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Products>Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle (46 vols.)

Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle (46 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,371.54
Save $321.55 (23%)
Starting at $71.61/mo at checkout


The Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle brings together 46 volumes of recent, compelling, and indepth scholarship on a variety of topics related to the Old Testament. This collection explores Christianity’s roots in the Old Testament, examining the character of God, the cultural and historical contexts in which Old Testament books were written, and the formation of the canon. A wide selection of scholars provide commentary on Old Testament books, deep dives into difficult interpretative questions, and thoughtful biblical theology on the text of the Old Testament

Key Features

  • Analysis of archaeological methods
  • In-depth research on Ancient Near Eastern thought and its importance to the study of the Old Testament
  • Insight and application of Mosaic law
  • Studies on women of the Pentateuch

Product Details

  • Title: Baker Academic Old Testament Bundle (46 vols.)
  • Publisher: Baker Academic
  • Volumes: 46
  • Pages: 14,676

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Total value if sold separately:$343.91

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    Collection value: $1,371.54
    Save $321.55 (23%)
    Starting at $71.61/mo at checkout