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Products>Jude, 2 Peter (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 50 | WBC)

Jude, 2 Peter (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 50 | WBC)

, 1983
ISBN: 9781418504021

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One of the earliest works of ground breaking scholar Richard Bauckham, this commentary provides a detailed examination of the socio-historical context with a special emphasis on the political state of the ancient world at the end of the first century. Bauckham reviews textual data, and draws out insight and applications for contemporary life.

The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

Top Highlights

“This passage does not mean that moral progress provides the Christian with a subjective assurance of his election (the sense it was given by Luther and Calvin, and especially in seventeenth-century Calvinism), but that the ethical fruits of Christian faith are objectively necessary for the attainment of final salvation.” (Page 190)

“There are fifty-seven words not found elsewhere in the NT.” (Page 135)

“The phrase is a rhetorical variation on θεία δύναμις (‘divine power’) and presumably refers to the incarnate life, ministry and resurrection of Christ as a manifestation of divine power by means of which he called men and women to be Christians.” (Page 179)

“However, it is equally clear that 2 Peter belongs to the genre of ancient Jewish literature known to modern scholars as the ‘farewell speech’ or ‘testament.’” (Page 131)

“It denotes piety toward the gods, but also, especially in Jewish and Christian usage, the respect for God’s will and the moral way of life which are inseparable from the proper religious attitude to God.” (Page 178)

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Richard Bauckham was professor of New Testament studies at St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews. He retired in 2007 from this position in order to concentrate on research and writing. He currently is the senior scholar at Ridley Hall in Cambridge and visiting professor at St. Mellitus College. He is the author of Scripture, Tradition and Reason: A Study in the Criteria of Christian Doctrine, Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church, and Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony.

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  1. Matthew



  2. Alessandro



  4. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  5. Rob Bailey

    Rob Bailey


  6. Robert Ogden

    Robert Ogden


  7. Samuel Cerny

    Samuel Cerny


  8. John Jelaco

    John Jelaco


  9. Clifford B. Kvidahl
  10. Jimmy R. Littlejohn Sr.
    I consider others opinions when making a purchase of something I have little information, so I want to offer my on personal opinion of this commenatary. Because of no reviews, I made the mistake of making a judgemnet based on the price and was sadly mistaken. I found this commentary to be of very little value to the average student of God's Word the author majored on some minor issues minored on the majors. After reading for several hours, I felt all I had learned was some of the authors opinions that really did not add to the understanding of the scriptures at all. Hope ths helps to save others from making the costly mistake I made!


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