Digital Logos Edition
Romans was written to help reconcile Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome. Paul’s aim was to unify these two sub-groups. In his letter, he presented a theology that placed Jew and Gentile on an equal footing, both in their sin and in their salvation. Modern Christians understand that our own situation corresponds to Paul’s original setting. Although the content of Romans was intended for a particular cultural context, its applicability extends to all times for God’s people. Distinguished biblical scholar Charles Talbert leads readers into the biblical world of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. He seeks to attune his readers’ ears to the important truth of God’s word for today.
“In Romans 5:3–5 Paul reflected the other stream of thought” (Page 136)
“Paul’s second stated aim was his desire to impart some spiritual gift to strengthen the Roman Christians (1:11–12; 15:15–16).” (Page 12)
“Paul said about the covenants throughout his letters may be summarized as follows. (1) The covenant with Abraham furnished Paul a scriptural way to argue that justification through faith had been God’s plan all along for Jew and Gentile alike. (2) The Law (Mosaic covenant) was a temporary phase in God’s dealings with the covenant people. In spite of its just requirements, it was impotent because of human sin. With the coming of Christ, the Law (Mosaic covenant) had come to an end as a part of ongoing salvation history. (3) The Mosaic covenant had been replaced in salvation history by the prophesied New Covenant of Jeremiah 31 in which God enables the people’s faithfulness to the relationship.” (Page 17)
“Melancthon from the Lutheran side and Bullinger from the Reformed followed Erasmus in expressing strong reservations about ascribing election in Romans 9:6–29 to the will of God alone. Erasmus, in his Annotations on Romans (1516) argued that God’s elective choice occurred post praevisa merita (following foreseen merit).” (Page 242)
“Although the first option seems the most natural one to a beginning reader, it seems less so when one realizes that ancient Judaism did not always use the ‘I’ in an autobiographical fashion. For example, 1 QS X–XI uses ‘I’ to refer to humankind as flesh rather than to some particular individual. Likewise, the philosophers used a rhetorical ‘I.’ Epictetus, for example, used the ‘I’ form for the speech of a would-be philosopher (3.22.10). This ancient rhetorical device was called prosōpopoiia (= making a mask).” (Page 186)
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