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Products>Christ and the Bible, 3rd ed.

Christ and the Bible, 3rd ed.

ISBN: 9781606088883

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Defense of the Bible begins with rational proofs for the historicity and accuracy of its documents. Christ and the Bible places the argument for the authority of scripture squarely on Jesus.

With uncluttered logic and straightforward prose Wenham marshals Gospel evidence to show Jesus’ own view of Scripture-that it is (1) historically accurate, (2) authoritative, (3) the standard for ethics, and (4) the verbally inspired revelation of God.

He then considers why we should listen to Jesus when he makes such claims and why “Christ’s view should be the Christian view.” The study substantiates Jesus’ reliability influence on all New Testament writers.

Finally, Wenham considers two related problems: first, which writings really belong in the Bible; second, the reliability of the text as now available. The presentation is easy to read and understand. This third edition updates and dialogs with recent developments.

Key Features

  • Provides a detailed explanantion of Christ’s view of Scripture
  • Examines critical views of biblical inspiration and reliability
  • Explores the nature and implication of God’s revelation


  • Preface to 3rd Edition
  • Jesus’ view of the Old Testament
  • The Authority of Jesus as a Teacher
  • Objections to the Claims of Jesus
  • The New Testament Writers and the Old Testament
  • Jesus and the New Testament
  • The Extent of the Canon
  • The Reliability of the Bible Text

Product Details

  • Title: Christ and the Bible, Third Edition
  • Author: John Wenham
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Publisher: Wipf & Stock
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 222
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Topic: Scripture

About John Wenham

John Wenham (1913-1996) had a distinguished academic career and served as vice principal of Tyndale Hall, Bristol, lecturer in New Testament Greek at Bristol University, and was warden of Latimer House, Oxford. He is the author of many important works, including Easter Enigma and The Goodness of God.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


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