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A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians

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The letters to the seven churches in Asia, contained in the book of Revelation, were written by the apostle John. Morgan dissects the messages they contain, helping his readers understand the relevance and importance today in studying the last book of the Bible.

Looking for the entire series?The G. Campbell Morgan Collection (30 vols.) is now available!

  • Biblical insight from one of the greatest theologians from the turn of the 20th century
  • Exegetical analysis of the book of Revelation

Top Highlights

“This description is surely most remarkable. The church at work, labouring at the work, patiently persistent in the labour that produced the work. The church refusing to have fellowship with evil men, observing the false philosophy of certain teaching and rejecting it. The church, persistent in its faithfulness and unwearying in its service. If the Master, visiting the church to which we belong uttered such words as these, should we not feel that they constituted the highest commendation that could possibly be passed?” (Page 38)

“My personal conviction is that the Nicolaitans were persons who excused certain forms of impurity, and made the grace of God a cloak for lasciviousness. I believe the heresy was that known in latter days as Antinomianism, which declares that grace is sufficient for salvation, and that life is of little moment. This heresy will be dealt with more fully in considering the letter to Pergamum.” (Page 39)

“God is revealed as supreme in the government of the universe, the Spirit as the light and activity of that government, and Jesus as the faithful Witness, and as ruling the kings of the earth.” (Page 9)

“and suffering there is no voice, it may be that the silence of the Lord is His highest commendation” (Page 65)

“from such an apparently hurried commencement there came eventually a strong and remarkable church.” (Page 31)

  • Title: A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians
  • Author: G. Campbell Morgan
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revel
  • Publication Date: 1902
  • Pages: 217

G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945), was a contemporary of Rodney “Gipsy” Smith, preached his first sermon at age 13. He was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London from 1904-1919 and then from 1933-1943, pausing for a brief period between those timeframes to work at Biola in Los Angeles. In 1939, he began to mentor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who would eventually become his successor. Morgan’s essay entitled The Purposes of the Incarnation are included in a collection called The Fundamentals, a set of 90 essays that is widely considered to be the foundation of the modern Fundamentalist movement.


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  1. Robert  Leahy

    Robert Leahy



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