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Products>Eerdmans Catholic Biblical Studies Collection (14 vols.)

Eerdmans Catholic Biblical Studies Collection (14 vols.)

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The Eerdmans Catholic Biblical Studies Collection brings together select titles from Catholic biblical scholars on a broad range of subjects and interests from Eerdmans substantial catalog of Catholic authors. Titles range from An Introduction to the Bible by Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin and An Outline of New Testament Spirituality by the Augustinian friar Prosper Grech, O.S.A. to more focused studies like Piety and Politics: The Dynamics of Royal Authority in Homeric Greece, Biblical Israel, and Old Babylonian Mesopotamia by Benedictine monk Fr. Dale F. Launderville, O.S.B. and The Gospel of John in Cultural and Rhetorical Perspective by Notre Dame professor Jerome H. Neyrey.

Founded in 1911, Eerdmans has cultivated a reputation of publishing the best modern biblical scholarship in the world. Through the years, Eerdmans has introduced hundreds of new, critical thinkers and thoughts to biblical scholarship—emphasizing open, earnest dialogue across the range of interpretive perspectives.

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Total value if sold separately:$463.88

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