays
At various points in Israel's history, God dwelt in specific, significant places, most notably in the tabernacle and the temple. These structures, meticulously planned, extravagantly furnished, and regularly frequented by the devout, were more than just places of worship and sacrifice. They were pictures of God's relationship with his chosen people and of the atoning work that would be done by the Messiah. To understand the tabernacle and the temple, then, is to understand how we are brought into God's family through the sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus.
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A Christian’s Guide to Evidence for the Bible: 101 Proofs from History and Archaeology
J. Daniel Hays
With each passing year, archaeologists and historical scholars uncover more evidence that the people, places, and events presented in the Bible are verifiable historical facts. This engaging, full-color resource presents 101 undisputed examples of those people, places, and events to help ground your reading of the Scriptures in the historic record.
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The Message of the Prophets
J. Daniel Hays
In The Message of the Prophets, author J. Daniel Hays offers a scholarly, yet readable and student-friendly introductory survey of the Old Testament prophetic literature that presents the message of each prophet in both its historical and its biblical context, tracking that message through the New Testament to discuss what it means for believers today.
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Colección teológica contemporánea (28 Volúmenes)
Alister McGrath; Bill Hybels; D. A. Carson; …
Reseña ¿Cuántas veces has soñado con disponer de una biblioteca completa de estudios teológicos a tan solo un clic de distancia y a un precio realmente accesible? Ya es posible gracias a la publicación de la mega serie titulada «Colección Teológica Contemporánea», una colección ideal para potenciar tu preparación académica y facilitar tu desempeño ministerial. Los 28 libros que componen esta aclamada colección cuentan con el aporte de teólogos contemporáneos de la talla y el prestigio de F.F. Bruce, Millard Erickson, George E. Ladd, N.T. Wright, León Morris, John Bright, Gordon Fee, Richard Bauckham.
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Preaching God’s Word
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; Terry G. Carter
People in churches today are hungry for a word from God. Preachers need to prepare and deliver sound biblical sermons that connect with their audience in a meaningful way. Whether you are a student new to preaching or a veteran looking to brush up your preaching skills, here is a valuable resource.
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From Every People and Nation: A Biblical Theology of Race (New Studies in Biblical Theology, vol. 14 | NSBT)
J. Daniel Hays
“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language . . . .” (Revelation 7:9). The visions in the book of Revelation give a glimpse of the people of God at the consummation of history—a multiethnic congregation gathered together in worship around God’s throne. Its racial diversity is expressed in a four-fold formula that first appears in Genesis 10. J. Daniel Hays suggests the theme of race runs throughout Scripture, constantly pointing to the global and multi-ethnic dimensions inherent in the overarching plan of God, in response to the neglect of this theme in much evangelical Biblical scholarship. As well as focusing on texts which have a general bearing on race, he demonstrates that black Africans from Cush (Ethiopia) play an important role in both Old and New Testament history. This careful, nuanced analysis provides a clear theological foundation for life in contemporary multiracial...
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Grasping God’s Word Study Pack, 4th Edition (2 vols.)
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
Including both the textbook and the workbook, this is an indispensable approach to reading, interpreting and applying the Bible. Authors J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays teach students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives.
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Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (4 vols.)
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; Kevin J. Vanhoozer; …
Biblical hermeneutics—the study of interpreting the Scriptures—is an incredibly important and relevant topic in today's churches and academic settings. The Zondervan Hermeneutics Collection (3 Vols) tackles this sometimes formidable topic with a careful examination of the history of the subject, a comparison of each Testament in light of the other, contemporary questions that have arisen regarding biblical interpretation, and the practical application that comes from a correct understanding of scriptural text.
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Hermenéutica: entendiendo la Palabra de Dios
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
Este libro salva las distancias entre los acercamientos hermenéuticos que son demasiado simples y los que son demasiado técnicos. Empieza recogiendo los principios generales de interpretación para, después, aplicar esos mismos principios a los diferentes géneros y contextos, a fin de que el lector pueda entender el texto bíblico y aplicarlo a su propia situación. Duvall y Hays sugieren que los textos bíblicos no significan lo que el lector quiere. Los autores bíblicos tenían en mente un significado concreto, y Dios nos ha dado las herramientas necesarias para llegar a ese significado. Este libro contiene ejercicios prácticos que nos guían a través del proceso de interpretación tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento, y hace un énfasis especial en la aplicación de las enseñanzas bíblicas a la vida real.
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Living God’s Word: Discovering Our Place in the Great Story of Scripture, 2nd ed.
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
'Living God’s Word' is your pathway to read the Bible as it was meant to be read: as God’s Great Story. Many Christians resolve to study the Bible more fervently, but often struggle to grasp the progression of Scripture as a whole. They encounter various passages each week through unrelated readings, studies, and sermons and it all feels disconnected. But once they see the Bible as God’s Great Story, they begin to understand how it all fits together and they start see how their own lives fit into what God has done and is doing in the world.
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The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
One of the keys to grasping God’s Word is understanding how the message of each book fits into God’s unfolding plan. This innovative, fully illustrated handbook will enrich your Bible reading with fascinating insights into the Scriptures and the world in which they were written.
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The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology
C. Marvin Pate; J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; …
The biblical story of Israel, in its election, sin, exile, and restoration, is a finely articulated drama—the universal story of the glory and the plight of humanity and creation. And the story of Jesus, who was born from the womb of Israel as its Messiah and as the true seed of Abraham, provides the redemptive solution to the plight of both Israel and the world. This book by C. Marvin Pate, J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays, Randolph E. Richards, W. Dennis Tucker Jr., and Preben Vang explores the unitive theme of the story of Israel from Genesis to Revelation. Probing each section of Scripture—from the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Prophets to the Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypse—the authors bring the contours of this story to light. From close-up examinations of key texts to panoramic shots of the biblical terrain, The Story of Israel unfolds an intriguing and compelling perspective on biblical theology. And with its features of recommended readings and study questions, it is a textbo...
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Living God’s Word: Discovering Our Place in the Great Story of Scripture
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
New Testament scholar J. Scott Duvall and Old Testament expert J. Daniel Hays—authors of the popular hermeneutics primer Grasping God’s Word—invite lay and college-level Bible students to see how their faith journey relates to the big picture of the Bible. Living God’s Word presents a broad narrative framework that encompasses every book of the Bible and demonstrates how believers make this story their own. Each section deals with a specific part of Scripture and includes reading and listening preparation, explanation, summary, observations about theological significance, connections to the overarching story of the Bible, and written assignments for further study. These features—combined with the authors’ engaging style—make Living God’s Word an ideal introductory college text, Sunday school elective, or small group study.
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God’s Relational Presence: The Cohesive Center of Biblical Theology
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
Two leading biblical scholars and bestselling authors offer a fresh approach to the question of the unity of the whole Bible. This book shows that God’s desire to be with his people is a thread running from Genesis through Revelation. Duvall and Hays make the case that God’s relational presence is central to the Bible’s grand narrative. It is the cohesive center that drives the whole biblical story and ties together other important biblical themes, such as covenant, kingdom, glory, and salvation history.
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Grasping God’s Word Workbook: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, 4th ed.
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
'Grasping God’s Word' has proven itself in classrooms across the country as an invaluable help to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for themselves. This workbook is designed for use alongside the fourth edition of the textbook 'Grasping God’s Word'. While the textbook shows you the principles and tools of interpretation, the workbook lets you try them out by applying them to specific genres and contexts. Together, these books will help you get a grip on the solid rock of Scripture—how to read it, how to interpret it, and how to apply it.
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Zondervan Biblical Studies and Theology Collection (11 vols.)
Chad V. Meister; Constantine R. Campbell; Darrell L. Bock; …
The texts in this collection introduce theological perspectives, interpretive processes, and various ecclesiastical traditions and practices to prepare the reader for more advanced theological studies, while still offering intense, focused studies of particular topics for experienced scholars. The collection takes the reader through Old Testament criticism, Messianic Judaism, the theology of Luke and Acts, apologetics, exegetical and theological studies of Paul, the spiritual process of conversion from one denomination to another, looking at the whole picture of biblical theology, and more.
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Zondervan Textbook Bundle (8 vols.)
Earle E. Cairns; J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; …
The Zondervan Textbook Bundle provides everything a first-year or second-year Bible college student would need in the course of their studies. Spanning Christian history, philosophy, ethics, New and Old Testament studies, and spiritual formation, these texts have established themselves as high standards for their respective fields.
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Journey into God’s Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible, 2nd ed.
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
Journey into God’s Word, Second Edition helps Bible readers acquire these skills and become better at reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible to life. Based on the bestselling college/seminary textbook Grasping God’s Word it takes the proven principles from that book and makes them accessible to people in the church. It starts with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts. Hands-on exercises guide readers through the interpretation process, with an emphasis on real-life application. This second edition has been revised and updated to match the fourth edition of Grasping God’s Word with a five-step Interpretive Journey.
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Grasping God’s Word Video Lectures
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
A companion to J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall’s Grasping God’s Word 3rd Edition, Grasping God’s Word Video Lectures features the authors’ expert teaching through every chapter in their textbook. Useful for traditional students, students in distance and online-learning courses, and armchair learners alike, these lectures provide a full introduction to biblical interpretation.
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Grasping and Living God’s Word Collection (4 vols.)
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall
With Grasping God’s Word and Living God’s Word, readers gain insights into all the different genres found in the Bible to help you learn the specifics of how to best approach each one as well how their lives can be integrated into the story of the Bible, thus enabling them to live faithfully in deep and important ways. Featuring a five-step interpretive journey that will help you make sense of any passage in the Bible these books explores the entire Bible through broad themes that trace the progression of God’s redemptive plan.
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New Studies in Biblical Theology Series Collection | NSBT (53 vols.)
Learn about the individual and often challenging themes interwoven across the Bible through biblical theology. The New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT) series helps you carefully and sensitively address key issues in a clear biblical theology approach. By simultaneously instructing and edifying, interacting with current scholarship, the NSBT points the way forward. Drawing from well-respected biblical scholars such as D.A. Carson, Craig L. Blomberg, and G.K. Beale, this series represents the elite in biblical theology.
Sale $846.99
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Jeremiah and Lamentations (Teach the Text Commentary Series)
J. Daniel Hays
Jeremiah and Lamentations showcase a dark time in Judah’s history, before and during the exile to Babylon. Here is insightful commentary to help the modern reader and teacher understand and apply these important but often neglected portions of Scripture. Jeremiah brings God’s indictment against the people for repeated and egregious covenant violations. This is accompanied by a call to repentance that, if left unheeded, will lead to God’s judgment. The people don’t repent, and God does punish them, yet Jeremiah includes a message of hope for future restoration through a new covenant that will also bless the nations. Lamentations serves as a sequel to Jeremiah, in the aftermath of Jerusalem’s fall and the exile. The author laments over the destroyed city and, more importantly, over the sin that brought its downfall. It is a study in anguish, yet it too contains glimpses of hope in a restoring God.
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Biblical Theology Collection (187 Resources)
The Biblical Theology Collection gives you everything you need for diving deep into the Bible most important theological topics. Taking a text-centric approach rather than working with broad theological systems, these volumes give contextualized insight into the contemporary significance of the Biblical text. With a wide variety of experts in theology and biblical studies, you will be able to jump start the effectiveness of your Factbook, Passage Guide, and Theology Guide with these 187 resources.
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Preaching God’s Word Video Lectures
J. Daniel Hays; J. Scott Duvall; Terry G. Carter
Preaching God’s Word Video Lectures—a companion to the widely used textbook Preaching God’s Word—provides 15 lessons, each corresponding to a chapter in the textbook. The lectures are designed to help preachers and homiletics students develop and deliver biblically based expository sermons relevant for the twenty-first century.
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