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Products>The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament | LCEC (8 vols.)

The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament | LCEC (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $183.92
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The Lectio Continua series is not meant to be an academic or highly technical series. Rather, the aim is to provide lectio continua sermons which clearly and faithfully communicate the context, meaning, gravity and application of God’s inerrant Word. Each volume of expositions aspires to be redemptive-historical, covenantal, Reformed and confessional, trinitarian, person-and-work-of-Christ-centered, and teeming with practical application. Therefore, the series will be a profound blessing to every Christian believer who longs to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The greatest need of the church today is the recovery of sound biblical preaching that faithfully explains and applies the text, courageously confronts sin, and boldly trumpets forth the sovereign majesty, law, and promises of God. It is for this reason that I am pleased to introduce The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament, a new series of expository commentaries authored by an array of seasoned pastor-scholars from various Reformed denominations on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Seeks to recover solid biblical preaching in the church
  • Provides a guide for uninterrupted, systematic, expository proclamation of God’s Word
  • Communicates the context, meaning, gravity, and application of God’s inerrant Word
There are so many fine commentaries available today, but it’s great to have a reliable author you can turn to for solid Reformed reflections on Scripture. In this case, there are sixteen of them—friends and fellow shepherds who have given me great insight into God’s Word over the years. I’m looking forward eagerly to each one of these sermonic commentaries!

Michael S. Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary California, host of the White Horse Inn radio show, editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine

The concept behind this series is a fascinating one, and, given the list of authors, I am confident that the final product will not disappoint. This promises to be a great resource for churches seeking to know the Word of God more fully.

Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, and pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (OPC), Ambler, Pennsylvania

Those of us who have promoted and practiced lectio continua expository preaching through the years eagerly await the volumes announced in The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament. We are equally eager to read such a series written by pastors who have practiced the method in their churches. The international and interdenominational character of the series will only add to the richness of its insights.

T. David Gordon, professor of religion and Greek at Grove City College, author of Why Johnny Can’t Preach.

As the history of preaching is unfolded, it becomes clear how important the orderly, systematic preaching through the Scriptures has been and why it has been a favorite homiletic approach over the centuries. One is surprised to discover how many of history’s great preachers made a regular practice of preaching through one book of the Bible after another. Origen, the first Christian preacher from whom we have any sizable collection of sermons, preached most of his sermons on the lectio continua. We find the same with John Chrysostom who is usually referred to as the greatest Christian preacher. We find the same true of Augustine as well. At the time of the Protestant Reformation, Zwingli, Calvin, Bucer, and Knox followed this system regularly, and they passed it on to the Puritans. Today, we see a real revival of lectio continua preaching. The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament represents a wonderful opportunity for the church to recover a truly expository pulpit.

Hughes Oliphant Old, formerly John H. Leith Professor of Reformed Theology and Worship at Erskine Theological Seminary, author of The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church

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