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Products>ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible Notes

ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible Notes

, 2017

Digital Logos Edition

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Theology should, first and foremost, be rooted in God’s Word. The goal of the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible is to demonstrate how all Christian doctrine arises from the pages of the Bible. Created to help readers understand how Scripture forms the basis for our understanding of God, humanity, sin, salvation, and eternity, this study Bible features over 400 short in-text doctrinal summaries connecting Christian beliefs to specific Bible passages, 25 longer articles explaining important theological topics in greater depth, and introductions to each book of the Bible that highlight the unique ways each book contributes to the whole of Christian theology. Created by an outstanding team of editors and 26 contributors, this resource has been created to help Christians better connect what they believe about God with the very words of Scripture.

  • Over 400 doctrinal summaries explaining core doctrines and connecting them to specific Bible passages
  • Includes Theology for Life sections to help readers apply specific doctrines to their own lives.
  • Introductions to each book of the Bible highlight the unique ways each book contributes to the whole of Christian theology.
  • What is Doctrine and Why Is It Important?
  • How to Do Theology
  • A Brief History of Doctrine
  • Theological Traditions within Christendom
  • The Origin and Authority of the Biblical Canon
  • Doctrine in the Creeds and Catechisms of the Church
  • Apologetics
  • Orthodoxy and Heresy
  • Doctrine and Preaching
  • Reading the Bible Theologically
  • Revelation
  • Scripture
  • God
  • Creation
  • Providence
  • Humanity
  • Sin
  • The Christian Life
  • The Person of Christ
  • The Work of Christ
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Ordinances and Sacraments
  • Grace
  • Election
  • The Gospel
  • Salvation
  • The Church
  • Eschatology

Top Highlights

“One of the most important features of biblical teaching about last things is the concept of the ‘already’ and the ‘not yet.’” (Page 1294)

“Each sidebar falls into one of ten categories: the attributes of God, revelation, mankind, sin, Jesus Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, church life, the Christian life, and the end times.” (Page vii)

“He keeps all of God’s promises. He holds creation together (Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3), defeats sin (Rom. 3:21–31) and death (1 Cor. 15:1–58), and blesses all nations (Matt. 28:16–20). He is the only Savior (Acts 4:12), and his people are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:16–20).” (Page 2)

“Genesis narrates for Israel the story of people who walked with the Lord (Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) to encourage their descendants to break away from their resistant and recurring hardness of heart. The author intends the reader of the Pentateuch to connect the foundation stories (exile from Eden, human wickedness, and God’s unfolding promises of grace) with Israel’s new opportunity (of entering the land, despite Israel’s rebelliousness, and through God’s unfailing faithfulness to his promises).” (Page 1)

“What about God’s people? Speaking with unvarnished honesty, God tells Habakkuk he must live by faith in the coming turbulent, terrible times (2:4). God’s people will show their faith in a merciful God by seeking him and his plans, as Habakkuk has done already. They will turn from other gods and those who follow them (2:19). They know God rules over the whole world from his holy temple (2:20). Consequently, they will stand when the wicked fall.” (Page 1105)

The ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible is a gold mine of rich theology extracted from the deep quarries of Scripture. This valuable resource is easy to read and accessible to all, yet with a depth that will appeal to Bible teachers and church leaders alike. Its many doctrinal summaries and theological articles are strategically placed and show how the many threads of theological truth come together seamlessly to form one tapestry. Every reader who studies this invaluable tool will become a better theologian and a stronger believer.

—Steven J. Lawson, dean of the doctor of ministry program and professor of preaching, The Master’s Seminary; president and founder, OnePassion Ministries; author, The Kind of Preaching God Blesses

The ESV Study Bible has been a go-to for me since its inception. There is no doubt I will reference and learn from the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible as well. It is a needed resource that allows readers to access explanations of key texts right on the same page as the passages themselves. But it is not just a book about theology in the abstract. A feature called ‘Theology for Life’ helps us to apply theology to our everyday life and to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the gospel as we read. The ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible is a wonderful resource for anyone serious about theology.

— Trillia Newbell, speaker; author, Enjoy; Fear and Faith; and United

A milestone in publishing, the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible provides readers views from above the biblical landscape to ensure a coherent and certain trajectory through the sixty-six books of the Bible. This resource is utterly trustworthy and beautifully designed—Crossway has done it again. Marvelous in every way.

—Derek W. H. Thomas, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina; chancellor’s professor of systematic and pastoral theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; author, Acts (Reformed Expository Commentary)

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7 ratings

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  1. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


    A greaat idea, but not inspiring trust. Too much Augustinian-Calvinist, Reformed slant. Very biased. If they let each side (Orthodox, Catholic, etc) present their view from themselves (from the horse's mouth) it would be far better. Or it could offer the approach much like "Accross the Spectrum" by Boyd and Eddy, where that "book refuses to take a position on any of the issues. (The authors have views but don’t push them here.) That is not its point. Rather, after listing and explaining each evangelical position, what the reader gets is a short essay mounting a strong defense of each position. " Yes, raise the academic standards by letting people decide for themselves with a far less biased approach to the theological views. Let the Reformed speak and argue their view, but also let the opposing views do exactly the same (again, "from the horse's mouth" - a true representative of the other views). Otherwise, it's just another form of "cancel culture" in "Christian City". But, of course, my expectations of intellectual and academic integrity are almost certainly far too high. C'est la vie. (P.S. The quotation is taken from a response advertising the other theological book (on FWB Logos users page) and is cited for comparison. I would have far more confidence in the academic integrity of "Accross the Spectrum" even if I would disagree with certain views of the authors.)
  2. Steve Mathisen
    I cannot understand what is being said in the video because the music is louder than the words. The words are more important than the music. Why obscure your message for the sake of unnecessary music?
  3. Carlos Colon

    Carlos Colon


  4. Howard E. Nelson
    Logos Bible is my favorite website for study and especially due to Word Search Bible being integrated into Logos Bible. It is easy to navigate and search for what you need.
  5. Claybon Collins Jr
  6. Phil Niebergall
  7. pieter



  8. Kalim Cheung

    Kalim Cheung


  9. Joe Marshall

    Joe Marshall



Digital list price: $35.99
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