Digital Logos Edition
Wiersbe's "Be" Series on the Old Testament—Practical, devotional, and concise describes the "Be" series. Each of these mini-commentaries contains a wealth of practical insight into God's Word.
Esther and Ruth provide encouragement to believers and spur them on to be faithful in their service to the Lord. At an hour in history when it's easy to compromise and even to quit, these two heroines of the faith tell us to be committed to the Lord and to do the will of God, come what may.
Be Committed will enlighten the reader by detailing the incredible lives and work of two of the Old Testament's most famous women: Esther and Ruth. Although they faced very different circumstances, both women were committed to God's work and they were both blessed abundantly for their faith.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of this resource by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. Scripture passages link to your favorite translation and you can easily study it side-by-side with the other commentaries in your digital library. This makes the text more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal study.
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe is Writer-in-Residence at Cornerstone College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. He has pastored three churches, including the Moody Church in Chicago, and served as General Director and Bible teacher for Back to the Bible Broadcast.
“It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of evidence but obeying in spite of consequence.” (Page 11)
“Before God changes our circumstances, He wants to change our hearts. If our circumstances change for the better, but we remain the same, then we will become worse. God’s purpose in providence is not to make us comfortable, but to make us conformable, ‘conformed to the image of His Son’ (Rom. 8:29). Christlike character is the divine goal for each of His children.” (Page 25)
“When we commit our lives to the Lord, what happens to us happens by way of appointment and not by accident.” (Page 30)
“Because God gave us freedom of choice, we can ignore the will of God, argue with it, disobey it, even fight against it. But in the end, the will of God shall prevail; because ‘the counsel of the Lord stands forever’ (Ps. 33:11) and ‘He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth’ (Dan. 4:35, NKJV).” (Page 13)
“Whenever we have disobeyed the Lord and departed from His will, we must confess our sin and return to the place of blessing.” (Page 18)
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Chad Ethridge