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Products>Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.)

Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $98.94
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The Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.) brings you an informative study of the person, work, and life of Jesus Christ. This collection compiles works by respected scholars, theologians, and authors including N.T. Wright, Craig A. Evans, and Gary M. Burge on the many fascinating issues surrounding Jesus. Topics of study include the use of Old Testament prophesy in the Christmas story and Jesus’ teaching and ministry, the depiction of Jesus, his life, works, and teaching by the Gospel authors, and the significance of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. A biblical view of the Israel-Palestine debate is also addressed, as well as the relationship between Jesus and the Jerusalem Temple. The six volumes in this collection give not only a concise study of the historical Jesus, but also clear proof of his deity. The Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.) is perfect for anyone serious about gaining a deeper understanding of the historical, literary, and cultural contexts surrounding Jesus and his ministry.

With the Logos Bible Software edition, all Scripture passages in the Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.) are tagged to original language texts and English translation. This makes these resources more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of Jesus or New Testament references to Old Testament prophesies.

  • Academic studies on a variety of Christological topics
  • Illustrates the significance of Old Testament prophesies in the New Testament
  • Confirms Christ's existence and deity

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5 ratings

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  1. Alessandro



  2. Adam Lambert

    Adam Lambert


  3. Maryellen J Lewis
  4. Freddie Rivers
    The descriptions of this series of books shows how instrumental these books are when use by the individual student in seminary or the layperson who is looking to develop knowledge and understanding in Christological topics and the existence and deity of Jesus.
  5. Eric Hillegas

    Eric Hillegas



Collection value: $98.94
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