Digital Logos Edition
The Handbook to Bible Study represents an entirely new approach to Bible study. Nowhere else will the conservative Christian find another Bible study guide quite like it: concise yet comprehensive, innovative in approach yet traditional in doctrine. Instead of simply giving you facts, it supplies you with the tools you need to understand the Bible, and shows you how to use them. With the help of the Handbook you can continue to learn about the Bible and deepen your understanding of God's Word to an extent you never thought possible.
“The great plan of the Bible, then, is to present a holy and glorious God as One who blesses humanity for His own purposes in spite of our sinfulness, which is demonstrated over and over.” (Page 26)
“Our task is to remain open to correction—both in understanding and in application. If our study of the Bible only confirms what we already believe, we have not allowed it to speak.” (Page 39)
“ How do we know that the Bible is from God? and How do we know that God has stopped giving revelation?” (Page 21)
“We could make many other suggestions as to the overall purpose of God in history and eternity. But one concept that seems to do justice to the Bible as a whole is this: God is working in many ways, at many times, with many groups, in many circumstances, to bring glory of Himself and to show what He is like.” (Page 25)
“Concise definition. It would be helpful to offer a condensed definition of dispensation at this point. A dispensation is a period of time in which God is dealing with human beings according to certain divine goals and human responsibilities. Such segments, which may have overlapping features, are designed to show His grace and human failure apart from Him. A dispensationalist is one who believes that the Bible sets forth such distinctives and also sees a particular role and time for the Church as the body of Christ, as well as a unique future for Israel.” (Page 30)
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Ray Graham