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Products>History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr. E. Earle Ellis for His 80th Birthday

History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr. E. Earle Ellis for His 80th Birthday

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Published in honor of Dr. Ellis for his eightieth birthday and for his contributions to biblical scholarship, this book contains 21 articles written by internationally renowned New Testament scholars. In each article, the writer shares his/her keen insights on a cutting-edge issue in the study of the New Testament which has been central to Dr. Ellis’ research and writings. The topics discussed in the book are diverse, ranging from New Testament history, text, and exegesis to theology and ethics. A number of articles are devoted to investigating how the Old Testament is used in the New Testament, an area to which Dr. Ellis has made the most significant contributions; a few articles are focused on exegetical or hermeneutical issues or authorship issues, and other articles deal with various theological issues including the “New Perspective” on Paul.

  • Covers a wide variety of topics by well-respected New Testament scholars
  • Explores exegetical methodology, history, and trends
  • Analyzes the New Testament use of the Old Testament

I. E. Earle Ellis

  • A Biographical Sketch by Gerald F. Hawthorne
  • Curriculum Vitae

II. Gospels and Acts

  • Performing the Past: Gospel Genre and Identity Formation in the Context of Ancient History Writing by Samuel Byrskog
  • Ecclesial Reading of the Gospel of Mark by James W. Voelz
  • “This is that”: The Authority of Scripture in the Acts of the Apostles by Loveday Alexander
  • The Estate of Publius on Malta (Acts 28:7) by Richard Bauckham

III. Paul’s Letters

  • Romans and the Origin of Paul’s Christology by Paul W. Barnett
  • Justification and Eschatology in Paul and Qumran: Romans and 4QMMT by N. T. Wright
  • Paul’s Use of Habakkuk 2:4 in Romans 1:17: Reflections on Israel's Exile in Romans by Mark A. Seifrid
  • Did Paul Write Galatians? by Harold W. Hoehner
  • The Structure and Function of 1 Thessalonians 1-3 by Seyoon Kim
  • The (Greek) Old Testament in Philippians: 1:19 as Parade Example-Allusion, Echo, Proverb? by John Reumann
  • Old Testament Intertextuality in Colossians: Reflections on Pauline Christology and Gentile Inclusion in God’s Story by Gordon D. Fee
  • τὸ σῶμα τοῦ Χριστοῦ in Colossians 2:17 by S. Aaron Son
  • Once More: Luke-Acts and the Pastoral Epistles by Rainer Riesner
  • Accountant Paul by Frederick W. Danker
  • Merits and Limits of the “New Perspective on the Apostle Paul” by Klaus Haacker

IV. Perspectives on New Testament Interpretation

  • The Place of Exegesis in the Postmodern World by Donald A. Hagner
  • Biblical Ethics: Multiplicity and Unity by Birger Gerhardsson
  • Changes to the Exegesis of the Catholic Epistles in the Light by J. K. Elliott
  • Translating [ὁ] Χριστός in the New Testament by Marinus de Jonge
  • Werner Georg Kümmel 1905-1995 Ein Neutestamentler im 20. Jahrhundert by Otto Merk
  • Title: History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr. E. Earle Ellis for His 80th Birthday
  • Editor: S. Aaron Son
  • Publisher: T&T Clark
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 416
  • Resource Type: Festschrifts
  • Topic: Exegesis

S. Aaron Son (Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.


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