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Products>Acts for Everyone, part 1

Acts for Everyone, part 1

, 2008
ISBN: 9780664227951

Digital Logos Edition

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Renowned scholar N. T. Wright brings us the latest volumes in his acclaimed For Everyone series of New Testament commentaries: Acts, parts one and two. Part one covers chapters one through twelve. Each of these brief guides offers a short passage of text, in Wright's own accessible translation, followed by a highly readable and thought-provoking discussion. Background information about the text, helpful explanations about its meanings, and thoughts as to how it can be relevant to our lives today are woven together seamlessly in Wrights gracious and inviting style. A glossary is provided at the back of the books to provide further explanation of less-common words and phrases. These books are useful for Christian education classes for both youth and adults, as preaching aids, in confirmation classes, and as daily devotions.

Praise for the Print Edition

A rare event: a commentary that is learned without being stuffy, accessible without being reductionist. Tom Wright joins us in our homes and workplaces, our sanctuaries and classrooms, in genial, prayerful conversation over this text that forms our lives, the New Testament Scriptures.

The Christian Century

There is now an immense hunger in our society for the Bible. Many folk want access to it, without the usual shrill authoritarian trappings. These studies by Wright are exactly to the point . . . well grounded in scholarship, accessible, and intensely contemporary. The series is a most welcome one!

—Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

Product Details

  • Title: Acts for Everyone, part 1
  • Author: N. T. Wright
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 240
  • Christian Group: Anglican

About N. T. Wright

Nicholas Tom Wright, commonly known as N. T. Wright or Tom Wright, is Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at St. Andrews University. Previously, he was the bishop of Durham. He has researched, taught, and lectured on the New Testament at McGill, Oxford, and Cambridge Universities, and has been named by Christianity Today a top theologian. He is best known for his scholarly contributions to the historical study of Jesus and the New Perspective on Paul. His work interacts with the positions of James Dunn, E. P. Sanders, Marcus Borg, and Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Wright has written and lectured extensively around the world, authoring more than forty books and numerous articles in scholarly journals and popular periodicals. He is best known for his Christian Origins and the Question of God Series, of which three of the anticipated six volumes are finished.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition

Top Highlights

“Then, 50 days after Passover, they came to Mount Sinai, where Moses received the law. Pentecost, the fiftieth day, isn’t (in other words) just about the ‘first fruits’, the sheaf which says the harvest has begun. It’s about God giving to his redeemed people the way of life by which they must now carry out his purposes.” (Page 21)

“God’s kingdom is coming in and through the work of Jesus, not by taking people away from this world but by transforming things within this world, bringing the sphere of earth into the presence, and under the rule, of heaven itself.” (Page 8)

“When the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai, Moses went up the mountain, and then came down again with the law. Here, Jesus has gone up into heaven in the ascension, and—so Luke wants us to understand—he is now coming down again, not with a written law carved on tablets of stone, but with the dynamic energy of the law, designed to be written on human hearts.” (Page 22)

“First, it is all based on the resurrection of Jesus.” (Page 3)

“Part of the challenge of this passage is the question: have our churches today got enough energy, enough spirit-driven new life, to make onlookers pass any comment at all? Has anything happened which might make people think we were drunk? If not, is it because the spirit is simply at work in other ways, or because we have so successfully quenched the spirit that there is actually nothing happening at all?” (Pages 29–30)

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  1. Nathan



  2. Ryan Smith

    Ryan Smith


  3. Veli-Pekka Haarala
  4. Eric Pulliam

    Eric Pulliam


  5. Pastor Kay

    Pastor Kay


  6. Pat Callahan

    Pat Callahan


    Love NT Wright's stuff - very approachable for lay people.
  7. Prophet_kevin
  8. Rev Chuck Taber
  9. Peter Janssens
  10. Brett Donald

    Brett Donald



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