Digital Logos Edition
In these commentaries on Matthew, John, and Romans, Bruner engages historical interpreters from the patristic period to the present while also offering his own lucid translation of the text and relevant pastoral applications. Bruner’s commentaries are replete with lively, verse-by-verse discussion, and critical analysis . Crafted especially for teachers, pastors, and Bible students, these New Testament commentaries are eminently readable, rich in biblical insight, and ecumenical in tone.
In this short commentary Bruner offers a clear, accessible interpretation of Paul’s account of our deep need of the Gospel and God’s loving provision in Christ. Illumined by a rich array of commentators throughout history, ample biblical cross references, and in language that grabs the heart, Bruner focuses on God’s offer of salvation as sheer gift. Mercifully free of jargon and arcane scholarly debate, but filled with contemporary allusions, the book is perfect for small Bible studies or adult education classes.
—William A. Dyrness, Fuller Theological Seminary
This is the kind of commentary that I most want—a theological wrestling with Scripture. Frederick Dale Bruner grapples with the text not only as a technical exegete (although he also does that very well) but as a church theologian, caring passionately about what these words tell us about God and ourselves. Here he places his considerable teaching gifts at the service of the Christian community, caring as much about us as he cares about the text. His Matthew commentary is in the grand traditions of Augustine, Calvin, and Luther—expansive and leisurely, loving the text, the people in it, and the Christians who read it.
—Eugene Peterson
In this masterful new commentary, Dale Bruner digs deep into the Gospel of John and the history of its interpretation, mining both ancient Greek words and the church’s history of reading and studying them for their theological gold. Bruner’s work is suffused with a love for the text, the passion of a theologian, the care of a scholar, and the mind and heart of a teacher. Marked by a strong commitment to the authority of the Word and a deep love for Christ and Christ’s church, the commentary is a careful, creative, and compelling analysis of the Gospel of John that will both instruct and inspire.
—Marianne Meye Thompson, Fuller Theological Seminary
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