Digital Logos Edition
There is an increasing hunger among Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life. In October 2008, a meeting of the world Synod of Bishops scheduled by Pope Benedict XVI will focus on "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church." Coinciding with that meeting is the launch of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), a series that responds to the desire of Catholics to access the living Word of God. The Gospel of Mark is the first of seventeen volumes, which will cover the entire New Testament. Written by trusted Catholic biblical scholars, these commentaries interpret Scripture in the light of Catholic tradition. Accessibly written yet substantive, the CCSS fills a gap in the available literature by offering commentaries that cover more than brief study guides but are less daunting than scholarly commentaries.
"This well-written book fills a very important niche in our appreciation of the Gospels. Healy combines literary sensitivity with theological vigor, resulting in a reading of Mark that puts a compelling face on the message of this Gospel."--Gary Anderson, University of Notre Dame
"Mary Healy skillfully and insightfully moves her readers to plumb the spiritual depths of Mark's Gospel. I have found her commentary a boon in homily preparation. If the other volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture live up to the high standard that Healy has attained, Catholic Christians will be enriched and grateful."--Robert J. Karris, OFM, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University
Praise for the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture
"Coinciding with the Bishops' Synod on 'The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church,' this seventeen-volume commentary on the New Testament represents a much-needed approach, based on good scholarship but not overloaded with it. The frequent references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church help us to read Holy Scripture with a vivid sense of the Living Tradition of the Church."--Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna
"This series richly provides what has for so long been lacking among contemporary scriptural commentaries. Its goal is to assist Catholic preachers and teachers, lay and ordained, in their ministry of the word. Moreover, it offers ordinary Catholics a scriptural resource that will enhance their understanding of God's word and thereby deepen their faith. Thus these commentaries, nourished on the faith of the Church and guided by scholarly wisdom, are both exegetically sound and spiritually nourishing."--Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM Cap, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
"The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is a landmark achievement in theological interpretation of Scripture in and for the Church. Everything about it is inviting and edifying, from the format, photos, background notes, and cross-references to the rich exposition of the text, quotations from the Church's living tradition, and reflections for contemporary life. It is a wonderful gift to the Catholic Church and a model for the rest of us. Highly recommended for all!"--Michael J. Gorman, St. Mary's Seminary and University, Baltimore
Get more from the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series here.
“‘Don’t imagine that to follow me is merely to come along as a passive spectator to healings, miracles, and wise teachings.’ To follow Jesus means to go where he goes, and as he has just made clear (8:31), his destination is the cross.” (Page 167)
“According to ancient tradition, Mark was a disciple of Simon Peter who wrote his Gospel based on Peter’s preaching in Rome.” (Page 17)
“Faith is his door into human hearts, but it can be opened only from within.” (Page 112)
“images referring to the end of his life and, finally,” (Page 256)
“Every member of the kingdom is being made ready for the harvest by our inner growth in holiness and virtue, which God brings about through our cooperation with his grace. The parable serves as an encouragement for those who think their efforts for the kingdom are fruitless, and a warning for those who think they can bring about the kingdom by their own projects and programs.” (Page 90)
This well-written book fills a very important niche in our appreciation of the Gospels. Healy combines literary sensitivity with theological vigor, resulting in a reading of Mark that puts a compelling face on the message of this Gospel.
—Gary Anderson, professor of Old Testament, University of Notre Dame
Though Mark’s Gospel is the shortest Gospel in length, it is certainly not short in profound insights on the life and teaching of Our Lord. Mary Healy plumbs the depths and unwraps the riches of this Gospel for both the serious scholar and the novice alike in her easy-to-read and lucid style. With the incisiveness of a surgeon and the clarity of a scholar, she pulls back the curtain on the first century and the ministry of Jesus Christ. This commentary on Mark will fill an important place in my library!
—Steve Ray, host of the ten-part documentary series Footprints of God: The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine
Mary Healy skillfully and insightfully moves her readers to plumb the spiritual depths of Mark’s Gospel through helpful sections of ‘living tradition’ and ‘reflection and application.’ I have found her commentary a boon in homily preparation. If the other volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture live up to the high standard that Healy has attained, Catholic Christians will be enriched and grateful.
—Robert J. Karris, OFM, research professor, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University
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Mary Healy (STD, Pontifical Gregorian University) is associate professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, and senior fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. She is the author of Men and Women Are from Eden and coeditor of several books on biblical interpretation.
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Ben Uhlenkott
Steve Currie