Digital Logos Edition
Semeia is an experimental journal devoted to the exploration of new and emergent areas and methods of biblical criticism. Studies employing the methods, models, and findings of linguistics, folklore studies, contemporary literary criticism, structuralism, social anthropology, and other such disciplines and approaches, are invited. Although experimental in both form and content, Semeia proposes to publish work that reflects a well defined methodology that is appropriate to the material being interpreted.
“‘a group of words which is regularly employed under the same metrical conditions to express a given essential idea’” (Page 7)
“Going on the assumption that the Ugaritic texts were orally composed by formulaic composition, Frank M. Cross has proposed a number of cases which he claims are irregularities produced when the text was dictated to a scribe.” (Page 6)
“Finally, since repetition is a crucial feature of oral style at all levels, some have pursued this line. Walter Koch’s article on ‘Recurrent Units in Written and Oral Texts’ is an example.” (Page 14)
“has generally resisted the notion of a ‘transitional’ text, something in between oral and written (1960:124–38)” (Page 8)
“no notion of an original text exists in oral formulaic composition, and so all performances are valid.” (Page 6)
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