Biblioteca: Más de 1400 libros digitales que incluyen A Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed. (BDAG), Augustine’s Sermons, Expositions, and Homilies (22 vols.), Sacra Doctrina Collection (7 vols.), y más.
Diseñado para: Líderes laicos, catequistas, diáconos y sacerdotes, profesores, seminaristas y estudiantes de posgrado bilingües.
Recomendado por: El Arzobispo Samuel Aquila, el Dr. Hosffman Ospino y otros líderes católicos de confianza.
Funciones: Funcionalidades completas bilingües de Verbum 10, incluida la sección de la guía de participantes de cláusulas, roles semánticos y marcos de casos, conjunto de datos y Biblia hebrea de discurso de Lexham, conjunto de datos de crítica textual, recursos de manuscritos de la Enciclopedia bíblica, otras funciones de Verbum 10 y todas las funciones del conjunto completo de funcionalidades.
Se ejecuta en: Windows, Mac, dispositivos móviles y web. Obtenga actualizaciones gratuitas para poder ejecutar Verbum en cualquier computadora o sistema operativo.
Descargas: Ilimitadas. Instale Verbum en tantos dispositivos personales como desee.
Library: 1400+ digital books including A Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed. (BDAG), Augustine’s Sermons, Expositions, and Homilies (22 vols.), Sacra Doctrina Collection (7 vols.), and more.
Designed for: Bilingual lay faithful, catechists, deacons and priests, professors, seminarians, and graduate students.
Recommended by: Archbishop Samuel Aquila, Scott Hahn, Brandon Vogt, and other trusted Catholic leaders.
Features: Verbum 10 Full Feature Upgrade, including Clause Participants Guide Section, Semantic Roles and Case Frames, Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible and Dataset, Source Criticism Dataset, Factbook manuscript resources, other Verbum 10 features, and all the features in the Full Feature Set.
Runs on: Windows, Mac, mobile, and web. Get free updates so you can run Verbum on any computer or operating system.
Downloads: Unlimited. Install Verbum on as many personal devices as you like.
Verbum 10 facilita su estudio católico al conectar toda su biblioteca de libros a un sólido conjunto de herramientas digitales. Y Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe ofrece una completa biblioteca de estudios católicos con más de 1400 recursos. Platino Bilingüe no solo incluye todas las herramientas de estudio que hemos creado en inglés y español, sino que también viene con cientos de comentarios. Tendrá todos los recursos que necesita para un estudio serio de las Escrituras junto con obras teológicas como Sacra Doctrina Collection (7 vols.), The Bible in Medieval Tradition Series Collection | BMT (5 vols.) y otros recursos ideales para la preparación de homilías o estudios más avanzados de las Escrituras.
Verbum 10 makes your Catholic study easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of digital tools. And Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe provides a comprehensive Catholic study library with over 1400 resources. Not only does Platino Bilingüe include every study tool we’ve created in English and Spanish, but it also comes with countless commentaries. You’ll have all the resources you need for serious study of Scripture alongside theological works like Sacra Doctrina Collection (7 vols.), The Bible in Medieval Tradition Series Collection | BMT (5 vols.), and other resources ideal for homily prep or more advanced study of Scripture.
How Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe (Español-English) Will Improve Your Bible Study
Biblical Studies
170+ recursos de comentarios
50+ recursos para estudios del Nuevo Testamento
80+ recursos de estudio del Antiguo Testamento
Biblia Hebrea de Discurso Lexham
Conjunto de datos de crítica textual de la Biblia
Todos los recursos de estudio bíblico de Verbum en español
Todas las funcionalidades de estudio bíblico en español
Preaching and Ministry
20+ recursos litúrgicos
80+ recursos pastorales y homiléticos
200+ documentos eclesiásticos
Escritor de homilías
Administrador de homilías
Todos los recursos ministeriales de Verbum en español
Todas las funcionalidades homiléticas en español
Original Language Exegesis
120+ recursos teológicos desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XIX
120+ recursos teológicos del siglo XX y XXI
30+ recursos de teología histórica
Herramienta de gráficos
Plan de lectura
Todos los recursos lingüísticos de Verbum en español
Todas las funcionalidades de exégesis en español
Theological Study
90+ recursos en latín y otros idiomas antiguos
120+ recursos griegos
310+ recursos en hebreo
Greek Prepositions in the New Testament: A Cognitive-Functional Description
Gráficos de sintaxis de Cascadia
Todos los recursos de estudio teológico de Verbum en español
Todas las funcionalidades de estudio teológico en español
Resource Highlights
Library Resources
Digital books, media, courses, and other resources included in Verbum 10 Platino Bilingüe (Español-English).
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
English Standard Version (ESV)
Good News Bible
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Lexham English Bible (LEB)
New International Reader’s Version, 1998 ed. (NIrV)
New International Version (NIV)
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic Text (1917)
The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version (KJV)
The Holy Bible: King James Version (KJV)
The King James Version Apocrypha (KJVA)
The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (MSG)
The NET Bible (First Edition)
The New American Standard Bible | NASB: 1995 Update
The New King James Version Bible | NKJV
The New Living Translation (NLT)
The New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)
The Revised Standard Version Bible (RSV)
The Scofield Reference Bible
Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
Biblical Commentaries (284)
Black's New Testament Commentary | BNTC
Calvin’s Commentaries (46 vols.)
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible
Heritage Collection, 3 vols. (Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC)
High Definition Commentary Collection
Holman Concise Bible Commentary
Horae Homileticae Commentary: New Testament (11 vols.)
Horae Homileticae Commentary: Old Testament (10 vols)
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament | K-D (10 vols.)
Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures | LCHS (63 vols.)
Lenski's Commentary on the New Testament | LCNT (12 vols.)
Lexham Research Commentaries
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Bible
Matthew Poole's Commentary on the Holy Bible (3 vols.)
New Testament Background Commentary: A New Dictionary of Words, Phrases and Situations in Bible Order
Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series Collection | SRC (10 vols.)
Spurgeon Commentary Collection: New Testament Letters
Stewart Custer Collection
The Bible Exposition Commentary: An Exposition of the New Testament Containing the Entire “BE” Series
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (BKC)
The Grace New Testament Commentary (2 vols.)
The New American Commentary | NAC: New Testament
The New American Commentary | NAC: Old Testament
The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series | NIGTC
UBS Handbook Series: Deuterocanonical Books
UBS Handbook Series: New Testament Books (27 vols.)
UBS Handbook Series: Old Testament
Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament
Women’s Bible Commentary, 3rd. ed.
Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (16)
131 Christians Everyone Should Know
4,000 Questions and Answers on the Bible
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (2 vols.)
Collins Thesaurus of the Bible
Dictionary of Bible Themes
Holman Bible Handbook
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words
IVP Pocket Reference Series
New Nave's Topical Bible 2.0
That's Easy for You to Say: Your Quick Guide to Pronouncing Bible Names, 3rd ed.
The Animals Mentioned in the Bible
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE), 1915 Edition
The Plants of the Bible
Torrey’s New Topical Textbook
Theology Dictionaries and Encyclopedias (5)
Baker’s Dictionary of Practical Theology
Dictionary of Theological Terms
Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology | EDBT (Baker Reference Library)
Handbook of Evangelical Theologians
Lexham Glossary of Theology
Old Testament Studies (1)
A History of Israel: From the Bronze Age through the Jewish Wars
New Testament Studies (7)
Crucifixion: In the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross
Encountering the Manuscripts: An Introduction to New Testament Paleography and Textual Criticism
Jesus and the Message of the New Testament
Jesus the Sage: The Pilgrimage of Wisdom
Mary: Devoted to God's Plan
Paul & His World: Interpreting the New Testament in Its Context
The Saving Righteousness of God
General Biblical Studies (9)
Alfred Edersheim Collection (4 vols.)
Sheffield Reader Collection
The Bible Guide
The Jeremiah LifeWorks Library
The New Manners and Customs of the Bible
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Bible Surveys and Introductions (9)
DIY Bible Study
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey, 2nd ed.
New Testament Survey
Not Your Average Bible Study Series
The New Testament: Its Background and Message
Systematic Theology (13)
Christian Foundations Series (7 vols.)
Compendium of Christian Theology, 2nd ed. (3 vols.)
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology (3 vols.)
Understanding Theology (3 vols.)
Greek Texts and Translations (17)
Novum Testamentum Graece: Editio Octava Critica Maior (3 vols.)
The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English
The Greek New Testament with Apparatus: SBL Edition (SBL)
The New Testament in Greek (Scrivener 1881)
The New Testament in the Original Greek (Westcott and Hort)
The Works of Josephus
The Works of Philo
Greek Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (12)
A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (NT)
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (LSJI)
Greek New Testament Insert
Kairos Collection: A Beginning Greek Grammar with Workbook and Answer Key (3 vols.)
Key to the Elements of New Testament Greek
Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament
The Elements of New Testament Greek
The New Strong’s Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament | TDNT (10 vols.)
Theological Lexicon of the New Testament | TLNT (3 vols.)
Septuagint (8)
Brenton's Septuagint: English Translation
Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint: H.B. Swete Edition
The Lexham English Septuagint (LES)
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint
Hebrew Texts and Translations (3)
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Morphology (LHB)
The Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Texts of Jewish Scripture
Hebrew Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (8)
A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (OT)
An Introduction to Aramaic
Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (BDB)
Gesenius Hebrew Bundle
Hebrew Bible Insert: A Student’s Guide to the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew Syntax, 3rd ed.
Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament | TLOT (3 vols.)
Latin Texts and Translations (1)
Clementine Vulgate
Latin Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (1)
Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament
Other Ancient Language Texts and Translations (66)
Ancient Near Eastern Texts (ANET)
The Targums from the Files of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project
Other Ancient Language Grammars, Lexicons, and Tools (1)
A Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Aramaic (OT)
Biblical Theology (1)
Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible
Preaching and Teaching (6)
Broadman & Holman Preaching Resources Collection
Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations
J. A. Broadus Preaching Collection
Mastering Contemporary Preaching
Sermons (63)
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 10
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 11
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 12
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 13
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 14
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 15
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 16
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 17
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 18
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 19
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 20
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 21
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 22
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 23
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 24
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 25
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 26
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 27
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 28
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 29
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 30
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 31
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 32
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 33
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 34
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 35
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 36
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 37
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 38
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 39
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 40
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 41
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 42
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 43
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 44
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 45
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 46
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 47
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 48
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 49
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 50
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 51
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 52
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 53
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 54
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 55
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 56
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 57
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 58
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 59
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 60
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 61
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 62
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 63
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 7
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 8
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 9
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 1
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 2
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 3
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 4
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 5
The New Park Street Pulpit Sermons, vol. 6
Hermeneutics and Exegesis (7)
Basic Bible Interpretation
How to Study the Bible
Interpreting the New Testament
Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible
Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation
New Testament Exegesis and Research: A Guide for Seminarians
New Testament Interpretation
Devotionals and Spiritual Growth (8)
A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
Connect the Testaments: A 365-Day Devotional with Bible Reading Plan
Moment with God: A Devotional on Every Biblical Book
Morning and Evening: Daily Readings
My Utmost for His Highest
Study Like a Pro: Explore Difficult Passages from Every Book of the Bible
The Pilgrim's Progress
To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain
Church History and Historical Theology (7)
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines (4 vols.)
Dictionary of Christianity in America
Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences (95 Theses)
Philip Schaff Collection
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, rev. ed.
Church Fathers and Patristic Period (41)
Apostolic Fathers in Greek and English (Lightfoot Edition)
Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition (37 vols.)
The Apostolic Fathers in English
The Confessions of Saint Augustine
Reformation-Era Theology (1)
Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 vols.)
Confessions and Catechisms (2)
Historic Creeds and Confessions
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and Subordinate Standards (WLC/WSC)
Liturgy and Worship (3)
The Beauty of Holiness: A Guide to Biblical Worship
The Book of Common Prayer, 1928
Pastoral Care and Counseling (6)
Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, Second Edition
H. Norman Wright Grief Counseling Collection
Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: Christian Perspectives and Applications, 2nd ed.
Neil T. Anderson Collection
Prayer Is Invading the Impossible
Ministry (5)
Christian Minister's Manual
Small Group Idea Book
Small Group Leaders’ Handbook: The Next Generation
The Big Book on Small Groups
You Can! Series
Marriage and Family (3)
77 Irrefutable Truths of Parenting
Covenant Marriage: Building Communication and Intimacy
Seventy-Seven Irrefutable Truths of Marriage
Study Bibles (2)
Apologetics Study Bible Notes
Faithlife Study Bible Notes
Apologetics and World Religions (3)
Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics
The Norman L. Geisler Apologetics Library
Atlases, Maps, and Media (30)
$253.23 Image Library
Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee and the Journeys of His Apostles
Faithlife Study Bible Infographics
Faithlife Study Bible Photos
Faithlife Study Bible Video Resources
Holbein’s Bible Woodcuts
Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History
Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
Images from a Dictionary of the Bible (Smith)
Images from An Illustrated History of the Holy Bible
Images from the Bible Hand-Book
Images from the Illustrated Bible Treasury
Images from The People’s Bible Encyclopedia
Images of the Holy Land
Logos Hymnal Media Resource
Rose Then and Now Bible Map Atlas with Biblical Background and Culture
Standard Bible Atlas
Stereoscopic Images of the Middle East
The Bible and Its Story (10 vols.)
Traveling in the Holy Land through the Stereoscope: Media Resource
Traveling in the Holy Land: Through Stereoscope
Harmonies and Parallel Passages (2)
Harmony of the Gospels
Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Journals and Magazines (111)
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Themelios: Issue 34-1, April 2009
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Themelios: Issue 35-1, April 2010
Themelios: Issue 35-2, July 2010
Themelios: Issue 35-3, November 2010
Themelios: Issue 36-1, April 2011
Themelios: vol. 36, no. 2, August 2011
Themelios: vol. 36, no. 3, November 2011
Themelios: vol. 37, no. 1, April 2012
Themelios: vol. 37, no. 2, July 2012
Themelios: vol. 37, no. 3, November 2012
Interlinears (2)
The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament English Standard Version
The NRSV English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament