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Products>Like Christ

Like Christ

, 1998

Digital Logos Edition

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In this volume Andrew Murray states his purpose, in part, as to draw such a portrait of the Son of God, as in all things made like unto His brethren, "as to show how, in the reality of His human life, we have indeed an exact Pattern of what the Father wants us to be. What was wanted was such a portrait as should make likeness to Him infinitely and mightily attractive, should rouse desire, awaken love, inspire hope, and strengthen faith in all who are seeking to imitate Jesus Christ." In the decades since its first publication, Christians the world over have agreed that this book represent a marvelous achievement of that purpose.

Product Details

  • Title: Like Christ
  • Author: Andrew Murray
  • Publisher: Woodlawn
  • Publication Date: 1998

Top Highlights

“we lack that true vision of the spiritual glory of Him who is the brightness of the Father’s glory” (source)

“essential unity. The fruit of a life in Christ is a life like Christ.” (source)

“The meanness of a work never lowers the person; the person honours and elevates the work, and imparts his own worth even to the meanest service.” (source)

“as to show how, in the reality of His human life, we have indeed an exact Pattern of what the Father wants us to be.” (source)

“Thy word this day has reminded me of what may be the reason of failure. I sought to abide in Thee more for my own comfort and growth than Thy glory.” (source)

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6 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. brenda gomez

    brenda gomez


  3. Jim Julian

    Jim Julian


    All the books that Andrew Murray wrote are very good. They all give you a picture of yourself and trying to be like Christ in everyday living.
  4. Dr. Barry McCarty
  5. Mary Jane

    Mary Jane


  6. Grover Cleveland Edwards


Digital list price: $5.99
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