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Products>1 Kings, 2nd ed. (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 12 | WBC)

1 Kings, 2nd ed. (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 12 | WBC)

ISBN: 9781418503604

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Gain scholarly insight into the intricacies of both the events and the textual challenges of 1 Kings. Review the succession from David to Solomon, Solomon’s reign and puzzling life and chronologies of the Hebrew kings. Study the geo-political context of Israel and the shape of its international relations as it emerges as a regional power and is eventually split into two kingdoms. Simon Devries writes, “The scene is history; the players are kings and prophets; behind the curtain is the Lord of history, challenging his players to make history the scene of salvific revelation.”

The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

Top Highlights

“With great dramatic power, the narrative mentions wind, earthquake, and fire, the familiar symbols of the theophanic presence (cf. Exod 19:16–19), as potential manifestations of Yahweh’s power. Then is mentioned a קול דממה דקה (v 12), which has been variously translated but apparently means nothing more than ‘a gentle little breeze’ (cf. J. J. Stamm, ‘Elia am Horeb,’ Studia biblica). To interpret v 13 in view of v 11, we are to suppose that the tumult frightened Elijah back into his cave and the gentle breeze drew him out. His repeated complaint in v 14 is an implicit confession that no strength for ministry remains in him and must therefore come from God himself.” (Page 236)

“Thus it is not the theophany in itself that is able to relieve the prophet of his complaint, for that complaint remains true. Elijah has been furiously zealous; the people of Israel have forsaken the covenant; they have thrown down Yahweh’s altars and killed his prophets; they are indeed seeking to take the life of Yahweh’s last living prophet. What now? We are told nothing of a change of Elijah’s psychological state. We are not even told whether he actually did carry out the anointing of Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha. Elijah’s abandonment of ministry and surrender of life is overcome by the straightforward commission with which this narrative ends. Doubts will cease and misgivings vanish when God puts him to work.” (Page 237)

“This section emphasizes the locale with adverbs of place (‘there,’ שם ‘here,’ פה Either on or near the mountain, Elijah hides in a cave. When Yahweh’s word challenges him, the prophet explains that all his furious zeal for Yahweh, ‘God of Hosts,’ has been in vain. The Israelites have devoted themselves to (1) forsaking the covenant, (2) overturning the altars, and (3) killing the prophets, so that Elijah alone survives (v 10, repeated for effect in v 14).” (Pages 235–236)

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Simon J. DeVries is professor emeritus of Old Testament at The Methodist Theological School in Delaware, Ohio. He is the author of Forms of Old Testament Literature: 1 and 2 Chronicles.

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