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Products>2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity

2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity

ISBN: 9781845502706

Digital Logos Edition

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For each section of the Bible, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries summarize the passage of Scripture, including the intentions of the authors, the historical and cultural environment, and the questions and issues raised by a particular passage. But most importantly, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries brings you into the heart of the Bible, by explaining Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living.

Davis brings cultural and historical color to the task of interpreting one of the most studied parts of the Bible. The lessons in 2 Samuel from the life of Israel, and David in particular, have obvious modern parallels. Davis writes with a pastor's heart and the incisive brain of a respected theologian specializing in the Old Testament texts.

What’s more, with the Logos edition, Scripture passages are linked to your favorite English translation for quick reference, or to your Greek and Hebrew texts for original-language study! That gives you quick access to the message of the Bible as you study it! You can also read the 2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity along with your Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the wealth of other Bible study tools in your digital library. This commentary will serve as a vital aid for sermon preparation, for personal and group Bible study, and for anyone looking to apply the text of Scripture to practical Christian life.

  • Chapter-by-chapter commentary
  • Accessible and readable exposition
  • Eminently useful for preaching, teaching, and both personal and group Bible study

Top Highlights

“‘This is not about David; it is not even about covenant kings; it is about a covenant God who makes covenant promises to a covenant king through whom he will preserve his covenant people.’ That must be our perspective.” (Page 9)

“And the text says: let death, sin, and time do what they will, they will never frustrate Yahweh’s kingdom plan through David’s dynasty-house. I want you to sense the note of inevitability in the promise.” (Page 94)

“But Yahweh is kind: he declares our guilt to us. That is the mercy of clarity.” (Page 265)

“Yahweh’s true intent is to bless not destroy his people via the ark” (Page 77)

“We can always dredge up more adrenaline because of the latest moral or ethical or social or cultural or political emergency. Crises may stimulate us to action but they do not sustain life. The church must never look to the latest cause for her life. We cannot ignore the enemies outside the city of God, but we must not be absorbed by them. War must not efface worship. The real question is not ‘Who is against us?’ but ‘Who is among us?’” (Page 74)

He combines the depth of understanding of a thorough-going Old Testament scholar with the breadth of insight of a biblical theologian and the perception of a preacher well-used to addressing contemporary audiences to provide us with a commentary that brings the preaching potential of these books to life.

—Mark Johnston, Banner of Truth Magazine

Such sensitivity to the biblical theology of the text is a crucial correction to much of modern exposition...Reading the commentary is itself a devotional exercise.

—John W. Hilder, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

  • Title: 2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity
  • Authors: Dale Ralph Davis
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 336

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Dale Ralph Davis is Pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Previously he was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

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13 ratings

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  1. adam clinton dixon
  2. Rob Senn

    Rob Senn


    Everything Davis writes is extremely insightful & gets to the central meaning of the passage. This is not the commentary to answer every question you will have reading through the book (nor does it attempt this), but there are plenty of good commentaries which pursue that aim, this is the best commentary to get to the heart of the matter & I wouldn't want to be without it.
  3. Nelson Moncayo
  4. kim chungsu

    kim chungsu


  5. J-P O

    J-P O


  6. Hyoungil Lee

    Hyoungil Lee


  7. sukjae lee

    sukjae lee


  8. Randall Laase
  9. Stephen Gray

    Stephen Gray


  10. Richard Bukowski


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