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Products>Christian Focus Commentaries and Guides (31 vols.)

Christian Focus Commentaries and Guides (31 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $306.69
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The Focus on the Bible Commentary series is practical and insightful with contributions by top evangelical scholars and pastors, and are designed to be readable for ordinary Christians, reliable for in-depth study of the Bible, and relevant for daily Christian life. Discover not only what the music of the Psalms, the plight of Job, the story of Jesus, and the spread of the New Testament church meant then, but what these stories—and the whole of Scripture—means today!

The Christian Focus A Book for Today series provides convenient and accessible resources for pastors, and lay leaders for bible study and teaching. Designed to accompany the Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Series, these introductions provide essential information about the bible books for anyone to get started in bible study.

The Teaching the Bible Series from Christian Focus Publishing is designed to help the pastor, preacher, small group leader, or youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application. They are all geared to teach you the truth of Scripture.

Key Features

  • Guides the reader to understand the relevance of these biblical texts for today
  • Illustrates the contemporary relevance of the Old and New Testaments
  • Assists Bible teachers of all kinds in teaching the Bible effectively
  • Provides practical background information for the study of biblical books

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Total value if sold separately:$1,050.96

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    Collection value: $306.69
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