Digital Logos Edition
Teaching Romans, Vol. 1 is divided into three sections, the first containing introductory materials on the text of Romans. Sections two and three work systematically through a suggested preaching or Bible study series on Romans 1-8. Preaching outlines and Bible study questions are included for each passage.
“To anticipate the argument of the letter, let me state in simple terms the doctrinal key both to unity and mission. It is to lift Jesus very high and bring you and me very low, or—to put it in more theological language—it is to magnify grace (which lifts Jesus high) and to emphasize faith (which brings me low, since it speaks of coming empty-handed to the Cross, ‘nothing in my hand I bring …’). It is this Jesus-exalting, people-humbling gospel that Paul expounds in Romans.” (Page 36)
“The central theme of the chapter is the absolute necessity of real repentance and faith.” (Page 109)
“Verses 1–11 are bracketed by a restored relationship with God” (Page 192)
“As we read Romans, therefore, we shall be asking how this particular teaching of the gospel impacts on these two precise aims of the letter: evangelistic zeal and church harmony.” (Page 36)
“He wants them to become mission partners in the gospel” (Page 31)
Personally, I found the structure of each chapter extremely helpful. After analyzing and explaining the meaning of the text, the author moves from text to teaching. In this section the basic theme and aim are clarified and pointers to application made. This is perhaps what lifts these volumes beyond the limits of a normal commentary. It is also what Bible teachers and study leaders will find most attractive about them. Applying the ancient text to the modern listener isn't always an easy thing to do. Under pressure to seem practical and relevant, preachers are often tempted to the sin of 'false application' by which the instructions they give are forced onto, rather than derived out of, the text.
—Evangelicals Now
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Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.