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Products>The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the Ways That Jesus Is the Way

The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the Ways That Jesus Is the Way

, 2011
ISBN: 9780802867032

Digital Logos Edition

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A way of sacrifice. A way of failure. A way on the margins. A way of holiness. All of these ways prepared the "way of the Lord" that became incarnate and complete in Jesus. But somewhere along the line, have we lost the way? In The Jesus Way Eugene Peterson continues his stimulating conversation in spiritual theology, considering all the ways that Jesus is the Way compared to the distorted ways the American church today has chosen to follow.

Arguing that the way Jesus leads and the way we follow are symbiotic, Peterson begins with a study of how the ways of those who came before Christ -- Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Isaiah of Jerusalem, and Isaiah of the Exile -- revealed and prepared the "way of the Lord" that became complete in Jesus. He then challenges the ways of the contemporary American church, showing in stark relief how what we have chosen to focus on -- consumerism, celebrity, charisma, and so forth -- obliterates what is unique in the Jesus way.

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  • Presents a conversation on the spirituality of the ways we go about following Jesus, the Way
  • Calls into question common "ways" followed by the contemporary American church
  • Shows how the ways of those who came before Christ--Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, and Isaiah--revealed and prepared the "way of the Lord" that became incarnate and complete in Jesus

I. The Way of Jesus

  • Jesus: "I Am the Way ..."
  • Abraham: Climbing Mount Moriah
  • Moses: On the Plains of Moab
  • David: "I Did Not Hide My Iniquity"
  • Elijah: "Hide Yourself by the Brook Cherith"
  • Isaiah of Jerusalem: "The Holy"
  • Isaiah of the Exile: "How Beautiful on the Mountains"

II. Other Ways

  • The Way of Herod
  • The Way of Caiaphas
  • The Way of Josephus
Profound scholarship and spiritual wisdom. . . Soak yourself in The Jesus Way.

Dallas Willard

As with Peterson's other volumes, The Jesus Way is marked by his careful, informed interpretation of biblical texts. Peterson is a biblical theologian and pastor in mind and heart. He also writes with precision and clarity.

The Living Church

No one simply reads or, worse yet, skims Peterson. One ponders Peterson, as Peterson ponders the Bible.

Scot McKnight


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