Digital Logos Edition
The outstanding phenomenon on the Day of Pentecost was that Hebrew Christians “began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” It was this strange, supernatural which caused the spectators to ask in amazement. “What Meaneth This?” And it is the repetition of this same phenomenon in the worldwide Pentecostal Movement of this Twentieth Century that has awakened interest once more in the “glossolalia.”
Many theories concerning the Biblical instances of this miracle of utterance have been introduced by the leaders of religious thought during the centuries of Church history. These theories have been supplemented in our day by arguments directed against the Pentecostal Movement. The author of What Meaneth This? has made an exhaustive study of the explanations of both the Biblical and current manifestations of tongues, and in this book deals thoroughly with every view of any importance, examining each from the standpoint of the Scriptures and logical reasoning.
Here, then, in a single, comprehensive volume is what the Pentecostal Movement believes about “speaking with other tongues.” It is the sincere hope of the publisher that What Meaneth This? will provide the information so long desired by non-Pentecostal friends, that it will remove many obstacles from the minds of those who have opposed this part of the Pentecostal message and that it will strengthen the faith of Pentecostal Christians everywhere.
From The Pentecostal Evangel: “Readers will enjoy the clarity of thought and simplicity of style. They will study this book with absorbing interest and great spiritual profit. Of no small interest to the scholarly reader are the frequent footnotes and quotations from noted authorities.”
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