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The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.)
F. Max Muller; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; M. Winternitz
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Vedic Brahmanic system claims twenty-one volumes, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Parsis, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: Confucianism and Taoism. The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) were translated by twenty leading authorities in their respective fields, and edited by noted scholar F. Max Müller. The inception, publication, and the compilation of these books covered almost thirty-four years.
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The Qur’ān
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Upanishads
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Zend-Avesta
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Sacred Books of China
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Bhagavadgîtâ
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Immanuel Kant's Critique of pure reason : in commemoration of the centenary of its first publication
Immanuel Kant; F. Max Muller
These scanned pages offer the ability to explore content outside our normal Logos editions.
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The Dhammapada
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Sacred Laws of the Âryas
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Pahlavi Texts
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Jaina Sutras
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Laws of Manu
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Vedic Hymns
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Institutes of Vishnu
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Satapatha-Brâhmana
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Grihya-Sûtras
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Minor Law-Books
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Vedânta-Sûtras
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Questions of King Milinda
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Hymns of The Atharva-Veda
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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A General Index to the Names and Subject-matter of the Sacred Books of the East
F. Max Muller; M. Winternitz
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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Vinaya Texts
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King
F. Max Muller; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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The Saddharma-Pundarîka
F. Max Muller
The volumes contained in The Sacred Books of the East (50 vols.) include translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The Hindu system claims twenty-one volumes in this collection, Buddhism ten, and Jainism two. Eight volumes comprise of the sacred books of the Persians, two volumes represent Islam, and the remaining six represent the two main indigenous systems of China: ...
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