Digital Logos Edition
The first-of-its-kind Bible handbook offers charismatic and Pentecostal Christians a major reference tool that provides easy access to a wealth of biblical and practical information. Contains an interactive Survey (with Kingdom Life Insights) for each book of the Bible, the unique Spirit-Filled Life Encyclopedic Dictionary with over 1,300 entries, and Kingdom Keys for applying the principles of the Spirit-filled life. Coach Bill McCartney says: "...of immense value." C. Peter Wagner says: "(this) should be front and center in the home of every Christian who is serious about serving God in these days." Dr. Wayne Grudem says: "I am happy to commend (it), and I fully expect it will bring widespread benefit to the body of Christ...." (ISBN: 0-7852-1331-7)
“The power that flows through and from the Word of God finds its fountain in the heart of God’s love and its foundation in the wisdom of God’s purposes. By understanding His heart and His purposes for us, we can approach the Bible clearly and properly.” (source)
“SAVE. (Jer. 17:14) yasha˒ (yah-shah); Strong’s #3467: To rescue, save, defend; to free, preserve, avenge, deliver, help. The verb, found more than two hundred times throughout the Old Testament, is a one-word description of God’s response to the needs of humanity. God chose a form of this verb to be His Son’s name: Yeshua, meaning ‘He Shall Save.’ (See Matt. 1:21.) The original thought of yasha˒ was ‘to release,’ ‘to open wide.’ Our Deliverer is the One who opened wide the gates of captivity, released and rescued us, and continually defends and preserves us.” (source)
“Every major theme of God’s plan and purpose for humankind is introduced in Genesis, including the founding precepts of ‘the kingdom of God.’ Two underlying concepts appear in chapter 1: (1) The sovereign God is the fountain of all life and power, whose kingdom embraces all that is; and (2) He has created humankind to share dominion with Him within His kingdom.” (source)
“Jesus came to die and rise again not only to save humankind from sin and death but to break Satan’s control over the world’s order of things. He says He is here to ‘judge’ the prince of this world (12:30–31; 16:11).” (source)
“God’s Law is given to kingdom people to guide them to blessing more than to control them” (source)
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Christophe Akagla
Bill Clements
Richard Summitt
Terrance Hamm
Richard Cappetto
Jack Haldeman