Digital Logos Edition
Study the Old Testament with this six-course bundle. With over 30 years of research and teaching experience, Dr. David W. Baker is the ideal guide for the world of the Old Testament. In OT102 you’ll gain a practical foundation for reading the poetry and prophecy of the Old Testament. Study the books of Amos, Joel, Obadiah, and Malachi in more depth with OT232. In OT202 you will explore the background, structure, content, themes, and literary styles of the first five books of the Bible. In OT303 you will study key theological themes found in the book of Genesis. Finally, you’ll gain an appreciation for the social and literary background in OT203 and OT204 as Dr. Baker unpacks relevant ancient Near Eastern literature.
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This course provides a practical foundation for reading the poetry and prophecy of the Old Testament. Dr. David Baker begins by discussing poetic writing in general, then the elements specific to both Hebrew and English poetry. Applying these elements to the text, he examines the content, structure, and themes of the Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Dr. Baker then turns to the prophetic books, providing historical background, theological motifs, and the structure and content of specific books. He shows that these ancient messages remain relevant in modern life.
In Introducing the Pentateuch Dr. David Baker provides a broad overview of the background, structure, content, themes, and literary styles of the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. He traces the continuous story line from creation to Israel’s arrival in the promised land with a bird’s-eye view, while exploring key stories, topics, and theological messages in greater detail along the way. Throughout the course, Dr. Baker draws out and discusses the implications of this portion of the Old Testament for the Christian’s life and ministry.
Join David W. Baker on a whirlwind tour, looking at the Old Testament from many different angles and at how it relates to ancient Near Eastern literature. From creation accounts and stories of destruction to Wisdom literature, discover different biblical literary genres that have parallels in ancient Near Eastern literature. Explore extrabiblical historical texts that mention key events and figures from the Old Testament. Understand how Israel fits into and is impacted by its ancient Near Eastern environment, but also how it is separate and unique, mainly on a theological level, but also by its distinct worldview.
In an age of international travel and migration, we’re familiar with people who look, sound, eat, and believe differently than we do. In order to become friends, it’s helpful to understand where they come from and how they do things differently, or the same, as we do. In the same way it is necessary to understand someone who comes from a different place than we do, how much more necessary is it to understand someone who is from not only a different geographical place, but also a different time than we are? The Old Testament starts at the beginning of the world. This course will undertake the task of crossing the bridges of geography, climate, time, and a landscape unknown to us: ancient Israel. Throughout the course, David W. Baker will address aspects of life from our own culture and time, as well as family structure and societal systems from ancient Israelite life. As we learn more about the social world of the Old Testament, we will be struck not only by our differences, but also by our common humanity, sharing the same dreams, hopes, and fears as they did.
Continuing where his previous course left off, Dr. David Baker starts his discussion of the background, themes, and structures of the Minor Prophets with Amos. By highlighting specific poetic devices, he illuminates the prophet’s message and its relevance for today. Dr. Baker also surveys the books of Obadiah, Joel, and Malachi—always emphasizing how you can apply the prophetic wisdom of God’s Word to modern life. Through the prophets God teaches us to build community, maintain covenant relationships, handle hardships, and more.
David W. Baker brings his interest in pedagogy and the Pentateuch to this Mobile Ed course on the theology of Genesis. In OT303 you will be introduced to the meaning and work of biblical theology, how it differs from systematic theology, and how to approach Scripture in a way that affects the reader for God’s glory. In addition, you will participate in a broad study on key theological themes found in the first book of the Bible, including an in-depth look at the picture Genesis paints of God; what it means for humanity to be created in God’s image; the impact of the fall and sin on both humanity and the rest of creation; and God’s plan of restoration and redemption—all informed directly by Scripture. This practical approach to biblical theology will show you how the book of Genesis shapes discipleship today.