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Not Your Average Bible Study Series (15 vols.)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Joel E. Kim; John D. Barry; …
The Not Your Average Bible Study series combines a deep understanding of the biblical text with real-world application that is relevant to our lives today. Each volume in this series guides you step-by-step through Scripture, helping you discover powerful insights as you move through the text, digging into the Bible on a whole new level.
Study, Apply, Share: James (Pastorum Series)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Elliot Ritzema
Jumpstart your sermon planning with Study, Apply, Share: James—a resource for preparing and presenting sermons and coordinating your worship services. For each biblical paragraph covered, Study, Apply, Share: James does the work of several resources: it identifies interpretation issues, provides application suggestions, and suggests worship service ideas. Elegant, professionally designed slides allow you to include biblical statistics in your sermons for illustration.
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Study, Apply, Share: Philippians (Pastorum Series)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Elliot Ritzema
Jumpstart your sermon planning with Study, Apply, Share: Philippians—a resource for preparing and presenting sermons and coordinating your worship services. For each biblical paragraph covered, Study, Apply, Share: Philippians does the work of several resources: it identifies interpretation issues, provides application suggestions, and suggests worship service ideas. Elegant, professionally designed slides allow you to include biblical statistics in your sermons for illustration.
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Estudios Logos para grupos pequeños II (9 vols)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Joel E. Kim; John D. Barry; …
Los Estudios Logos para grupos pequeños combinan un profundo entendimiento del texto bíblico con la aplicación que es relevante para nuestras vidas hoy. Cada volumen de esta colección te guía paso a paso a través de las Escrituras, ayudándote a realizar poderosos descubrimientos mientras exploras el texto, indagando en la Biblia a un nivel completamente nuevo.
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Sermon Builder Collection (65 resources)
Augustine of Hippo; Charles Spurgeon; Craig Brian Larson; …
Preparing a sermon is hard work and typically requires the use of several tools—including study resources, a word processor, and presentation software, but with the Sermon Builder all of those are tied together. This collection brings valuable tools and resources alongside the Sermon Builder Feature in Logos in order to help you write more effectively for your church congregation. Dive deep into the Word with this new collection tailored especially for the Logos Sermon Builder.
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Philippians: Confident in Christ (Not Your Average Bible Study)
Jeffrey E. Miller
How do we live a life worthy of gospel of Christ? When the Apostle Paul first shared the gospel on Philippi he was beaten and imprisoned. Years later, imprisoned again, he writes the Philippians with a message of joy and encouragement. He wants them to share in this joy, even in the face of suffering.
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Study, Apply, Share: Hebrews (Pastorum Series)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Elliot Ritzema
Jumpstart your sermon planning with Study, Apply, Share: Hebrews—a resource for preparing and presenting sermons and coordinating your worship services. For each biblical paragraph covered, Study, Apply, Share: Hebrews does the work of several resources: it identifies interpretation issues, provides application suggestions, and suggests worship service ideas. Elegant, professionally designed slides allow you to include biblical statistics in your sermons for illustration.
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A New Reader’s Lexicon of the Greek New Testament
Jeffrey E. Miller; Michael H. Burer
Improving on earlier lexical works, 'A New Reader's Lexicon of the Greek New Testament' incorporates all words that occur fewer than fifty times in the New Testament. In canonical order, it catalogs a word's frequency in each book, in each author's writings, and in the entire New Testament. References to rare or noteworthy word usages are included, allowing the reader to quickly identify words of special significance.
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Study, Apply, Share: Mark (Pastorum Series)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Elliot Ritzema
Jumpstart your sermon planning with Study, Apply, Share: Mark—a resource for preparing and presenting sermons and coordinating your worship services. For each biblical paragraph covered, Study, Apply, Share: Mark does the work of several resources: it identifies interpretation issues, provides application suggestions, and suggests worship service ideas. Elegant, professionally designed slides allow you to include biblical statistics in your sermons for illustration.
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Study, Apply, Share: Luke (Pastorum Series)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Elliot Ritzema
Jumpstart your sermon planning with Study, Apply, Share: Luke—a resource for preparing and presenting sermons and coordinating your worship services. For each biblical paragraph covered, Study, Apply, Share: Luke does the work of several resources: it identifies interpretation issues, provides application suggestions, and suggests worship service ideas. Elegant, professionally designed slides allow you to include biblical statistics in your sermons for illustration.
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研讀、應用、分享──講道牧養系列(繁體)(5 vols.)Study, Apply, Share - Pastorum Series (Traditional Chinese)
Jeffrey E. Miller; 艾略特·利策瑪(Elliot Ritzema); 傑弗里·米勒; …
Logos獨家推出,為繁忙的牧者所寫,《研讀、應用、分享──講道牧養系列》(Study, Apply, Share Series, SAS)幫助您快速開始預備講道。 此系列書籍是預備講道以及崇拜聚會的絕佳資源。對於所涉及的聖經,此書能指出解經上的問題、實際應用的建議,並提供敬拜聚會的點子。本系列還包含數百張聖經信息圖,可以用於講道、教學和研究。
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Lexham Press Preaching & Teaching Bundle (59 vols.)
Brian S. Rosner; Charles Spurgeon; Craig G. Bartholomew; …
The Lexham Press Preaching & Teaching Bundle includes 59 volumes of practical resources focused on sharing God’s Word with others. Built for pastors, teachers, and other ministry leaders, it contains 3,000 quotations, preaching illustrations, and prayers for all occasions from throughout church history, award-winning books, plus volumes from the Lexham Ministry Guides, and much more.
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Pastorum Series Collection (14 vols.)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Jim L. Wilson; Elliot Ritzema; …
Present richer, more memorable sermons and reduce your preparation time with the Pastorum Series Collection.
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Lexham Press Pauline Studies Bundle (60 vols.)
Andreas J. Köstenberger; Charles Spurgeon; Daniel L. Akin; …
The Lexham Press Pauline Studies Bundle contains 60 volumes focused on the 13 letters written by the Apostle Paul. Built for pastors, teachers, and other ministry leaders, it includes Lexham Research Commentaries for each epistle, theological and exegetical studies, plus volumes from the Osborne New Testament Commentaries, the Evangelical Exegetical Commentaries, the High Definition Commentaries, and much more.
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Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, L
Using the Sermon Starter Guide, you can generate useful information for preparing a sermon on a topic or passage. The Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, L brings valuable tools and resources for Logos to search key information from your library, aiding you as you prepare a sermon on a topic or biblical passage. The Sermon Starter Guide kick-starts your sermon or lesson preparation process and makes research much more efficient. It searches your Logos Library and gathers useful information as you prepare to preach or teach on a topic or biblical passage. By gathering everything your library has to offer into one location, the Sermon Starter Guide helps take your study from interpretation to application. This collection includes everything in the Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, M as well more than fifty additional resources to help expand your studies.
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Introduction to Philippians: Book & Course Bundle (10 vols.; 1 course)
Charles Spurgeon; David A. deSilva; Dean Flemming; …
Get all the resources you need to study and master the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians.
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Logos Feature Expansion Master Collection
The study and research tools in Logos Bible Software are sometimes only as good as the library that comes with them. The larger your library, the more effective you can be in your study of the Bible. Whether you are working with the Factbook, Passage Guide or the Exegetical Guide, the resources in your library, commentaries, grammars, dictionaries, and reference works, are the fuel that drive all the best features in Logos Bible Software. With over fifteen hundred reference works, Master Feature Collection gives you everything you need to make the most of your sermon writing, bible study, exegesis, and research.
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研读、应用、分享──讲道牧养系列(简体)(5 vols.)Study, Apply, Share - Pastorum Series (Simplified Chinese)
Jeffrey E. Miller; 艾略特·利策玛(Elliot Ritzema); 杰弗里·米勒; …
Logos独家推出,为繁忙的牧者所写,《研读、应用、分享──讲道牧养系列》(Study, Apply, Share Series,SAS)帮助您快速开始预备讲道。 此系列书籍是预备讲道以及崇拜聚会的绝佳资源。对于所涉及的圣经,此书能指出解经上的问题、实际应用的建议,并提供敬拜聚会的点子。本系列还包含数百张圣经信息图,可以用于讲道、教学和研究。
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Hazards of Being a Man: Overcoming 12 Challenges All Men Face
Jeffrey E. Miller
The problems men face today are not new; they have been around since the time of the Bible. Insensitivity, lust, individualism, absence, manipulation, unresolved anger--even a cursory study of Bible characters will expose all of these moral and emotional battles. Jeffrey E. Miller challenges men to acknowledge their common struggles and weaknesses to help them become better men. Developed from his featured Bible teaching series on, Occupational Hazards of Being a Man focuses on a…
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Lexham Press Master Collection (602 vols.)
The Master Collection is the complete library to-date from Lexham Press, including 602 resources built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of Logos Bible Software. Lexham Press is devoted to advancing scholarship and equipping the church. Our goal is to help you interact with Scripture by engaging with incredible resources. Interconnected resources. Multimedia assets. Feature integration. All woven into biblically grounded content for your research, sermon prep, and personal devotions.
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Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, S
Archie England; Bill Latta; Chad Owen Brand; …
Using the Sermon Starter Guide, you can generate useful information for preparing a sermon on a topic or passage. The Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, Sbrings valuable tools and resources for Logos to search key information from your library, aiding you as you prepare a sermon on a topic or biblical passage. The Sermon Starter Guide kick-starts your sermon or lesson preparation process and makes research much more efficient. It searches your Logos Library and gathers useful information as you prepare to preach or teach on a topic or biblical passage. By gathering everything your library has to offer into one location, the Sermon Starter Guide helps take your study from interpretation to application.
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2025 Learner Silver Library
Go deeper into your faith with our Learner Silver Library. This package includes everything from the Starter and Bronze levels, plus more advanced resources that provide deeper insights into biblical teachings and spiritual growth, helping you apply God's word more fully in your everyday life. This package includes fantastic resources like Reading the Bible Today (25 vols.), Exploring the Bible Series Collection (6 vols.), Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, and more.
Sale $349.99
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, M
Archie England; Bill Latta; Chad Owen Brand; …
Using the Sermon Starter Guide, you can generate useful information for preparing a sermon on a topic or passage. The Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, M brings valuable tools and resources for Logos to search key information from your library, aiding you as you prepare a sermon on a topic or biblical passage. The Sermon Starter Guide kick-starts your sermon or lesson preparation process and makes research much more efficient. It searches your Logos Library and gathers useful information as you prepare to preach or teach on a topic or biblical passage. By gathering everything your library has to offer into one location, the Sermon Starter Guide helps take your study from interpretation to application. This collection includes everything in the Sermon Starter Feature Expansion, S as well more than forty additional resources to help expand your studies.
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Introduction to the Pauline Epistles: Book & Course Bundle (26 vols.; 9 courses)
Andreas J. Köstenberger; Craig Blomberg; Daniel L. Akin; …
Get all the resources you need to study and master the Pauline epistles.
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2025 简体中文银版图书资料库
简体中文银版适合偶尔需要讲道的教会同工、兼职进修神学生使用。它包含《明道时代信息系列》(5 vols.),以及一些实用的注释书,如《天路日行》(4 Vols.)、《威尔斯比博士BE系列新旧约圣经注释丛书全集》(50本)、 《研读、应用、分享──讲道牧养系列》(5 vols.)等。 银版里的图书的价格是单独购买的一折。请留意,您必须先订阅功能方案才能购买图书资料库。您购买的图书永久属于您。 我们提供丰富的免费中文教学视频以及终身免费客户服务。 支持的操作系统: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, 以及 网页版。
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Filipenses: Confiados en Cristo
Jeffrey E. Miller
¿Cómo vivimos una vida digna del evangelio de Cristo? Cuando el apóstol Pablo compartió el evangelio en Filipos, fue golpeado y encarcelado. Años más tarde, nuevamente encarcelado, escribió a los filipenses con un mensaje de alegría y aliento. Él quería que compartieran esta alegría, incluso frente al sufrimiento.
研读、应用、分享:腓立比书(简体)Study, Apply, Share: Philippians (Simplified Chinese)
Jeffrey E. Miller; 杰弗里·米勒
Logos独家推出,为繁忙的牧者所写,用《研习、应用、分享:腓立比书》(Study, Apply, Share: Philippians)开始预备你的讲道。 此系列书籍是预备和介绍讲道以及崇拜聚会的资源。对于所涉及的圣经,此书能指出解经上的问题、实际应用的建议,并提供敬拜聚会的点子。也包含一些圣经的统计数据和优雅、专业的图片,让您在讲道中清楚地展示。
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研讀、應用、分享:腓立比書(繁體)Study, Apply, Share: Philippians (Traditional Chinese)
Jeffrey E. Miller; 傑弗里·米勒
Logos獨家推出,為繁忙的牧者所寫,用《研習、應用、分享:腓立比書》(Study, Apply, Share: Philippians)開始預備你的講道。 此系列書籍是預備和介紹講道以及崇拜聚會的資源。對於所涉及的聖經,此書能指出解經上的問題、實際應用的建議,並提供敬拜聚會的點子。也包含一些聖經的統計數據和優雅、專業的圖片,讓您在講道中清楚地展示。
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Estudios Logos para grupos pequeños (15 vols.)
Jeffrey E. Miller; Joel E. Kim; John D. Barry; …
Los Estudios Logos para grupos pequeños combinan un profundo entendimiento del texto bíblico con la aplicación que es relevante para nuestras vidas hoy. Cada volumen de esta colección te guía paso a paso a través de las Escrituras, ayudándote a realizar poderosos descubrimientos mientras exploras el texto, indagando en la Biblia a un nivel completamente nuevo. Gracias a sus preguntas para reflexión y discusión, sugerencias específicas de oración, e ideas para profundizar más en el estudio, comprobarás lo sencillo que es aplicar estas lecciones a nuestro día a día. Este es un recurso ideal como guía a seguir en estudios realizados en grupos pequeños.
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