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Products>Luke (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

Luke (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

, 1978
ISBN: 9781441255044

Digital Logos Edition

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Beginning with a surprisingly interesting explanation of source theories, the introduction defends Luke's importance and accuracy against modern critics. Translation and commentary then analyzes and applies Luke's narrative.

Top Highlights

“All this, however, does not clear Judas from blame” (Page 955)

“Jesus is not telling us that we should become worldly-minded or crooked. He is stating the obvious fact that in worldly matters worldly people often show more astuteness or shrewdness than God’s children do in matters affecting their everlasting salvation.” (Page 770)

“Therefore, the theory according to which Jesus was crucified on Thursday is opposed by the evidence of the Gospels.554” (Page 954)

“Such interesting Easter stories as are related in Matt. 28:8–10, 11–15; John 20:10–18, 24–29; ch. 21” (Page 1054)

“The active part played by Satan in the events of Passion Week must not be ignored” (Page 955)

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