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Products>David Wells Collection (5 vols.)

David Wells Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $84.95
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The David Wells Collection brings together five significant works analyzing the state of the modern church. Beginning with No Place for Truth in 1994, Wells winsomely observes trends of the Christian church and offers refreshing theologically-centered insights and antidotes. By calling the church to refocus on the sovereignty and holiness of God, Wells provides a compelling challenge for contemporary evangelicalism.

  • Analyzes consumeristic and therapeudic trends in the evangelical church
  • Offers insights into the church’s relationship to God and Scripture
  • Examines the effects of modernism and postmodermism on the church

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David F. Wells is distinguished senior research professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts, and an ordained Congregationalist minister. His many previous books include Above All Earthly Pow'rs, Losing Our Virtue, God in the Wasteland, and No Place for Truth.

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    Collection value: $84.95
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