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Daily Study Bible: Old Testament (24 vols.)
A. Graeme Auld; David F. Payne; George Angus Fulton Knight; …
The complete Daily Study Bible: Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay’s popular Daily Study Bible: New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the Old Testament, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay’s writing.
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Origins of Ancient Israelite Religion Collection (8 vols.)
Bernard M. Levinson; Bob Becking; Godfrey Rolles Driver; …
This collection presents an array of perspectives and studies on ancient Israelite religion. The eight volumes discuss Palestine's social, political, economic, religious and ecological changes in the ancient near east from Paleolithic to Roman eras; an engendered conception of ancient near eastern law; Canaanite myths and legends, and much more. The collection features accessible introductions to the field together with critical analyses and source texts, allowing for a more complete understanding of this compelling topic.
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Canaanite Myths and Legends
Godfrey Rolles Driver; John C. L. Gibson
The tablets of poetic mythological texts unearthed during the excavation of Ugarit are here edited and translated to shed new light on the religion and literature of the ancient world. The tablets are of great importance for the study of literature and religion in an area of the ancient world which, chiefly through the avenue of the Hebrew Bible, exercised a deep influence on the rise of European civilization. They are enabling scholarship for the first time to arrive at a positive appraisal of the higher levels of Canaanite culture, which is so remorselessly attacked in the Bible but which can now be seen to have contributed more to its composition (and thus indirectly to the thought and poetic imagery of the West) than was previously supposed.
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Canaanite Myths and Legends: Translation
Godfrey Rolles Driver; John C. L. Gibson
The tablets of poetic mythological texts unearthed during the excavation of Ugarit are here edited and translated to shed new light on the religion and literature of the ancient world. The tablets are of great importance for the study of literature and religion in an area of the ancient world which, chiefly through the avenue of the Hebrew Bible, exercised a deep influence on the rise of European civilization. They are enabling scholarship for the first time to arrive at a positive appraisal of...
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Daily Study Bible Series: Genesis, Volume 1
John C. L. Gibson
The Daily Study Bible Series: Genesis, Volume 1 The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.
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Daily Study Bible Series: Genesis, Volume 2
John C. L. Gibson
The Daily Study Bible Series: Genesis, Volume 2 The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.
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Daily Study Bible Series: Job
John C. L. Gibson
The Daily Study Bible Series: Job The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.
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Logos 6 Collector's Edition Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Canaanite Myths and Legends: Text
Godfrey Rolles Driver; John C. L. Gibson
The tablets of poetic mythological texts unearthed during the excavation of Ugarit are here edited and translated to shed new light on the religion and literature of the ancient world. The tablets are of great importance for the study of literature and religion in an area of the ancient world which, chiefly through the avenue of the Hebrew Bible, exercised a deep influence on the rise of European civilization. They are enabling scholarship for the first time to arrive at a positive appraisal of...
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Canaanite Myths and Legends: Textual Notes
Godfrey Rolles Driver; John C. L. Gibson
The tablets of poetic mythological texts unearthed during the excavation of Ugarit are here edited and translated to shed new light on the religion and literature of the ancient world. The tablets are of great importance for the study of literature and religion in an area of the ancient world which, chiefly through the avenue of the Hebrew Bible, exercised a deep influence on the rise of European civilization. They are enabling scholarship for the first time to arrive at a positive appraisal of the higher levels of Canaanite culture, which is so remorselessly attacked in the Bible but which can now be seen to have contributed more to its composition (and thus indirectly to the thought and poetic imagery of the West) than was previously supposed.
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