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Products>Ancient Literature Collection (30 Resources)

Ancient Literature Collection (30 Resources)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $1,360.18
Save $410.19 (30%)
Starting at $65.36/mo at checkout


Connect any Bible verse with ancient Jewish and Christian parallels and allusions. The Ancient Literature Collection presents a comprehensive library of resources that populate your Passage Guide with ancient parallels, quotations, and allusions from the Apostolic Fathers, the Talmud, the Mishnah, apocryphal writings, and more. Instantly see any verse’s interpretation, application, and reuse throughout the ancient world.

These ancient religious texts bring key citations and references to your study of Scripture, opening up a new level of connectivity for your research. With 30 volumes covering Ugaritic and Mesopotamean religious parallels to New Testament apocryphal stories and early church writers, you’ll never run short on texts from which your study can draw insight.

Curious how these resources work in Logos? Watch the videos below to see for yourself where you’ll be using them:

For the a larger version of this feature expansion, see Ancient Literature Collection (73 resources).

  • Contains Logos resources with extensive Ancient Literature tagging
  • Relates implied and explicit parallels from Scripture
  • Uncovers cultural and theological similarities between ancient religious texts
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$1,360.68

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  1. diederick pütter
  2. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  3. Robert J Richardson
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Collection value: $1,360.18
Save $410.19 (30%)
Starting at $65.36/mo at checkout