Digital Logos Edition
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, Volume 11.
“And once again, we conclude, no. Repentance is not a condition for receiving eternal life, but it is a condition for possessing eternal life. By possessing eternal life we refer to enjoying a quality of life that only the believer in fellowship with God can have. Repentance is not about relationship, but it is about fellowship.” (Volume 11, Number 20, Page 20)
“Christian growth will not occur apart from our diligent participation in the process. If we learn nothing else from this passage, we must learn this. We do not passively experience Christian growth, but actively pursue it!” (Volume 11, Number 20, Page 28)
“The suzerainty-vassal covenants are unconditional in their initiation but conditional after inauguration” (Volume 11, Number 21, Page 17)
“the gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed” (Volume 11, Number 20, Page 49)
“the covenants of grant are conditional upon obedience” (Volume 11, Number 21, Page 17)
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